《Delicate Bond ✔》Chapter 26


Today, I promised Empress Vivianne that I would visit her at the Royal Palace. Since I've met Empress Vivianne, she continued treating me as her daughter even after the wedding.

After I married Kai, she would often invite me to the palace for the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law bonding.

Finally, from the pod's window, I can see the Royal Palace. The Royal palace is in the center of attention of the capital city of Oritsu. The architecture remained traditional despite it's been renovated a lot for the past century.

The royal palace contained lots of wings and smaller palaces around the main palace since in the past, siren loved to have a harem of wives. Since sirens not only could imprint the chosen mate, they could imprint multiple wives. With the imprint, it's helped prevent the rivalry between wives and they would feel united.

There were also rumors that a romantic relationship would bloom between wives that were imprinted by the same man. The romantic relationship between wives wasn't forbidden as long they didn't neglect their husband.

But since the female population of sirens rapidly decreased, the sirens had no choice but to forbid polyamorous marriages and imprinting on multiple partners.

The palace's staff greeted me as soon I got out of the pod and I was lead to where the Empress at. Since it's not the first time I've been to the Royal Palace, I knew where the maid was leading me.

The Royal Palace has its spa wing. It had everything from mud baths, massages, and sauna to hair and nail salon. As the Princess, I also have the privilege to use the services without being charged.

When Empress invites me, we would often spend the whole in the spa wing.

Today I ended agreeing to the massage and also ended having getting a hair treatment and getting my nails done. At the end of the procedure, I and the Empress sat down in the drawing-room. We were both wearing our spa robes since other procedures needed to be done.

The scent is filled with the clean smell. I can smell the product that was used on my hair product and also I can smell the massage oil that was used on me. There is also an aroma coming from delicious black tea.


As I do with my mother, I also discuss the latest trends with the Empress since she also loves to try new things regarding beauty treatments.

"As I was looking at the report of your appearance and your public's perception, I might say I'm very impressed." Empress Vivianne praised me.

Since the incident with the partly waterproof wine-soaked dress, I instantly became the fashion icon. The incident caused the dress that I wore to be sold out for twenty times the price I bought. Now the dress is being auctioned on the online platform. Not only that, as soon as I invested in some projects, the company's stock was instantly skyrocketed.

The money that I donated to the research started making progress because I was not the person who sponsored the research fund.

"Thank you, your majesty." I politely thanked her.

"Ah, what did I tell you using the formalities in private?" Empress mentioned, and then I remembered she requested not to use the formalities.

"It's a habit." I sheepishly answered.

The more I interact with the Empress, the more I notice the similarity between her and Kai. Not only their appearance similar but they are both seem to have the same mannerism and charisma.

Empress Viviane continued the conversation.

"Though, the most memorable of your recent appearance is the color-changing dress every noble is fascinated with the dress. I'm wondering if they could do the same thing but with the traditional Naulorian dress." Empress asked me.

"It's quite possible. Just need to consult with the designer and make a custom order. Though the method they use makes the fabric quite stiffer, I've heard they are now focused on making the waterproof fabric softer," I answered.

Then the Empress smiled as she sipped on tea.

"Perhaps I would need to look into that, with that kind of dress I don't have to worry about the rain."

I agreed with her words.

"But you didn't spill wine on yourself to make that sensation, did you?" Empress Vivianne curiously asked, and I just lifted my head in confusion.

"What do you mean?" I asked. Of course, I didn't purposely spill wine on my dress. I never actually hoped that someone would be tempted to ruin a white dress with red wine.


"Who is an idiot who dared to spill ruin your dress?" Empress bluntly asked.

"Ah, apparently it was Lady Violet Degrove." I honestly answered I had no reason to hide it. Empress Vivianne frowned for a bit.

"Ah, the Marquis and Marchioness failed not only to educate their daughter but disciplining. This cannot continue. I would have to speak about this issue or else nobles will think that they can insult the royal family with no consequences." Her voice has some dangerous tone in it.

Then Empress Vivianne smiled, and we continued talking about the other topics until our tea break is finished and we got the facial treatment.

After that, I returned to the Glass Home residence completely relaxed so relaxed that I wouldn't mind going to bed early.

"Prince Kai asked to relay the message to you he wanted to see you as soon as you returned." The head butler Winston informs me.

Winston Seewald is in charge to make sure the staff is doing their job and in charge of monitoring the food and household items inventory.

"Where is he now?" I asked the head butler Winston.

"He is currently in the library."

I nodded and then headed to the elevator and pressed to take me to the 6th floor. The library was pretty big but I manage to find Kai in the lounge room reading one of the books that I've recently ordered.

It's made me happy that Kai is interested in the book I ordered since I've ordered a bunch of books about economics, politics, sociology that contained the relevant information. I also ordered subscriptions of the magazines to keep track of the newest economic studies and track the climate of the businesses inside and outside Nauloria.

"You wanted to see me?" I asked Kai.

Kai smiled when he looked at me and he gestured me to sit on the sofa with me. As soon I sat down Kai carefully put down the book wrapped his arms around it, then he put his chin on my shoulder.

"Though lately, I've been very busy, I almost completely forgot to do my responsibilities as your husband." Kai softly told me.

I gently gazed at him. Sometimes sirens tend to miss interacting with their partner so they would just need to spend time with their partner to recharge.

Though I did my best as his wife I was still busy completing my assignments and doing my responsibilities as the princess. I simply stroked his hair and he closed his eyes.

We have gotten close but not too close. I would give him kisses when he return from his work or business trips and would kiss him when he is heading to work. He would also do that for me. If Kai wanted to spend more time with he would visit my bedroom and fall asleep next to me.

"You barely courted me, so I don't expect you always be doing responsibilities as your husband." I jokingly said. The amount that he visited me let me understand how he will be busy during our marriage, so I didn't put hope. Though I'm glad that he would try to make up for me if he was very busy.

"You should have been more demanding," Kai whispered as he nuzzled into my neck.

"If you miss me, you should be able to tell me after all I'm your husband." Then he gently started kissing my neck. I was surprised and feeling a lit bit uncomfortable since the neck is the place that you've imprint your partner.

To stop him from leaving a temporary or permanent mark I gently pushed the cheek of my neck. Kai understood the hint and he stopped kissing my neck without questioning anything he then put his chin on my head.

In the end, we ended cuddling with each other.

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