《Hockey Imagines》Artemi Panarin ~ CB





"S/N zabralsya v postel' snova s nami vo vtoroy raz na etoy nedele..."

"V samom dele? Yeshche raz?"

"Da, Artemi...."

Artemi softly groaned to himself, before he sat up and turned the lamp on. I also sat up, gently shaking S/N awake, since it was only 1:30 in the morning and Artemi had to be at training in 6 more hours....

"S/N, wake up, honey..." I softly whispered into his ears, playing with his dirty-blonde hair he had inherited from his father.

His E/C eyes started to open and he slightly whimpered as he did and immediately, I started to hum to him as an attempt to calm him down.

"Are you alright, sweetheart? This is the second time you came in here this week..." I gently murmured, kissing his forehead.

"I-I had nightmare..." S/N's eyes started to leak out tears and I wiped them off his cheeks.

"What were nightmares about, S/N?" Artemi gently took S/N from me and I quietly thanked him.

"You and mama don't love each other anymore...." Mine and Artemi's hearts immediately broke, my mind started to wonder why he was having nightmares like these.

"S/N, mama and I are still very much in love. Where did you get that idea?" Artemi's blue-green eyes looked at S/N before looking up at me and sadly smiled.

"I-I heard you and mama screaming and yelling a few nights ago..."

"Honey, I was mad at papa for not doing the dishes and shoveling the driveway like I asked him to...Yes, we did yell and scream; but that's what mama and papa do once in a while..." I looked at Artemi lovingly and he smiled.


"But I still love your mama; no matter what, S/N." Artemi grabbed my hand that had the rings and softly kissed it.

"Really, papa?" S/N looked at him with his puppy eyes.

"Really, S/N. I love you, mama, and your little sister all so very much." Artemi softly laughed, giving S/N a kiss on the cheek before giving me a sweet kiss and my 5-month bump a little peck.

"I think Mr.Bear is missing a certain boy named S/N!" Artemi laughed, carrying S/N in his arms and I heard him giggle.

Artemi left the room and I followed suit, walking to S/N's room that was decorated with Ovechkin, Tarasenko, and Kuznetsov posters.

Out of the corners of my eyes, I saw Artemi tuck S/N in and I smiled. Artemi must've noticed that I was there as soon as I walked up to S/N's bed.

"Good night, S/N. Sweet dreams." I carefully kneeled down and placed a sweet kiss on his cheek.

"Spokoynoy nochi, S/N. Ne zabyvayte o khokkeynoy praktike zavtra so mnoy i dyadey Patrick!" Artemi gently played with his hair before placing a soft kiss on his forehead.

With the help of Artemi, I stood up and independently, I walked over to where he stood with a smile on my face.

"I love you, S/N, and little Panarin very much." He kneeled down and softly gave the bump a kiss before standing up and gave me a kiss on the lips.

"We love you very much too, Artemi." I pulled away, softly chuckling to myself.


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