《Bts one shot book》𝐷𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑚𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑦𝑜𝑢 🌹



It was something about this fall pure giant of a man named 김 님준!

He was so sweet, beautiful, mature, smart, and he always knew exactly what to say... even if he had to do some deep thinking.

This man made me feel safe, like I could talk about anything and everything... he would never judge me.

The sweet little things he would do for me would be precious, like taking me Namjooning to these beautiful places. Who wouldn't want to see pretty places with a man who also gave them life? A man who made them feel happy when no one else did..

Going traveling with Namjoon was the best to do, it was like he knew exactly where to go. I'm a person who loves to visit certain places that gives me interest, a place that makes me feel calm and welcome. He would know exactly where to take me, he would offer me food even if I didn't order anything, he'd make sure I was close to him so I wouldn't wander off. He would hold my hand and show me the most cutest of things, he was such a beautiful man.

Namjoon with this beautiful sea and sky behind him was the perfect thing to ever see. The way his nicely tanned skin glowed with the pinkness of the world behind him. Listening to the soft waves brush against the boat but seeing it flow ever so perfectly was the best thing ever. I only imagined these things with him because he was so different... I always loved different.

It was almost like this man was glued to the Han River as some of his photos were near it. We would bike to the river or just bike anywhere that nature called us, seeing the sun rise over Seoul was beautiful. But what made it perfect was getting the chance to watch it with Namjoon. It made the experience more perfect, more beautiful, more.... real.


But the best part of it all was getting the chance to be wrapped in his strong warm arms. His chest felt like two firm pillows for my face as I laid there with him. I told him how beautiful he was even in moments when he didn't think so, I told him how beautiful his dragon shaped eyes were when he used to hide them cause he "didn't fit in." I told him how mature he was for having to do and take carry of 6 other men for 8 years to become the great of boy groups in the world.

Funny how he thought having a driver license and needing to know how to cook makes him mature. I made sure to tell him what ACTUALLY makes him mature, it's definitely his mindset and the things he does as a man and as a leader.


These were the things I want to tell the real Kim Namjoon, these are the things I want to experience with him. I know I can't go namjooning with him or go see beautiful art with him but I know I can tell him such sweet words he needs to hear. This goes for all 7 members!

But I would love the chance to meet him(especially since I'm leaning Korean), just to tell him how great of a man he is, how sweet he is, how mature he is, how he can accomplish his dreams. Idk if he actually is married or not (even though it's none of our business),I wish he and the members can come out about these certain things and know that we (the real fans)would support them no matter what!


Edited - 6/22/22

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