《Beneath The Surface》Chapter 5: Just Friends


Hey, just wanted to let

you know that my elbows

are as good as new!

That's great!

I'm not trying to be a

stalker or anything but

do you usually workout

at the same time in the


If I have nothing on, yes.

Why the question though?

I was wondering if you

would be okay with me

joining you on morning runs?

I don't have a gym to go to yet...

Oh, I'm ok with that...

But everyday would be hard...

Oh sorry, I didn't mean to

pressure you like this...

It's okay if you don't feel


It's not that, it's more like

I don't have a fixed work schedule

and I could be called in anytime.

Plus I have morning gym sessions sometimes.

Don't worry about the days!

I just thought it'd be fun to run

together if both of us are free!

Sounds enticing.

How about we meet on Monday morning and talk more? Is that ok with you?

Sure! See you at 7am!

See you!


"Mama, I'm going out for a run!" Aika gave her mama a hug before grabbing her phone and running shoes.

"Alone?" VP Leni sipped on her morning coffee.

"With Nat." Aika was tightening her laces and didn't see her mama's reaction to the name.

Aika got off the lift and it dawned on her that she had forgot to ask Nat where they were meeting.

"Aika!" Aika was about to text Nat when she heard his voice from outside the gate. He was waving to her.

"How long have you been here?" Aika looked at the phone at saw that it was a minute to 7am.

"About 5 minutes? I realised we didn't have a meeting place and I didn't want to disturb you early in the morning so here I am..." Nat let out an embarrassed chuckle.

"Is Jamie at school already?" Aika asked as they stretched.

"Nope. I have a helper that comes in on weekdays to help with the housework and to watch over Jamie while I'm out and at work." Nat instinctively took the outer path nearer to the main road as they started.

"Oh so does the helper send Jamie to school?" Nat shook his head.

"Nope, Jamie's kindergarten starts at 9.30am so I usually have time to get back, wake her up and send her to school before going to work. The helper will pick her and watch her until I'm home." Sending Jamie to school in the morning was something Nat would never give up on.

"How about you? Are you still working from home? Or are you back at the office?" It was Aika's turn to answer questions.


"It's blended now...I go back usually 3-4 days a week. Especially if I have to meet with my colleagues and clients." Nat nodded thoughtfully. He didn't probe further since he didn't want to be rude.

"Right, you mentioned the gym you go to? Where's it at?" Aika's eyes lit up at the question.

"I've been going to that gym for a while, it's just across the main road. Maybe a 10 minute walk from your place? Wanna join me sometime?" Nat was hooked.

"If you don't mind me being a hassle, I'd be honoured." Aika rolled her eyes at Nat's words. Nat was in a sleeveless running shirt and his muscles looked like they belonged on a health magazine.

They went 2 rounds around the area until Aika spotted a street vendor selling breakfast foods. Nat noticed that Aika had slowed down and traced where her gaze landed.

"Have you had any of these before?" Aika pointed excitedly to the array of food before her.

"Hmm, not really. Shall we get some? I think Jamie would love them too!" Nat was equally excited.

"There's pandesal and empanadas! I think Jamie would love the shakoys!" Aika was introducing the pastries one by one to Nat with a spark of joy in her eyes.

"How about you get some as well? My treat!" Nat took out his wallet to pay.

"I will. But I'm paying for them myself." Aika refused Nat's offer politely as she handed the vendor the money.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be rude..." Nat didn't know what else to say.

"Oh no, you already bought us all those bread last time...it wouldn't be right for you to pay again." It wasn't a lot of money but Aika didn't want to cross any boundaries.

"Fair point. Is walking you home okay?" Nat gestured to the direction of the Robredo's condo.

"But your house is in the opposite direction...wouldn't it be a hassle?" Aika was confused.

"I have long legs. It'll take less than 10 minutes." Nat waited for Aika's answer, smiling when she nodded.

"Thanks for the breakfast recommendations!" Nat waved as Aika entered the condo gates. Aika returned the wave before heading up.

"Someone seems to be in a good mood?" Tricia was about to head out when Aika returned.

"Grab your pandesal and go, Patty." Aika purposely ignored her sister's question.

"I'm forgiving you on the sake of the pandesal!" Tricia pouted as she left the house.

Looking at the pack of food on the table and smiled, remembering how she and Nat were bickering about who was going to carry it on the way back. What Aika appreciated was that Nat didn't insist when Aika indicated her desire to do it herself.



"Aiks, did you buy these?" Aika had gotten home from a long day of work and VP Leni was on the couch munching on an empanada.

"I got them this morning. Are they still good?" Aika joined her mother on the couch.

"How was the run?" VP Leni dropped a bomb on her eldest.

"It was...okay? What are you trying to say, mama?" Aika almost choked on her water.

"Nothing, just wanted to know how you and this Nat are doing?" VP Leni gave her daughter a smile.

"Mama, how many times must I say that we are just friends. Plus, we've only met like what, 5 times?" Aika was flustered. Her mama was definitely jumping the gun.

Indeed, the number of times that Nat and Aika had met weren't many but each time they met, something special seemed to happen. It wasn't that Aika didn't like Nat as a person or anything but it was just too early for her to think that far ahead.


"Daddy! Where did you get this?" Jamie was enjoying her sugary shakoy with her nanny.

"Got it on my run this morning...is it good?" Nat chuckled as he wiped the sugar crumbs away from Jamie's mouth.

"It's heavenly!" Jamie gave Nat a thumbs up.

"Did you get them from the street vendor nearby?" The nanny was surprised when Nat brought them back this morning but didn't get to ask.

"Yeah, a friend introduced them to me. She said that Jamie would like them!" Nat offered the middle-aged lady one, which she gladly took.

"You have friends here?" Jamie put down her shakoy and looked at Nat in disbelief.

"Yes I do. Do I look like a loner?" Nat was speechless at his daughter's attack. Not that Jamie was wrong.

"You don't speak Filipino or go to school like me to make friends..." Jamie crossed her arms and looked at her father pitifully.

"I have a friend. For real!" Nat protested.

"Really? Who? What's his or her name?" Jamie waited expectantly to hear the honourable name of her Daddy's only friend.

"Not telling you!" Nat stuck out his tongue at Jamie, teasing her.

"It's tita Aika right?" Nat's smirk was transferred onto Jamie.

"How did you know?" Nat's jaw dropped. Instead of answering, Jamie just shrugged and gave her father a victorious smile.


How were the pastries?

Did Jamie like them?

She loved them!

Thanks for the recommendations!

Glad to know! Also, I don't

think I can make it for the

next few days. Sorry :(

Don't worry about it at all!

The last thing I wish for is to

make it a burden for you and me

How about we meet only we feel comfortable and want to?

I didn't mean that I'm

uncomfortable with you...

I know that wasn't your intention

but I wish for our friendship

to be built on mutual respect and that also means respecting each

other's personal space. I treasure

this friendship that we have and I

don't want to threaten it.

I agree on that. Actually,

how about this?We could

decide on a day, keep it free

and the rest of the week, we

can see how it goes? This helps

us strike a balance while

keeping it flexible both ways!

Definitely ^^

Oh, and Jamie wanted me to

send you a picture of her eating

the shakoy that you picked for her!

Tell her tita Aika misses

little miss cutie :")

Will do! Won't disturb you

anymore, Good Night!

Till the next run!


Aika lay on her bed and the family picture on the table caught her eye. Nat didn't know who she was and what it meant to be seen in public with her. Aika was no stranger to public scrutiny and the last thing she wanted was for Nat (and Jamie) to be dragged into it. Her security detail didn't make things easier either, not that it was their fault.

"Why is it so complicated..." Aika sighed as she closed her eyes.

"Daddy, can I ask you something?" Nat was tucking Jamie into bed.

"Yes, Princess?" Nat smiled at his daughter.

"Are we going to see Mummy?" Jamie had been holding in the question ever since they got to the Philippines a month ago.

"Well...do you want to see Mummy?" Nat tried his best to maintain a neutral tone.

"Yes and No. I want to see Mummy but if seeing Mummy makes Daddy sad, I don't want to..." Jamie's thoughtfulness make Nat pull her into a tight hug as he kissed her forehead.

"Daddy loves you so much...you know that right?" Jamie nodded while in her father's embrace. She knew that full well.

Nat quietly closed Jamie's room door after making sure she was asleep. Heading out to the living room, he lay on the couch and stared at the ceiling, sighing. Nat didn't know what to do, both as an individual and as a father.


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