《Delicate Bond ✔》Chapter 24


Two months have passed since we got married and now I got used to Kai's busy schedule and now I don't mind him going on the business trips. I guess, therefore, Kai suggested working on a degree, so I can also have something to work on while Kai is away.

Since I've gained a degree in Business Management from Richmond university, this time I pursued a master's in Economics since I'm interested in how the economy works in Nauloria. I've found a professor which thesis interested me and Kai helped me arranged the education plan with the professor.

Now I was given a list of books that I've should read to familiarize myself with economics and how the economy works in Nauloria.

Not only focused on studying economics, but I was interested in learning other topics like politics and sociology. Regarding learning those topics, I asked Kai for his book recommendation.

Kai was surprised to hear my request, but he supports my idea of learning about Nauloria through books. He gave a lot of recommendations regarding the reading material that I can find in the library that is in our residence.

Currently, I was on the 6th floor. The entire floor has belonged to the library and on this floor, there was Kai's office, but now he is currently absent.

Studying in the library is my favorite place to study. Not only are there is a lot of books I can access but it's also very equipped with computers and printers. Also, the library had a database of the books we own which makes it easier to search for the book I need.

Being the wife of the prince, I have the privilege to order books I need and adding them to the database.

"Reading 'Difference between human and siren social development' I thought you fully dedicated to studying economics," Kai commented. I was into reading the so I didn't detect Kai's presence.

"I thought you had a meeting in the Royal Palace? I was done with the assignment so I decided to read something different." I answered Kai as I looked him in the eyes.

"The meeting was short. Perhaps you don't mind taking the break and we could eat out in the restaurant of your choosing." Kai recommended, but I shook my head.

"Sorry, but I need to attend the charity ball in the evening as part of my responsibilities as the princess," I explained to Kai.

As the new princess of the Nauloria Empire, I don't have very important responsibilities but I do have basic responsibilities to attend social events. Since I'm pursuing a master's degree my responsibilities can increase depending on my progress.

Since the wedding was received very well by the public the Empress bestowed me of responsibility of making the public appearances so I can increase the popularity and interest of the Royal family little by little.

" I almost forgot that you need to attend the event." Kai couldn't attend the event because he wasn't scheduled to attend, thus he isn't prepared to attend.


Though looking at his face, he contemplates if he should attend or not.

"Your highness, you need to complete your paperwork." Kai's assistant Allen Hadley said and Kai sighed in disappointment.

"Looks like I can't attend the charity ball with you." Kai apologized before he kissed me on my forehead and headed to his office with his assistant that is carrying the stack of paperwork.

After reading for few minutes I looked at the clock and decided it was time to prepare for the ball so I headed to my room.

Before my make-up artist and stylist attend, I prepped my skin before they will put the makeup on my face.

Not only has Kai filled the clothes in my wardrobe room, but he has also filled the vanity of the room with the latest and popular cosmetics and skincare products. I'm wondering who helped him choose the products to fill in my vanity room.

My skin become dewier after I applied my usual routine and at that time my makeup artist has arrived.

I love how the scheduling make-up artist and stylist made it easier. We have a list of the trusted make-up artist, hairstylists, and designers and royalty can schedule an appointment through the special system that only royal can use. Once scheduled, I will be treated as the priority of course if Empress doesn't decide to schedule the same artist at the same time, then Empress will have the priority.

In the Naulorian family, me and Empress Vivianne are the only women in the royal family since Emperor and Empress don't have any daughters.

Not only it's was comfortable for the royal family, but it's also was comfortable for the workers since they don't have to move into the Royal palace and only work for the royalty.

Since the dress code for the royal family is stricter, I can only wear light make-up. The make-up artist did a wonderful job defining eyebrows and use eyeshadow that created the illusion that my eyes were bigger. The hairstylist curled my hair and made it into a beautiful side ponytail.

The only thing left now is to make sure my dress fits and doesn't need a last-minute fix. The assistant helped me to fit into the dress.

My dress is more modern than the Naulorian traditional style. The front of my white dress had a shorter skirt while on the back its longer. The sleeves were puffy, the only feature that makes the dress stand out. The dress also had a beautiful silver rose pattern to draw.

I'm glad that the charity isn't a white-tie event so I don't look underdressed. With this dress, I hope that I will be able to stand out in the crowd.

Additionally, to my engagement/wedding ring, I wore a diamond necklace that the Empress has gifted me. The Empress also gifted me a tiara that was recently created, but tiaras are worn during state events and white tie events, so I don't have to wear a tiara for this event.

Once I was satisfied with my look I put my hands together and said.


"Thank you for helping me to put together the wonderful look. Including the charging fee, I will be including the generous tip." The girls who helped put together my look thanked and bowed to me.

One of the benefits of being the princess is that the outfit and the stylist are paid by the royal family and not from my allowance. In this case, I included the tip from my allowance.

Since Kai couldn't accompany me, I will have an assistant accompanying me in other words lady-in-waiting that is assigned to me.

As always I traveled to the location of the charity ball via pod.

Since not everyone uses the pod for traveling people gathered outside the mansion to see who has arrived and of course, the security made sure that the path is cleared for me. Not only that there were few reporters outside.

Once the door from the pod automatically opened reporters started taking pictures since they finally saw the glimpse of me.

This is event is considered my first solo event because before that I attended a few events with the royal family.

I calmly walked inside the mansion and then my presence was announced to the guests of the charity ball. Now I was the center of the attention. I simply smiled in relief since I wasn't underdressed as I would thought I will be.

Empress wanted me to be the socialite princess who will set the trends I'm not hoping to reach the goal that fast but I don't want to disappoint my mother-in-law.

Then I was greeted by the Viscountess and Viscount of Murray.

"Welcome Princess Evelyn, we are honored that you decided to attend our ball." Viscountess greeted me and I smiled charmingly.

"Thank you for your invitation, Viscountess Murray. I'm very excited about the project that will be presented in this ball." I said.

Since Nauloria doesn't have a problem with poverty or there isn't any recent disaster that happened most of the projects are dedicated to research or investing in the business idea which you expect nothing in return.

It's a great way for common people to present their idea and receive funding to use them to build their dream.

"Will you be donating to some ventures?" The Viscount asked in curiosity.

"For now I won't be investing, first I want to see the presentations and then talk with the researchers and entrepreneurs themselves. In the end, I don't think I will be leaving the ball without investing in anything" I revealed my plan to the couple and the Viscount smiled at my answer.

The assistants who overheard our conversation started searching for their supervisor so they could speak to me and convince me to invest in their idea.

Soon I was surrounded by the researchers and entrepreneurs but instead of asking to donate their idea, they wanted me to become an investor meaning I will be given stocks and I will be paid dividends.

My assistant collected the business cards for me.

Once I found that you can donate to a mutual fund that can be split by the participating researchers and entrepreneurs. I decided to donate 100k of crystal dollars from my allowance to research in case I don't end up donating to a project of my choosing it can be split by the participants.

Comparing to crystal dollars equals ten US dollars meaning I donated one million dollars to venture since my monthly allowance is one million crystal dollars. This is more than enough for my living expenses ironically enough Kai pays most of my living expenses like food and bills.

After talking with the entrepreneurs, I've felt a drink spilled on my dress and a lot of people gasped in shock.

"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't mean to do that." I looked at the woman who spilled the drink on me. She wore a very expensive purple outfit meaning she was a noble. Although she tried to act innocently I saw a slight smirk hiding on her face.

"It's okay, I've been prepared for this occasion since I chose to wear a white dress," I answered nicely. Some parts of my dress are waterproof meaning the rose patterns become pink and the color of the red wine travels the dress all over the dress except for the shoulder so the color would spread evenly.

The people gasped at my transformation.

"Perhaps it's your first time walking those heels?" I mentioned her shoes since wore the d'orsay type of shoes. While I had my heels were lower and thicker it's also decorated with a beautiful white puff to match my puffy shoulders.

I didn't let her answer and I continued saying.

"I've been there I've also struggled to walk those heels when I first started. Next time I suggest wearing lower and sturdier shoes." I advised innocently. Then some people started snickering.

The woman's face went red very quickly and soon she started retreating quickly.

Now my dress became the topic of this party since it's was unusual for a dress to distribute the colors that way. People started asking where have I bought the dress and who designed this dress.

"I didn't know you can make painful comebacks, your highness." one noblewoman complimented. I took a sip of wine and then I innocently spoke.

"I don't know what you mean, Countess Emewater."

" Daughter of the Marquis Violet Degrove wore her creation, to say that she has trouble walking is the same as mentioning the shoes that she wore is poorly designed." The Countess explained to me and I nodded.

"Oh my, I didn't mean to come off that way." Though I wanted to insult by assuming she was younger than me while in the end, she had already surpassed the human's lifetime.

"It's all right she is known for being spoiled and get jealous at someone who steals their limelight." As the Countess explained.

I guess I would need to find more about Violet Degrove.

Just in case.

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