《Hockey Imagines》Artemi Panarin ~ CHI



The doorbell was ringing constantly and it made me regret why I didn't have the buzzer to ring up the apartment instead. Looking out the window, I saw it was downpouring rain. Hearing the doorbell ring again, I knew I had no choice but to go get the door.

"I can't believe I'm giving up my Netflix night-Artemi! What are you doing here?" I was grumbling to myself, but my mood picked up after seeing it was him who was trying to talk to me. "Come inside! It's raining cats and dogs out there!" I ushered him inside the apartment and immediately, I went upstairs to grab some dry towels to hand to him. Swiftly walking down the stairs, I handed them to Artemi and told him that he could take a nice and warm shower and that there were some dry clothes waiting for him hanging on the bathroom door.


"Would you like to explain to me, Artemi," I spoke up whilst digging into the pizza. "Why you thought it was a good idea to come over while it was raining and the city was under a severe thunderstorm warning?"

"I wanted talk to you about something..." Artemi quietly mumbled to himself. "I need help with thing."

"Okay, what do you need help with, A?" A quizzical look took over my face, confused by what he wanted help with.

"I want to impress someone," Artemi started to speak in his broken English. "but I'm scared. What if goof up? What if she say no?"

"Artemi, your English is already getting better," I tried to rebuke his statement. "I'm sure she's not going to say no to you...."

"Please, Y/N?" He started to flash his infamous puppy dog eyes at me. Ugh, he knew that I couldn't resist them! Starting to add his pout, I groaned internally; knowing that he won the battle.


"Ok, Artemi." I sighed in defeat, surrendering to him. "I'll help you out."

"Thank you. Thank you!"


"Are you nervous at all, A?" I asked him as he got his phone out of his pocket, getting ready to ask his crush.

"A little. I'm worried she says no." Artemi took a deep breath in and tried to shake his nerves off.

"I'll be in the other room," I pointed towards the study upstairs, "to give you some space and privacy. Good luck, A. I know you're going to be alright."

And just like that, I left him in the living room and grabbed my phone; deciding to head up to the study. Once I reached the room, I shut the door behind me and started to occupy my time by going on Tumblr and read some fanfiction on Wattpad.

Whilst I was reading a fanfiction about a favorite celebrity of mine, I heard my phone go off all of a sudden. Grabbing the vibrating phone out of my pocket, I accepted the call, not knowing who it was.


"Hi, it's Artemi...I was wondering if you'd like to go out to dinner with me tomorrow night?"


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