《Delicate Bond ✔》Chapter 27


One of the duties of the princess is to interact with the nobles of Nauloria. Interacting with the nobles would help to keep the relationship between nobles and the royal family and also I don't mind establishing a comfortable social circle.

Today I will be hosting a tea party in the garden. I've invited not the ladies from the prominent families but noblewomen whom I managed to befriend and who made a good impression on me. It would be too pretentious to invite-only ladies from the top families.

The weather is still warm at the end of September. I wanted to host the tea party next to the beautifully made koi pond but I didn't want to risk one of the ladies falling into the pond. I decided to host it next to the pink rose bushes. They also bloom in September and give off a nice flowery aroma.

Soon the guests started arriving one by one and I was about to start the tea party but one of the maids came up to me and whispered.

"Your highness, Violet Degrove arrived uninvited and she insists that she was personally invited by you."

I furrowed my eyebrows.

Why would she arrive here uninvited? What is her motive?

I politely excused myself in front of the noblewomen and told the maid to lead me to Violet.

The maid led me to the foyer where she calmly and confidently waited for me.

"I did not recall inviting you here, Lady Degrove," I said but she smiled mischievously yet confident.

"I came here to apologize once again for what happened at the charity ball." She elegantly spoke and she handed me a beautifully wrapped gift box.

"I believe you will appreciate this gift." She then spoke and I took the gift. The gift was rather lightweight.

I then turned to the maid and gave the gift box for her to put in my room and said.


"Prepare another chair," and then I turned to Violet and smiled.

"Very well, I don't mind making space for the new guest." I politely spoke.

If she tries something I will make sure to play a victim role beautifully that would further disgrace Violet's reputation.

I then lead Violet to the garden.

"I hope you invited Lady Bluecoral, I wanted to catch up with her." Violet innocently asked.

"I'm afraid I didn't invite her," I answered honestly.

"No? What about Countess Ayer?" She then asked.

"I apologize I didn't invite ladies from the top prominent families," I revealed to the guest list. It would be awkward for her to sit at the tea party if she was only acquainted with the nobles from prominent households.

Then we arrived at the garden.

"It appears that Violet Degrove will be joining our tea party," I announced to the guests. I looked at Violet and she furrowed her eyebrows, even more, it appears she isn't acquainted with one of my guests.

There are a lot of nobles in Nauloria so nobles can be unfamiliar with each other especially if they have a huge generation gap. I just invited ladies who are a bit closer to my generation rather than Violet's.

Of course, the guests were confused and started whispering about Violet.

"Please take a seat!" I turned to Violet and gestured. She quietly sat down.

Then I also sat down.

"I have prepared various types of tea. Please don't hesitate to ask for any type of tea." I gestured to the tea tray that was prepared for maids.

I also prepared salty-to-sweet snacks so the guests wouldn't be bored with one type of snack.

"Oh where did you get this beautiful bracelet, your highness?" one of the nobles complimented the bracelet. I glanced at my bracelet.

"I don't know, my husband was the one who gifted me this bracelet," I answered the other noble chirped.


"Ah, I still can't believe that Prince Kai was the one who bid the highest price for the Rainbow pearl ring." The Rainbow pearl ring is the opal ring that Kai gave me as an engagement ring. This ring was very famous and became more famous once Kai gifted me this ring.

"To be honest, when he gave me this ring I didn't know that this ring was famous." I honestly answered.

"Oh please, who doesn't know about the Rainbow Pearl," Violet muttered, and I'm sure I wasn't the only one who heard it but then I just innocently smiled.

"I'm not a materialistic person so I didn't care what ring I would get since I didn't marry for his money." I innocently said and someone was awed at the sentence.

"Well I didn't invite you to speak about jewelry. I know it's during tea parties the topic would always be about fashion, husbands, and gossip but today I wanted to speak about business and politics," I announced since I've invited the noble ladies who are in business or a prominent researcher.

Then Violet Degrove ended up leaving early. In truth, I didn't expect she wouldn't contribute to any of the topics we spoke but in the end, the tea party ended up a success despite the uninvited guest.

I was pretty tired from the party and it was time for dinner.

"Where is Kai?" I asked one of the household's staff.

"Prince Kai is currently in the pool, your highness." one of the staff answered.

We have an indoor pool on the fifth floor. The fifth floor not only contains the indoor pool but also has its own gym area and sauna.

I used the elevator to get to the fifth floor. Unhealthy but it was comfortable since the house had seven floors excluding the underground garage.

I've entered the pool area that Kai is in. He was swimming in his siren form.

He had a long dark blue tail, his fins on the ears on the back, on the end of the tail, on the arms were blue. Usually, sirens in their form are taller and larger than in their human form.

Since I was near the pool Kai instantly noticed me and he lifted his head to the surface.

He puts his webbed hand on the edge of the pool.

"Well well, perhaps you would like to join me for the swim, my dearest." Kai flirted.

"I wish but sadly my swimming suit is on the 7th floor. By the time I grab it the dinner would be ready," I told him and I also reminded him of the dinner. Then Kai's smile turned sly.

"What's stopping you from swimming naked?" Kai suggested.

"I don't think I will be comfortable swimming naked." I never swam naked and I'm not yet confident to be naked in front of Kai.

"But you were sleeping on me when you were naked." I was in disbelief that he chose to mention this incident.

I was in my wolf form. Kai wanted to pat my wolf form so I ended up sleeping on him. The next thing I know in my sleep I shifted back to my human form and I was naked when I woke up. Kai didn't wake me up but he covered me with the quilt. It was a very awkward moment when I woke up, I ended returning to my room wrapped around my naked body.

"That was an accident." I quietly fumed while my cheeks were getting red from remembering the embarrassing moment.

"Sure." Kai teased me.

In the end, I managed to convince Kai to get out of the pool and head to the dining room.

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