《Beneath The Surface》Chapter 26: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year


"Were all of you in this together?" Aika looked at her sisters and Nat.

"Well, we didn't do much...all we did was keep a secret!" Jill shrugged her shoulders.

"Kuya was the one who called me and said he wanted to surprise you. He planned all these himself...I didn't do anything either!" Tricia recalled how Nat had contacted her before Aika flew to New York. She was equally excited to be part of the surprise.

"What about Jamie and your family? I thought you were celebrating Christmas with them?" Aika wondered out loud.

"I spent Christmas Eve with them and then took the next flight here." Nat winked.

"Ate, I think we should take our leave..." Jill tugged on Tricia's sleeve.

"See you tomorrow, ate. Take care of her, kuya!" Tricia waved and dragged Jill off, leaving the couple alone.

"Patty, Jill!" Aika called but her sisters snuck away quickly. These traitors...

"Stay with me tonight? I have a hotel near your apartment." Nat asked softly.

"Do I have a choice? Patty and Jill are gone..." Aika chuckled.

"If you want, I could send you back to the apartment..." Nat offered.

"I was just joking, muscles. Who else would I spend the night with other than the one who flew 24 hours to see me?" Aika smiled.

"The traffic is pretty bad...do you wanna take a 20 minute walk with me?" Nat held out his hand.

"Why not?" Aika placed her hand in Nat's.

"I still can't believe you're here..." Aika was still wrapping her head over the fact.

"I thought you said that you miss me?" Nat skillfully protected Aika from an oncoming bicycle.

"And you flew across the world because I said that?" Aika turned to face Nat.

"No matter where you are, I'll run to you as long as you miss me." Nat kissed Aika's hand.

"Anywhere? A lofty promise you're making there, big boy." Aika teased.


"I don't have pyjamas with me..." Aika realised that she had followed Nat back to his hotel room with nothing to change into for bed.

"You have my sweatpants and shirts..." Nat chuckled as he opened his (mostly empty) luggage. He was going to be here for only 3 days anyways.

"Wait, if you're here...how is Jamie coming back to the Philippines?" Aika remembered that Jamie was still in Singapore.

"I'll stop by Singapore to pick Jamie up before coming back..." Alice and Nat had already made arrangements.

"Got me worried there for a second..." Aika sighed in relief.

"Gosh, it's so cold..." Nat muttered as he pulled Aika closer to him on the bed.

"Can I confess something?" Nat asked.

"What did you do wrong?" Aika laughed.

"I didn't bring your present with me...I left it under the tree in Singapore." Nat gave Aika an apologetic smile.

"I thought you were my present?" Aika was surprised that Nat had another present.

"I'm part of it, I guess?" Nat pursed his lips.

"Well, I left your present in Philippines too...so I guess we're even?" Aika rubbed Nat's cheeks.

"You're the best Christmas gift I could ever get, sunshine..." Nat whispered.

"You too, muscles." Aika snuggled closer in Nat's arms.


"To express my gratitude for helping me keep a secret and to apologise for crashing your holiday...coffee will be on me for the next 2 days." Nat and Aika had met Tricia and Jill for breakfast.


"Thank you, kuya!" Tricia and Jill piped.

"You're going to spoil them!" Aika chided Nat.

"Coffee isn't going to do anything, sunshine. Plus, you know your sisters. They are literally the most grounded and hardworking girls ever. Of course, so are you." Nat added.

"I hope you ladies don't mind me crashing your Christmas plans?" Nat had to admit, he did feel apologetic about his sudden appearance.

"All's good. We don't really have much planned for the last two days, right Jill?" Tricia sipped her latte.

"Uh huh. We could use this as a 'get to know the paborito' session, right ate?" Jill looked at Aika.

"You might regret this, Nat..." Aika chuckled.

"Have mercy on me, Ms paborito...I promise to do my best!" Nat held up his hands, making Jill laugh.

"First things first. Are you a Swiftie?" Jill squinted.

"You bet I am." Nat chuckled.

"He once sang Enchanted in a cafe in front of everyone. I still have the video..." Aika swiped through her gallery.

"No way...You sounded great, kuya! You should do a duet with Mickey before you head back!" Jill's jaw dropped at the video while Nat blushed.

"Why don't you three collaborate? Nat plays the guitar too!" Aika suggested.

"Great idea! I'll text Mickey and see if he's free tonight!" Jill immediately reached for her phone.

"I'm not sure I'm that good..." Nat's eyes quivered.

"You're voice is beautiful, trust me." Aika whispered to Nat, giving him the biggest boost of confidence.


"Mickey, meet Nat, my future brother-in-law!" Jill introduced Nat to Mickey.

"Hi, Mickey here. Nice to meet you, Nat!" Mickey shook hands with Nat.

"I've heard the covers both of you do together and I have to say that I'm definitely nowhere close..." Nat gave an awkward smile.

"Kuya, mind if we film this? Without capturing your face of course." Jill asked Nat.

"Sure." Nat nodded.

"You can do this!" Aika mouthed to Nat and gave him a thumbs up. Na gave Aika a shy smile and took a deep breath.

Jill: We could leave the Christmas lights up 'til January

And this is our place, we make the rules

Nat: And there's a dazzling haze, a mysterious way about you dear

Have I known you 20 seconds or 20 years?

Mickey: Can I go where you go?

Can we always be this close forever and ever?

Nat: And ah, take me out, and take me home

You're my, my, my, my Lover

Jill: We could let our friends crash in the living room

This is our place, we make the call

Mickey: And I'm highly suspicious that everyone who sees you wants you

I've loved you three summers now, honey, but I want 'em all

Jill: Ladies and gentlemen, will you please stand?

With every guitar string scar on my hand

I take this magnetic force of a man to be my lover

Nat: My heart's been borrowed and yours has been blue

All's well that ends well to end up with you

Swear to be overdramatic and true to my lover

Mickey: And you'll save all your dirtiest jokes for me

And at every table, I'll save you a seat, lover

Jill: Can I go where you go?

Can we always be this close forever and ever?

Mickey: And ah, take me out, and take me home (forever and ever)

All: You're my, my, my, my


Oh, you're my, my, my, my

Nat: Darling, you're my, my, my, my Lover

Nat looked straight at Aika as he sang the last line. You're my lover.

"OH MY GOSH KUYA! YOU WERE AMAZING!" Jill screamed as the 6 reviewed the video. Nat blushed.

"Can we post this on Youtube and Instagram?" Jill looked at Nat.

"Can I?" Nat turned to Aika.

"Why ask me? It's you in the video..." Aika laughed. She knew what he was worried about. Nat looked back at Jill and Mickey, nodding.

"Ooh, we're getting comments already!" Mickey was looking through Instagram. Nat had offered to buy dinner as a way of thanking Jill and Mickey for the jamming session.

"I can't see the other guy but his voice tells me that's he's super pogi!" Tricia chuckled as she read the comment on top.

"Mickey, Jill! Who is this pogi singer! Tag him!" Jill added.

"Is he single? I can volunteer!" Mickey read another out.

"Looks like you have rivals, ate..." Tricia showed Aika all the love confessions for the hidden singer.

"Maybe I shouldn't have encouraged you to do this, Mr Pogi Hidden Singer?" Aika joked as she pressed the like on Jill's post.

"Glad that people are recognising my charm...What a shame that I'm taken..." Nat played along.

"Oh who's the lucky girl of our hidden singer?" Aika raised an eyebrow.

"Hmm...you sure you wanna know?" Nat leaned in.

"Okay stop please...I want to be able to swallow my chicken without gagging." Jill rolled her eyes.

"Now you see what I have to put up with back home? Doesn't help that mama thinks it's cute..." Tricia whined as she stuffed a mushroom into her mouth.

"You girls remember that I'm paying for dinner tonight, right?" Nat playfully reminded the girls.

"Ah, did I say something? Ate, did you?" Jill looked innocently at Tricia.

"I said the mushroom tasted great!" Tricia played along and gave Nat a thumbs up, the entire table broke out into laughter.


"We'll see you soon, bunso...Take care and I love you." Aika gave Jill a tight hug.

"See you next year, ates. Tell mama that I'm always here for her and I love her!" Jill gave both her sisters big hugs. They've said their fair share of goodbyes but it never was easy.

"Can't wait to see you back in Philippines, Jill." Nat smiled as he gave Jill a friendly hug.

"Take care of my ate Aiks, kuya." Jill warned Nat, half serious and half-teasingly.

"You have my word." Nat promised.

"Nat..." Aika called out as they checked in.

"Relax, sunshine. I know...I didn't do anything this time. We're all in economy." Nat showed Aika his ticket.

"Love, you won't believe it...I'm stuck in a window seat next to ate and kuya for 20 hours!" Tricia was on the phone with Stephen.

"You were the one who wanted the window seat!" Aika protested.

"You want me in the middle of you and kuya?" Tricia facepalmed.

"Ah...right." Aika admitted her mistake.

"I appreciate your sacrifice, Doc. I owe you one." Nat grinned as he lifted the girls' hand-held luggage into the overhead cabin while Aika took the middle seat next to Tricia.

"She must have been tired..." Nat whispered as he saw Tricia nodding off.

"She's been working hard." Aika whispered back as she gently slid a pillow under Tricia's head and adjusted it so Tricia wouldn't hit her head on the window.

"I can't believe it's almost 2022..." Nat lifted the arm rest to remove the barrier between him and Aika.

"Same here, the year flew past so quickly..." Aika leaned her head on Nat. Thank goodness the cabin lights were already dim.

"2021 has got to be the best year in my life so far..." Nat confessed.

"Because you met me?" Aika laughed.

"You have most of the credit of course. But that aside, I feel like things have changed in other aspects. I mean, there's Dad, the company in Philippines and...Aly. It's been a year full of changes." Nat thought through what had happened in the entire year.

"Part of me thinks 2022 is going to have even more changes..." Aika let out a soft sigh.

"I'll be your constant. Me, Jamie, your mama, Doc, Jill and all your loved ones. Even when everything seems foreign, we'll always be here for you." Nat assured Aika, kissing her forehead.

"Sometimes, change is the only way forward. For a better future." Aika shrugged.

"Indeed. But change includes continuity. They aren't binaries." Nat loved the way Aika and him matched like puzzle pieces, each bringing a crucial piece to the bigger picture.


"Hey, we just landed. Will head straight home. Your sweetie is knocked out." Nat had just got off the plane with Jamie.

"Get home safe and I'll see you tomorrow for the party. Rest well, muscles. Oh, and give my sweetie a goodnight kiss in my stead." Aika smiled from imagining a sleepy Jamie.

"Coming!" Nat called out as he headed for the door, wondering who was it this early in the morning.

"Sunshine, why didn't you just enter...Aly, what brings you here so early in the morning?" Nat was surprised to see Aly at the door.

"I missed Jamie. Can I come in?" Aly peered into the house.

"Oh yeah, sure. How did you know our address anyway?" Nat didn't remember giving it to Aly.

"Jamie showed it to me. It was in her bag." Aly replied as she entered the house.

"Jamie should be up soon. I was making breakfast, have you eaten? I could make an extra set of pancakes." Nat offered.

"That sounds great, thanks." Aly nodded.

"Make yourself comfortable." Nat didn't know what else to say.

"Mind if I look around?" Aly asked.

"Go ahead." Nat shrugged before heading back to the kitchen.

Aly's eyes caught the photo frames around the house. Some of Jamie alone and some of Nat and Jamie, but most were of Nat, Aika and Jamie. She stared wistfully at the pictures for a while before moving on. After a brief look around, Aly was in front of the bedrooms. She knew it wasn't right to peek into the rooms without Nat around but her curiosity got the better of her and she opened the door to Nat's bedroom.

Aly's heart sank the moment she looked around. The set of pillows, the printed pictures of Nat, Aika and Jamie, the little things that showed Aika's familiar presence in the room. She knew it was natural but Aly couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness. If only she didn't leave, this could have been her life with Nat and Jamie.

Closing the door behind her, Aly headed to Jamie's bedroom. Not wanting to wake Jamie up, Aly entered as gently as she saw Jamie sleeping in her bed. Sitting next to Jamie, Aly stroked the girl's cheeks softly.

"My baby girl is so pretty..." Aly whispered as she looked at Jamie.

"Ninang?" Jamie's eyes fluttered open as she heard a female voice. Aly's smile faltered.

"Hi little one, it's me." Aly called out.

"Oh, Auntie Aly?" Jamie rubbed her eyes as she recognised the figure in front of her.

"Good morning, Jamie." Aly helped Jamie sit up.

"Where's Daddy?" Jamie looked around the room.

"He's making breakfast for us in the kitchen." Aly replied.

"With ninang? Is ninang here too?" Jamie's eyes brightened at the thought.

"She isn't. It's just me, you and your Daddy..." Aly tried to maintain her smile.

"Oh, okay!" Jamie got off her bed and signalled for Aly to follow her to the bathroom.

"Good morning, Princess!" Nat grinned upon seeing Jamie.

"Good morning, Daddy! Oooh, pancakes!" Jamie climbed onto the dining chair.

"Daddy's pancakes must be your favourite? I'm great at making pancakes too, should I make them for you the next time we meet?" Aly tried to make small talk.

"Ninang makes the best pancakes though. In heart shapes and with chocolate chips." Jamie answered nonchalently. Nat gave Aly an apologetic smile.

"Hey, can I talk to you about something?" Aly approached Nat.

"Princess, how about you put on your earphones and listen to your storybooks for a while?" Nat put Jamie's earphones to block off their conversation.

"What's up?" Nat asked.

"About Jamie. I was wondering if it was possible for me to get some legal rights? Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to start a lawsuit or anything..." Aly broached the topic carefully.

"Legal...rights?" Nat blinked.

"Marco and I were thinking...if anything were to happen, at least I'm legally able to make decisions. Not that I want it to happen. Plus, if anything were to happen to me, Jamie is entitled to my assets..." Aly explained.

"Your name is still on Jamie's birth certificate. I never did anything to it other than adding my name." Nat shoved his hands into his pocket.

"So...legally, I'm still Jamie's mother?" Aly was surprised. She assumed that Nat would have petitioned to remove her name.

"Yes. For now, I don't see any reason for me to stop you from seeing Jamie. I understand you may be worried so if you and your husband want it legalised, it's okay with me. Although there will be certain considerations?" Nat suggested.

"So you're okay with that?" Aly thought Nat would resist.

"Of course I'll have to talk to Jamie first about this. If she's okay, so am I." Nat looked at Jamie.

"Great. I will talk to Marco about this and we'll send you a draft so you can add your terms on?" Aly offered.

"I guess..." Nat shrugged.

"Do you guys have plans tonight? Do you want to celebrate New Year's with me? Marco isn't in town..." Aly was expectant.

"Sorry but we've got plans already. We're celebrating with the family." Nat rejected politely.

"Oh..." Aly put on an awkward smile.

"Sorry but we've got to leave soon...You can hand me the draft anytime we meet next time." Nat hinted that it was time for Aly to leave.

"Oh, okay. I'll text you about the next time we meet then..." Aly got the hint.

"Princess, say bye to Auntie Aly. We've got to go soon too." Nat called out to Jamie as Aly headed to the door.

"Bye, Auntie Aly! See you next time! Daddy, let's quickly change so we can go see ninang!" Jamie waved half-heartedly to Aly.

"Sorry about that, she hasn't seen Aika in a long time..." Nat apologised.

"It's okay...I'll see you then." Aly nodded goodbye.


"NINANG!" Jamie called out as she ran straight to Aika. They were all gathered at Gaile's house.

"I missed you, my sweetie!" Aika picked Jamie up and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"I think you just got replaced as the favourite..." Alonso told Natalia, making everyone laugh.

"It's different, Alo. Jamie's ninang is different from our ninang." Natalia retorted.

"Huh? But it's both ninang?" Alo was confused.

"In our case, ninang means god-mother. But for Jamie, it means mummy. Right, ninang?" Nat looked at Aika.

"Uh..." Aika didn't know how to answer.

"Ate Gaile, what do they teach children in school nowadays..." Tricia chuckled.

"See, even Natalia knows..." VP Leni looked at Nat and Aika.

"5 more minutes to 2022!" Alo announced to the entire family. Jamie, Alo and Natalia were running around, courtesy of sugar.

"FOMO is real...I miss everyone..." Jill pouted through Zoom. It was a good 12 hours before 2022 in New York.

"I miss you too..." VP Leni was the only one replying.

"Being the paborito even on the last day of the year." Tricia exchanged looks with Aika.

"5! 4! 3! 2! 1! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!" The children shouted as the clock struck 12 am.

"Happy 2022, everyone. Let's fill this year with hope and new beginnings!" VP Leni held her glass up.

"Laban Leni!" The adults put their glasses of champagne together.

"Laban Leni!" The children joined with their cups of milk too.

Finally into 2022 :)

Comments always welcome❤️

Also, was wondering if anyone wanted a 'mood board' or somewhat of a 'face' to Nat?

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