《Delicate Bond ✔》Chapter 21


The summers have come in the Mediterranean Kingdom. The Kingdom is already a warm place but in the summer the heat started to set in. A lot of time has passed since the engagement party. The party went well and the King and Queen of the Mediterranean Kingdom gave their blessings.

As expected, there were a lot of articles written about the engagement party as if we were hosting the Met Gala.

We are now two weeks away from the wedding. The venues have been chosen, the guest list and the wedding has been decided now it was time to travel to Nauloria Empire to take part in rehearsals, activate the blood bond, and sign the contract.

To my disappointment, Kai didn't visit often as I would like to. Nevertheless, I understood that Kai has duties as a Prince and would often be busy but we would often text with each other or video call. Though he would never forget to send a gift a for my birthday and valentine's day.

Currently, I and my family are escorted to the portal hub. Even though we never disclosed when we are traveling to the Nauloria Kingdom, the news traveled very fast.

Portal hub was crowded with the news reporters and people who wanted to see me. I would simply ignore the question that is asked by the reporters and simply wave and smile at the people who became my fans.

Empress Viviene was right about that I will be treated like a celebrity.

"Good news, Evelyn! We were given a private VIP lobby and portal room. We would only need to wait when the staff will set the portal's destination to Oritsu city." My mother told me. Then the staff leads us to the V.I.P lounge.

Oritsu city is the capital of the Nauloria Empire.

Even though no one could see us in the private lounge room unfortunately we could still hear the noise coming outside the room.

"How are you getting used to your celebrity status?" my aunt Albina teasingly asked. I grabbed the glass of water and drank then I looked at Albina's eyes we were sitting next to the bar.

"Oh my god. They even live-streamed your appearance." my cousin Lila almost yelled, she was sitting a little bit far and looked at her phone.

I and Albina turned to Lila.

"In truth, I didn't expect that I will be obsessed over." People have created a thousand unofficial social media accounts that were dedicated to posting something related to me.

"It's very expected since we rarely have a royal wedding and we live in the digital age." Alcina sighed and Albina nodded in agreement.

Though I'm thankful that I made my social media account that is for werewolves private and deleted my Instagram.

Once the staff configured the portal, we all started traveling the portal one by one.

On the other side of the portal, we were greeted by the Naulorian guards who are in charge of escorting us to the residence that we've been given for the temporal stay by the Naulorian royal family.


The time difference between the Mediterranean Kingdom and Naulorian Empire is 7 hours. We traveled to the portal hub in the morning but now it's evening in the Naulorian Empire

I expected that there would be fewer people awaiting outside the portal hub but apparently, it's wasn't the case. The Naulorian Empire is the most populated and also more diverse since the Naulorian Empire's natural-made portal is in the Pacific Ocean.

Naulorian Empire is also a multilingual place so I can hear people speaking Japanese, Arabic, Spanish of course some people spoke English.

As we passed through the crowd to the car park we are greeted by the multiple weird oval-shaped vehicles that didn't have wheels but somehow this vehicle could levitate.

"Oh wow, we will be traveling in a pod!" My cousin Lila exclaimed.

"A pod?" I asked Lila because I've never seen this type of vehicle.

"A pod is almost like a car that can fly, It's appeared in the Naulorian market a year ago, and not every rich person can afford it." My grandmother explained I nodded at my grandmother's explanation.

I knew that the Naulorian Kingdom is more technologically advanced than other Kingdoms but I didn't know that they have flying cars now.

I was the first one to step into the vehicle. My mother and my cousin followed me. In the pod, there was already a pilot sitting there.

The seats were very comfortable and the glass is tinted so no one can see the passengers of the pod.

The pod started slowly rising vertically until it's stopped at the appropriate height and started flying.

The Oritsu city is filled with beautiful glass skyscrapers that are beautifully blended with historical architecture. Since in the Nauloria Empire is late evening it was fascinating to see how the scenery is starting to change tonight city and the night markets starting getting lively.

Finally, we have arrived at the temporary residence and apparently, we were given the ten highest floors on the skyscrapers. The Naulorian royal family was very generous by giving us a temporary residence.

Not only a lot of my relatives can stay in the penthouse. The place has its home theater, pool, gym and spa, and many other things that are left to explore.

My other relatives also started moving little by little and the staff in our residence was very helpful by carrying our luggage and giving us the tour.

On the next day, Prince Kai came to visit the lawyers and the people in charge of our blood bond ceremony had also come.

First, I and my family have to review the contract before completing the blood bond because if I complete the bond first then no matter what kind of condition there is I have no choice but to sign the contract.

There were only a few conditions that were needed to change. Other than that there were still big risks associated with either me cheating, accusing of me being the spy, or working against the Naulorian royal family.


It's was expected since I'm marrying into royalty. There is also a huge package of benefits, like the hefty sum of monthly allowance and the hefty compensation after the divorce and many other things.

Kai saw my hesitation in signing the contract since if I sign this I can't take back my promises.

"If you want we can increase the benefits." Kai offered.

"It's not like I'm dissatisfied with the benefits, it's more of the risks I'm wary," I admitted to Kai.

"I don't think you have to worry too much about the risks since I believe that you won't break the contract." Kai tried to comfort me.

"Still I worry about the possibility of getting framed." Yet again I revealed worries to Kai but Kai only smiled and put his hand on my left hand.

"I will make sure that no matter what I will always be on your side and I will make sure that the case would be properly investigated so you won't get punished for being framed," Kai promised me as he spoke in the soft voice.

I glanced at the contract and I signed the contract. The contract required us to sign two times because the duration of marriage isn't set yet.

After the ceremony of the blood bond is complete I would need to sign the contract for the second time.

The Kai had also signed the contract. Then we were heading to the room to complete the blood bond.

The blood bond is required to drink a liquid that is mixed with my blood and Kai's blood and also the secret ingredient that helps to activate the bond between us.

In the room, there was already a priestess waiting for us. First Kai as the gentleman helped me to sit and then Kai sat.

The priestess quietly gestured me to give me her hand and I obediently gave her hand. Then she swiftly cut my palm with a knife and poured my blood into the bowl. I almost yelped but since the priestess swiftly made a cut, the shock was

After that, she gave me the bandage to dress my wound. Since with one hand, it's wasn't comfortable to dress my wound so Kai helped to neatly bandage my wound.

Then it's was Kai's turn to get his hand cut. He quietly winces once the priestess cuts his palm. Then I helped Kai to bandage his wound neatly since he helped to bandage my wound. Kai smiled at my returning gesture.

Priestess then started gently mixing our blood and added a mysterious clear liquid to the bowl. Then she masterfully poured the dark red liquid onto the wooden cups.

She handed us the cup to drink. I looked at the cup and instantly became nauseous.

"Do I have to drink all?" I asked the priestess and the priestess nodded in reply. I glanced at the Kai and sighed.

I took the cup and we both started drinking.

The taste of iron instantly hit me but I forced myself to drink the liquid.

After I drank the liquid I've felt more nauseous than before but Kai looked fine after he drank. Kai looked at me and he felt worried.

"Are you alright, Evelyn?" Kai asked in a worried tone.

"I feel dizzy," I answered then the priestess looked at me.

"No matter what please don't vomit or else the blood bond will not be considered as complete." The priestess warned in a firm tone.

"You need to lie down on the sofa," Kai told me. He gently took my arms and took me to the sofa to lie down.

We need to wait for an hour for our bond to activate. Kai grabbed a chair and sat down next to me. He took my bandaged hand and gently brushed his fingers against my hand and kept company until it's was time to know the duration of our bond.

"Your scent had become more overwhelming," I told Kai. Though the scent of ocean and musk became more overwhelming it's was still pleasant. I guess in the next day I would feel better and I will get used to Kai's scent.

"Should I leave you then?" Kai offered but I shook my head.

"No, just stay here, please," I asked Kai and Kai smiled abiding by my wishes.

The priestess came back to the room and brought the crystal. I've heard if the crystal changes color depending on the duration of the bond. The crystal itself is translucent white but change to a shade of pink and red.

First, the priestess gave Kai to hold the crystal for one minute and after that, she handed the crystal to me.

Once I touched the crystal the crystal color turned into deep red color and it's wasn't translucent as before.

"Ten years." The priestess made a verdict.

I wanted to pinch myself so I could wake up for this dream. I wasn't expecting to be married for ten years.

"Ten years?" I asked in shock the priestess nodded before she left the room.

Then I turned to Kai.

"Does it have to be ten years couldn't we instead be married for two years?" I pleadingly asked Kai but Kai shook his head.

"Unfortunately, if we do that we would suffer painfully from separation," Kai informed but also comforted me.

I had no choice but to accept the fact that I would need to be married for ten years.

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