《Habits [VKOOK]》009


After an hour of getting ready, all of the members were done except wearing the clothes. Well that was what Jungkook thought. He wondered around the dressing area for ages until a woman looked at him suspiciously.

"What are you looking for?"


"We sent a message that the members were free to choose their own clothes, we don't have any clothes"


"Did anyone tell you?"


The woman got silent. She looked for a way to solve this problem, which was hard to find.

"You look good anyways, just go out like this. People prefer personalities over looks" she said before continuing whatever she was doing. Jungkook nodded and slumped down on the filming scene. Taehyung came shortly after.

"You seem sad, Kookie..." Taehyung asked but Jungkook shook his head. Taehyung had his moment of intense thinking. "Well there's 30 minutes left, there is time for an episode of Sesame Street!".

Jungkook's head immediately shot upwards. "Really?!".

"Of course!" Taehyung said before pulling out his phone from his pocket and touched on the YouTube app. His beautiful long and thick fingers perfectly tapped on the letters. As soon as the unwatched episodes came on screen, Jungkook squealed.

Taehyung slowly left the younger alone, going to grab something. He came back with a huge blue box making Jungkook's mouth drop. It was so big, he didn't even know if it was his.

"Hmm whose this? It says Kookie!" Taehyung said ever so happy. He had bought a gift for Jungkook online a few days ago. Jungkook opened the box quickly, almost throwing Taehyung's phone out of his way, and gasped. Lots of them. Cookie Monster merchandise. He started to tear up. He quickly kissed Taehyung's cheek. He started to pull out each one of them and admire closely. He noticed a weird looking cotton shirt with a furry Cookie Monster on the side with his hands stretched out.


"Why is it like this?" Jungkook said, hating the fact that he couldn't find out himself. Taehyung opened his black jacket that he was wearing and pointed at the furry red figure.

"Because I have Elmo right here holding yours" Taehyung said with a smile. This was so cute.

"Couple shirts?" Jungkook said, amazed by the cuteness Taehyung had in just buying t-shirts. Taehyung nodded with a grin. Jungkook hugged him tightly, he loved this so much.

"Thank you, TaeTae!" Jungkook said, coming up with a nickname for Taehyung suddenly. Taehyung's heart fluttered at the nickname, he didn't know why. He didn't want to know why. Calling Jungkook Kookie was normal now but the new cute nickname made him cringe at it himself. The way it came out from Jungkook's mouth, his soft voice with his excited tone. He loved it.

"Okay filming will start in a few moments! Get ready!" A man from the V.Live community informed.

"Should I show the ARMYs?" Taehyung asked.

"I want to, but some of them would think we're idiots"

"What's wrong with being an idiot?" Taehyung was confused.

"It makes me feel insecure about myself" Jungkook said.


"Filming starts now!"

Jungkook decided to ignore Taehyung's question.

'It's okay Kookie, you're golden. No one can be as perfect as you' Jungkook reminded himself. He had a knot in his stomach. He didn't know if his words were real anymore. He decided to forget everything and smile. For his fans, for his ARMYs. Taehyung pulled everything off his shoulders, he didn't want the fans doubting his actions or else he would need to give a full explanation.

It took hours. Well it should. There were some points where Taehyung's eyes closed for a while so the staff decided to zoom into the speaker. When it was game time, it was a whole different atmosphere. Taehyung was so cheerful so he played hard. When he was playing with Jungkook, he did their special handshake making the fans type in really quickly things like 'Taekook' or 'Vkook' or even 'you guys suit each other!' . Taehyung blushed at the comments but Jungkook didn't mind. It was 'normal'.


In the last 10 minutes, they all felt so nervous. They waited and waited, saying anything just to make the time go quicker. As soon as it was midnight, they got up to leave since the FIRE MV was the only thing visible to the viewers. The walk back home was quiet. Taehyung and Jungkook had their couple shirts on over their outfits. It connected well as they walked.

"Oh~ what is this? Love?" Jimin teased.

"No bitch, it's friendship" Taehyung answered.


"Says the one who had his friend as a crush" Taehyung spat out. Jimin never told Jungkook that he liked him. Well that's what he thought, he did mention it but Jungkook never knew it was actual love. Jimin gasped.

"You spilled out my secret!"

"Jungkook would've say no, so I just saved ya life bro" Taehyung chuckled. Jungkook grinned. Jungkook didn't care about crushes or love stories. He knew only one love story, it was his and with his beautiful Cookie Monster. Believe me, he does have fantasies about him and Cookie Monster and Elmo in a threesome.

As soon as they reached the dorm, Jungkook and Taehyung did the contest again and it was tie. They were exhausted from everything. They fell into the sheets of Jungkook's bed, since it was the closest, and sighed for relief.

"This is so comfortable, mind sharing it tonight?" Taehyung said and Jungkook hummed. He stretched his arms and wrapped it around Jungkook, pulling him closer. "You know what, you're so warm I feel safe". Jungkook chuckled as he wrapped his own arms around Taehyung's waist. The furry figures were connected perfectly. Taehyung kept brushing Jungkook's soft hair until snores were heard and his arm fell on Jungkook's neck.

"Hmm..." Taehyung let out as he felt so comfortable. It was different than the hard mattress he had. He started to turn until his face was facing Jungkook's. He tossed then returned back to the same position. Jungkook quietly grabbed Taehyung's phone and unlocked it. He wanted to know as many secrets Taehyung knew.


Jungkook almost got an heart attack but looking at Taehyung's peaceful sleeping face, he knew it was another secret.

"Do this to me..."

Jungkook stopped immediately. He was telling Jungkook a secret in his dream. Jungkook continued to search as he brought his ear closer to Taehyung.

"I had to tell you this...please just listen to me" Taehyung said as he started to sweat. Jungkook was curious he started to look faster. "Right after Jimin, it's been a while".

"Huh? That doesn't even make sense!" Jungkook complained. He got into the Notes application and started to look for anything that looked suspicious. After going through all of them, he found one with a password. That must be it!

Jungkook guessed the easiest answer.


But he was wrong. It was incorrect.

"Not just Jimin but girls...I found out so soon. I'm scared"

"Tell me" Jungkook said with a billion of passwords to get incorrect.

"I have something, somethng so precious. Something you can't see but know about. Something related to you"

"Don't tell me you love Cookie Monster, you shit" Jungkook hissed.

"I don't know. I just have them."

"What is it that you have?" Jungkook said. He decided to type in his name. They say don't use your name as a password, use someone else's. Surprisingly, the loading sign was visible.



"I like you, Jeon Jungkook"


habits ending soon. One more chapter then epilogue? I promised a smut bonus for


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