《Hockey Imagines》Cam Atkinson ~ CBJ



I heard the door slam and immediately, I stopped tickling D/N.... Checking my phone, I saw an update from my NHL app, telling me that the Blue Jackets had lost to the LA Kings 6-4... That explained why my husband, Cam Atkinson, slammed the door in anger.

I scurried downstairs from the bedroom, to find Cam in the kitchen grabbing a can of pop.

"Hey, honey...." I softly smiled, walking over to where Cam stood and I pecked him on the lips.

"I should've done better...I-I'm sorry for disappointing you and D/N, Y/N...." Cam's words broke my heart. Looking up, I saw tears building up in his eyes and they were flowing out like the Niagara.

"Cam, honey, no...You didn't disappoint us! I was so proud of your hat-trick, babe..." I outstretched my arms for a hug, which Cam almost right away, walked into.

Tears soaked my shirt, but I didn't complain. I just stood there, rubbing his back gently and whispered sweet nothings in his ears.

"Babe, I know that this season's not the best, but you got D/N and me as your biggest fans...We always will love you, no matter if you win or lose...." My hand played with Cam's blonde curly locks and I heard sniffles.

"Really?" Cam looked at me with red and irritated eyes replacing his usual beautiful hazel eyes.

"I mean every word of it, Cam. Now come on, I think we should have a family movie night...." I smiled, grabbing his hand and ran upstairs.

Cam got into his onesie while I changed D/N into hers and got her out of the crib to hand her off to Cam.

"Hey, sweetie pie! Daddy missed you so much!" Cam giggled, tickling D/N's stomach, causing her to giggle also.


"I'll be right back..." I laughed, kissing D/N's cheek and Cam's lips.

"We'll miss you!"

"You're such a cheeseball, Cam....I'm just changing into my onesie."

I walked into the walk-in closet, grabbing my favorite onesie and got changed into that. After that, I sprinted down to the kitchen to get a few movie snacks that were traditionally eaten in the Atkinson family. With care, I walked back upstairs into the bedroom to find Cam giving D/N kisses on her stomach.

"Do you like it when Dad does that, D/N? You are very adorable, yes you are!" Cam smiled, his hazel eyes were giving off that glow again.

"The both of you are very adorable...." I whispered, resting the snacks on the bedside table.

"Way to ruin an adorable daddy-daughter moment here, Y/N...."

"Hey, shut up!"

I rolled my eyes while I picked out the first movie, The Lion King. Popping the disk into the DVD player, I briskly walked back to bed, scooching towards Cam. I rested my head on Cam's shoulder, smiling at D/N.

D/N and I practically fell asleep by the end of the movie, causing Cam to chuckle.

"Good night, D/N and Y/N. I love you both very much to the moon and back. Thank you girls for making my day and life better, I couldn't have asked for a perfect wife and a beautiful baby girl...." I heard Cam whisper out loud enough that I could hear it.

"We love you too, Cam. We love you too...."

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