《Bts one shot book》Parallel Lives


There once was a story of two young men who lived in a large castle at the end of Oaktown. They kept to themselves and some people may say they had another life that no one has seen. They were called the Kim brothers, one was Seokjin and the other was Taehyung. They were known to be the most handsome of businessmen any person has seen but that was in the 1700s.

It is currently 2021, it's been hundreds of years and people try their hardest to break into the Kim mansion. If anyone ever succeeded... they still failed because they never left. Some may have think they died, some think they were kept prisoner while others think they just ran away from home. But no one know the true answer until a brave woman stepped forward named y/n.

Y/n was the quiet type around people she didn't know but around friends she was a great talker. Y/n also loves history with a bit of mystery and wanted to know why people would vanish after entering the mansion. So in the middle of a rainy night y/n gotten onto her bike and set off to the large mansion at the end of town. The rain wasn't coming down as bad but when she got closer to the mansion, the rain had gotten heavier.

I arrived at a large iron fence where the gates were broken like many people forced them open. The rain was pouring a lot heavier than it was so it was a bit hard biking through the mud. I stopped my bike slowly getting off as I walked to broken gate. "Damn they didn't have to break it.." I mumbled as I pushed the creepy gates open to see the giant house.

I walked up the stairs to the double white doors that had vines crawling up them. The vines were thin but the house didn't look as old, you could tell it was Victorian but it didn't look like it was built in the 1700s. I grabbed the ivory colored handle and pushed the door open to a lit foyer? The lights were on in a old house, no one was said to visit the house in two years... so how were the lights on?


I walked past the steps to what seemed like a living rooms full of large windows that shows the backyard. The yard wasn't kept up as it had a lot of dead plants and weeds with dying trees near a small murky pond. The couches were a bit warn out but they looked comfy, there were a few bookshelves on the wall that had clean books. I turned to walk out the room when I heard a whisper, It made me flinch as I looked around for the voice.

Song choice: 24 preludes, op. 28: No.4.

Suddenly music started playing as I walked towards the stairs to look up and see a shadow walking to the right side of the house. My curiosity got the best of me as I walked up the creepy steps, I tried my hardest to be quiet but each step got louder and louder. I stopped at the top of the steps when I heard a deep voice but it sounded so faint. Another voice interrupted him, Thenit went quiet.

I was creeped out and mumbled softly, "People actually live here?" I suddenly felt a hand on my left shoulder that made me freeze. another hand touched my right shoulder, Then everything went black. After what felt like hours I woke in a uncomfortable position on a soft but large bed. My eyes were still blurry but I tried to sit up.... hint at the word 'tried' my arms were tied together by fabric while my legs were tied to the ends. I blinked a few times to get my vision correct and saw how my legs were wide open... revealing my pussy.

I wanted to scream but there was fabric in my mouth too, who did this? Was this some sick joke?! My eyes suddenly go to the doorknob that was slowly turning and two handsome men walked in wearing tan colored suits. One man was a tad bit taller and looked older but still looked young? He had short black hair that was a bit wavy at the ends, the suit with small plaid patterns in it with his jacket unbuttoned. The other was a bit smaller but still tall, he looked younger with curly black hair, and bangs that touched his forehead.


His eyes were a brighter color than the elder but he was still looked so unreal. His suit didn't have patterns and his jacket was buttoned while he held a piece of fabric in his left hand. I studied their faces until I realized who they were... these were the Kim brothers! But... their dead right? Seokjin spoke up, My eyes grew because how did he know what I was thinking! Taehyung chuckled as he walked to left side of my body.

He spoke with his deep but fainted tone as he softly caressed my thighs, I wanted to look at him more but he covered my eyes with the dark fabric. I tried to resist but I was tied down and wasn't strong enough to break it, I stopped when I heard things fall to the floor. A lump was now to the right side of me as I smelled a light perfume but felt a petite hand on my stomach. I could tell it was Jin speaking to me.

I felt a pair of hands rubbing my thighs followed by delicate kisses and a few bites, I softly moaned to the touch. I wasn't a virgin but no one has touched my body in such a soft way, they treated me like I was precious. I felt a warm breath on my womanhood before I felt a wet warm muscle rubbing from my hole to my clit. Tae's voice made me so relaxed that I forget they were spirits.

Jin was kissing my neck leaving marks on me while I felt like I was being claimed. He licked over my lips that were held open by the fabric, I could feel it being pulled away from my mouth. Jin said before he pushed his long dick down my throat. It wasn't too big but it fit just right as he started thrusting into my mouth, I couldn't help but to move my tongue against it. "Mmm... mmh," I moaned while sucking Jin off and feeling Tae's long fingers in my wet hole.

Taehyung's fingers felt like magic the way he fingered me open, he started to reach my bundle of nerves that made me whimper against Jin's cock. I wasn't comprehending his words until I felt a large stretch in my hole. I groaned against Jin's cock as tae pushed his bigger cock inside of me, "Mmghh.... mmm." Tae started thrusting deep but slow into my hole as I kept leaking around his cock, it felt so good to be treated like this. Tae moaned as he went faster.

Jin started thrusting at the same pace as Tae as I could feel them reaching their climax. I wasn't choking on Jins member as he knew exactly what to do to me. While Tae wasn't hurting me as he started going harder inside me. My eyes started rolling into the back of my head while I muffled a scream while cumming onto Tae's cock, "mmgh... mmm... mmh." It made Jin's legs start shaking as he came down my throat with a grunt, Tae followed by soon with his sloppy thrusts as he painted my walls white,

I wanted to look at them but my entire body started going numb, I was moving my head around trying to find Jin and Tae. But I couldn't move but I could hear their voices, A fainted chuckle was heard,.... The voices said together as my body limp and everything was faded...

That was the house btw.



Edited - 6/15/22

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