《Bts one shot book》Twilight Zone


There was a small town on the outside of Seoul that not a lot of people paid attention to, mainly because of the urban legends. The town was Millstone, a place that still had a population but it was mainly elderly people because the younger ones wanted the city life. Millstone was a nice quiet town that barely got sunlight because it was surrounded by misty woods.

The woods weren't a big problem until the stories started one by one. People were claiming they would hear screams, see shadows of people, or people would go and never come out. All the town folks would go inside around 8pm because that's when the screams from nosey people would be heard. Some people would say "we told them not to enter" or "they were dumb and chose to be brave." Everyone believed these tales... everyone except y/n.

Y/n was a too curious girl, even when she was little she still did things that people told her NOT to do. Y/n was only 19 and had moved away from home to start a life in a more quiet place, her parents told her not to move to Millstone but of course she didn't listen. All y/n had was a small house for her, her bike, and dog Mama... it's an different name for a dog but it's what she always called her.

I sat on my back porch with Mama by my leg, as I casually played Lo-Fi music while reading a book about a group of kids disappearing in the woods. "This story is so stupid Mama! How could they have disappeared without a single trace? I mean they would've found bones or something right?" I asked my dog but all she did was whine and turn her head away. I huffed going back to reading, the town didn't have good service so things were very old school meaning we had to listen to TV. I turned my radio up when a news spread came on,

"Good evening Seoul and the small town of Millstone! This is mainly for Millstone... as we have been alerted that yet another person has disappeared in the Misty Woods. This is the 10th person this year and might I add, the 10th woman who has disappeared. The town doesn't seem as shocked when we sent news crew to ask about the missing lady, all they can say is 'maybe we're next'. We'd love to move these kind people out the town but the elders don't want to leave their quiet comfort. I do wish the town of Millstone safety, that's all for this evening's news!"


Mama looked up at me as I put my book down when the news spread went off, my Lo-Fi music came back on but I couldn't focus on it. "Why are so many people disappearing here? And it's always the women... the men usually come back with some type of scar." I questioned myself deeply on this. Mama started barking getting me out my thoughts, I looked at her as she faced the woods. "Mama what's wrong?" She kept barking so I followed my eyes to where she looked and I swear I could see a shadow figure behind a tree. My eyes squinted to see the figure better but all I could see was a slim body shape.

I stood up going to my back door but Mama stopped me with a whimper, "It's okay Mama... just stay here." I opened the door stepping out, the figures head turned to the side and slowly started backing up. I know curiosity killed the cat but damn it I wanted to know who this person was... so I followed them. I yelled back at my dog who was whimpering louder, "I'll be back mama, you know my scent!" I shouted as I stepped deeper into the woods. I was able to see the figure to the point where I could see it was a male with long black hair, wearing a black mask so I couldn't see his face. He had on a long sleeve black button up shirt with tight black jeans and combat boots.

"Uhh... hello there sir!" I yelled out but the guy just kept walking backwards and I kept following. We were getting even deeper in the woods cause the mist started to grow larger and I could barely see the man but so I walked faster. "Hey! Can you slow down or tell me who you are?!" I heard a deep chuckled and a faded voice, It was something about his voice that gained my interest. He turned around walking deeper into the woods, as I followed him until we reached a clearing that was surrounded by trees and more mist.

The area had a small park bench with a light pole beside it, the bridge looked like it went even deeper in the woods... you couldn't see a inch in front of you. "People know about this place?" I asked quietly then I heard the voice again,I looked around for the owner of the voice. He chuckled and sounded like he dropped to the ground with a thud of his boots,


I gulped as I seen him clearly, his hair was parted where I could see his glowing red eyes... his mask was off and when he spoke I could see his sharp teeth. I could feel myself getting dizzy at his words, they felt so soothing to me. "Um... I- I was curious to know who you were?" He deeply chuckled again, suddenly he was in front of me with his hand on my neck. He looked into my eyes with his eyes glowing brighter,my eyes suddenly went cloudy and mind started blanking out.

Yoongi grabbed your neck and started gliding his lips with yours, " he whispers. He leads you to the bench sitting you up, he then strips you out your clothes and runs his cold pale hands down your body.He softly nutters as he kissed down your neck and chest while leaving little marks.He snaps causing your body to jolt but still under his spell, "Mmhh master." He starts kissing your swollen lips while one of his hands wraps around your neck, the free hand going down to tease at your clothed pussy.

He says making you automatically open your mouth, he spits into it then licks on your lips. "Mhm master," you moan as you swallow for him making Yoongi smirk, Your head nodded as you waited for the next command. Yoongi kisses down your body until he reaches your pussy, he slides your panties off with a chuckle, He sticks his long veiny fingers into your tight hole. "Ahh.. master noo!" He slapped your thigh leaving a hand print, he slapped your thigh again before rubbing over the mark.

He spread your folds with his free hand while pumping his fingers into you, all you could hear was your moans and the wetness coming from your pussy. He curled his fingers up in your pussy making you squeal from pleasure, "Ah- ahhh master!" He groaned as he reached down to stroke his hard cock to your noises, He fingered your cunt while he put his small lips around your clit sucking and licking around it in a circular motion.

Your thighs were trembling as you couldn't control yourself from how good it felt. Yoongi flicked his tongue over your clit so fast that your mind couldn't comprehend it, it made you squirt in his mouth but he kept fingering you sending you into another squirting fuss.

"Master please... I- I cant take it!" You wanted to move his head away but it was no use, he took over your body and only he could move you around. He pulled his fingers out then leaned over you to he kiss you, making you taste your pussy on his lips. he darkly chuckled as he put his fingers in your mouth before pushing his thick cock inside your hole. Your clouded eyes crossing from how big he was, feeling every inch push into you taking your breath away.

"Mmghh... master!" You tried to moan out from his fingers as he slammed his hips into yours. he praised you even though he made you take it but you weren't complaining?

You tried to move your clouded eyes down to see him fucking into you, but when you did you could see his member thrusting into you at such a fast pace. Your eyes almost bulged out when you saw a tiny bump at the bottom of your stomach, he was that deep that you could see it. his deep voice made your brain foggy, all you could do was moan and take his member that felt better than life. You could feel your pussy throbbing and clenching around his cock that was begging for a release "m-masterr I' wan your c-cum" you stuttered out as he pounded into your bundle of nerves.

He groaned into your ear as he went harder into you making me scream around his fingers. You didn't want him to go away, you wanted him everyday, you wanted to be his slave.. nothing but a toy to him, "Keep me master," you moaned out. He groaned in your ear, He then bit into your neck as he made you both orgasm together.

After he pulled out and put your clothes back on he snapped having you freely move your body but your eyes were still cloudy. He bent down to put a leash around your neck, I looked up at his dark eyes. "Yes master... I'll even kill for you." he chuckled before pulling me across the bridge.

Author tingsssss! I hoped you like it!

Edited - 6/17/22

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