《Your Kid~ Itachi x Uzumaki!Reader》Sharingan! (Inamake's POV)


"Inamake! It's time for you to leave for academy!" Mother shouted. I ran down the stairs, putting my pouch on my waist. "You got everything?" Mother asked. "Yup!" I said, giving her a thumbs up. She giggled, and put her fist out. I collided my fist with her's. "Have a good day, Inamake." She said. I nodded, and pulled my fist away walking out the door. I walked towards the academy.

"Inamake!" Someone shouted my name, I turned around and look for the person that called it. "Inamake hey!" I then noticed a girl with dark blue hair, pale skin and green eyes. "Oh hey, Tuskai." I smiled at her, as she approached me. Senju Tuskai was my best friend. "What's up Inamake? How's your break been?" She asked, as we walked towards the academy. "Oh it was really cool! Me, Uncle Naruto, Uncle Kakashi, and Sakura went to a hot springs and had so much fun!" I said cheerfully.

The break was weeks ago, but I didn't mind talking about it. "What about you?" I asked her. "Oh, me and my family went to the sand village to visit my mom's family! It was pretty cool." She said happily, I smiled as we walked inside the academy and straight to class.

We entered the classroom, and sat down in different spots. I sat next to my other friend Akio Naoko, and Goro Riku. "Yo." Akio said, and Goro said, "Hey!" I smiled at them both. "Hey guys, how was break?" I asked. "Pfft, me and my dad went to the village hidden in the mist, and it was epic!" Goro said. "Where was your mom?" I asked. "Oh, she wanted to stay in the village and keep the shop maintained." He said. "Nice, so what about you Akio?" I asked as we looked at the green haired kid. "Oh.. Me and my dad went to different small villages to study different assigned shinobi's." Akio said. "It must be really nice to have a dad..." I sighed, as our sensei Iruka walked in.


We all stood, and did roll call.

~Hours later after class~

"Lunch time." Iruka sensei said, everyone got up and left the classroom. I headed out in front of my friend's, I then went towards my spot, where I hang out by myself. I sat underneath a tree, the shade covered the sun from hitting me. I ate my lunch silently, mom's cooking is pretty good. I sighed happily.

"Hm? What you got there?" I heard someone familiar say. I looked up and saw, Rika Oto. He's the academy's bully. I sighed, and said, "Oh, my mom made me some lunch. Dango's." I said, he then picked up the lunch box, and examined the food picking it up. "Hm?.." He said, and then dropped it, and stomped on it. "Oops, my bad." He said, and grinned evilly. I sighed, and ignored him. That made him upset. "What you gonna ignore me? Huh!?!" He said, grabbing me by the hair, and made me look at him. "What you gonna do? Cry? Call for mommy? Or evn for your daddy? Oh wait... YOU DON'T HAVE ONE!" He shouted and he slammed my head into the tree.

He then started kicking me, and punching me. We were out of sight from everyone. I started feel myself get angry. "Huh! You gonna cry now! Call your daddy! I bet he won't even bother answering! He abandoned, and threw you and your mother on to the streets. You were a MISTAKE!" He shouted, the more he talked the more I felt myself get angrier. I then closed my eye's, and then my eyelids shot up, and my vision has gone red.

"You gonna fight back or what!?!" He shouted. I moved my arm, slightly grabbing his foot and throwing him off me. That caused everyone to look at us, but this was different... Everyone was staring at me, whispering, and murmuring. Then Rika looked me in the eye's smirked, "F-Freak! Sharingan!" He yelled acting scared, everyone gasped. I looked at everyone, Rika stood up, and smirked walking towards me. "He attacked me first! I was just being nice to him! Until he grabbed my foot and threw me! This proves... This kid is a Uchiha decent, and he's as evil as they are!" He said, I backed up a bit. He came closer, "Don't worry... I'll end this." He said, throwing a punch, I dodged and jumped kicking him in the face. Everyone gasped.


He flew back, and growled. "I will not fight you!" I shouted. "My father didn't abandoned me or my mom! AND I AM NO MISTAKE!" I shouted. "What's going on out here?" I heard Iruka said running out here. Rika started faking tear's, "I-Iruka-sensei! Inamake started attacking me after I was trying to be nice to him." He sobbed, I then blinked my eye's and everything was back to normal. "Sensei! I didn't do anything, ask them!" I said, pointing to the crowd of kids. They whispered, but didn't speak up for me. Not even my friends.

"Sorry Inamake, both of you to my office, both of your parents will be here in a bit." He said, I sighed and walked straight to his office earning a glare from Rika.

Now I sat in his office with Rika.

"Their in there Ms. Uzumaki and Mr. and Mrs. Oto." I heard sensei say. I looked up and saw my mother walk in first, and then Rika's parents. Then he started faking tears started telling them a lie. I sighed, not wanting to bother.

"Inamake..." I heard my mother say softly, I looked her in the eye's. She was on her knee's so that she can be at my height. She placed her hand's on my cheek's examining me, "You okay?" She asked. I nodded. "So, Iruka told me you activated Sharingan, that's true?" She asked. "Mhm." I nodded. She smiled, "I'm so so so, proud of you, I don't care what happened, or what he said to you, just ignore it. That's just him being jealous, cause your an awesome kid, and you have an awesome family. Your dad is a Uchiha, your cousin or uncle Naruto is a hero, your uncle Kakashi is a great shinobi, your aunt Sakura is a very strong woman. Don't listen to him... He's just trying to stop you from success." She said.

I glanced at Rika, as he glared at me. I smiled at my mom, "You know what?" I asked her. "What?" She giggled. "I have the best mom in the world! A-And, I don't care if I don't have a dad! Cause, even though he's gone I can feel as if he's with me, and your right! He's probably proud of me right now also! I'm proud of myself even!" I said. "Honey, you know, now that you activated your Sharingan, me and your uncle Kakashi will work together to help you control it and we'll both train you to be the man your suppose to be." She said, putting her fist out. I laughed connecting my fist with her's. She stood up, "Come on, let's go home. I'll call your uncle's and your auntie to come over so we can celebrate." I smiled, and stood up. She grabbed my hand, I smiled and looked at our hands connected. I have the best mom ever.

As, we were about to walk out I stopped, and glanced over my shoulder at Rika. "Rika... I don't care about what you said. Cause, what you said was a lie, and I don't listen to lies." I said, as me and my smiling mother walked out of the academy.

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