《The Truth about Heather (gxg)》32 💕


The following day at school, I tried to get on with some work. My mind was so focused on Heather for the most part, though, which made my ability to concentrate not so great. On the plus side, daydreaming actually seemed to make my days at school go much quicker than they usually did.

After the first class had ended, I made sure to walk along to the music room to spend some time with Drew. I hadn't seen him in what felt like a long time. I knew that he had been busily preparing new songs with his band and as much as he liked to let everyone know that he had it sorted, he sometimes became anxious under pressure. I supposed that was understandable, though. I was glad that I got to spend lunchtime in the music room because when I observed the sky shifting to grey outside the window, I had a feeling that it was going to start raining or snowing any time soon. A cold day meant that the night would be even colder and I considered for a moment whether I should invite Heather over or not. I was already imagining us cuddling. I had become so incredibly infatuated with her it was sort of ridiculous. However, I didn't mind it one bit. I could have gone on daydreaming about Heather for hours but Drew soon spoke, pulling me away from my thoughts.

"Did you know that Heather was found kissing some random girl the other day? It's wild, in my opinion. I didn't even know Heather got down like that," Theo said, as he entered the music room.

"I..." I trailed off.

"I'm kidding. Y'all are so gullible," Theo said, as he looked between Drew and I with amusement clear on his face.


I, unfortunately, didn't find it very funny.

I released a shaky breath and tried to laugh it off.

"Heather's not gay," Drew said dismissively.

"I mean..." I began to say, a little hesitantly because Theo was still stood there. He eventually left, though.

Drew looked up at me with curiosity in his gaze.

"Where is she, anyway? I told her to be at practice ten minutes ago," Drew said.

"Stop being so controlling of her, will you? She'll be here. Anyway..." I trailed off.

"What's going on? Talk to me. You and Heather have been far too secretive lately, it's weird," he said.

I gave a slight shake of my head at his words.

"I honestly don't know what you're talking about," I said. I knew that I could be careless but I needed to avoid anything getting out about Heather and I.

"No, it's fine, Zoe. You sit there and look pretty. Heather will be here soon and then we can started on practice," Drew said.

I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Don't patronize me, Drew," I said.

"Well, don't be so weird, Pine. I'm your best friend for what? Years and years and you can't even tell me what's going on with you?" he asked me.

Heather entered the music room looking as beautiful as ever, but an expression of concern soon became evident upon her face.

"Erm...is everything okay?" she asked, as she looked towards me with a caring glint in her eyes.

"Where were you?" Drew asked. He seemed resolute in getting answers from everyone today. As much as I liked Drew, he could be so demanding at times that it was ever-so slightly unnerving.


I felt a cold chill in the room but I believed that was caused by much more than the open window.

"No. Not everything is okay. Drew is being an asshole," I said, with deliberate spite. I hated starting arguments with him but if I knew one way to stop him from asking too many questions about the situation between Heather and I, then it was starting drama with Drew. He had a tendency to be a drama king, when he wanted to be.

"I'm just determined to figure out what's going on here, Zoe. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that. You two have been acting weirder these past couple of weeks, especially given that you've been spending so much time with each other. I mean...just try to make it make sense to me, honestly," Drew said.

"We're just really good friends, Drew. I never meant to make you feel abandoned," Heather told him.

"I...there's some things I can't tell you, Drew, okay?" I asked him.

Heather looked towards me then with some sympathy in her eyes. At least, I believed it was sympathy. A part of me wondered if she was hurt by my words. That was the last thing I wanted. I didn't want her to think that I felt ashamed about her, about us, about the fact that I was bisexual and I didn't have a clue how to tell Drew about that.

"I might go to the library," I said.

"Yeah, so you can escape all of this?" Drew asked.

"Well, I certainly want to get out of here, if you're going to make it feel like an interrogation," I told him, as I felt my fist clench up slightly.

As if perfectly scheduled, it began to rain then. I walked out of the music room either way. I couldn't stand to be bullied into confession by my own best friend right now. At least, I thought he was my best friend. He was being such a demanding person that I felt uncomfortable being in that room.

I walked on until eventually I reached Abbie in the school's hallway. Her eyes scanned my face and became filled with slight concern.

"Are you alright, Zoe?" she asked me.

I knew that if I didn't answer, Abbie was going to persevere in asking questions. That was just the kind of person that she was.

I gave a shake of my head in response to her question.

"I think I should go home. I can't be here right now. I feel as though I'm suffocating," I said.

"Wait...Zoe, what's going on?" Abbie asked me.

"I need some fresh air," I said.

Abbie gave an understanding nod of her head and the two of us made our way to a sheltered area in the school grounds outside, so I could finally talk to her about some of the things that were going on at present.

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