《Delicate Bond ✔》Chapter 19


We sat down in the drawing-room the walls are decorated with the expensive paintings that our family received. There were white comfortable velvet sofas that matched the interior of the drawing-room.

The household staff started bringing a cup of tea and desserts.

I sat in between mother and grandmother while Empress sat on the opposite side and her assistants were standing behind her and one of the assistants starting taking notes.

"Now before we start discussing the wedding plans I would like to ask Evelyn an important question. Have you met your destined soulmate, yet?" Empress asked. I took a small gulp before answering the question but my mother decided to answer it for me.

"She has met her destined soulmate, but her soulmate rejected her." My mother answered in my stead. Empress nodded at the answer.

Since I will be marrying into the royal family they need to know my situation. Since werewolves have destined soulmates, there can be scandals involving werewolves cheating on their spouses with their destined soulmates. Which is a very painful scandal to have even for the royal family.

"As people say: After rain comes sunshine. If you hadn't been rejected, you wouldn't have met Kai." Empress Viviviene commented as she sipped on the tea. Looks she didn't the fact that I was rejected.

"Is there anything else would you like to know about Evelyn?" Reina asked Empress Viviviene but the Empress went silent for a minute.

"I guess it's the only important question I had." Empress sheepishly answered.

"What about Evelyn's education?" This is what my grandmother would like to know since she wants me to be prepared to take the role of the princess. If she knows the areas that I'm lacking she would be able to educate me until the wedding.


"Oh, I've read the resume that you've sent and the transcript of her education. Since Evelyn has taken etiquette lessons along with the dancing lesson and is also fluent in few languages. I'm more than satisfied with the education." The Empress approved my mother visible looked relief while my grandmother still would like to receive useful feedback.

She didn't want me to be unprepared for the role.

"How is your knowledge about Naulorian history?" Empress then asked after thinking what I should probably learn.

"Just started reading about it, your majesty." I answered politely and truthfully. Empress smiled at my answer.

"To go into politics one must know history very well. Also, it's would useful to know the names of the nobles in the Naulorian Empire." Empress gave the recommendation.

"We will work on that," Reina promised.

"Good, then I will send in the best tutors to help you out." Empress generously offered.

Then Empress wanted to ask something but she tried to remember by looking at the window but to no avail.

"I suggest we should take a break before talking about the wedding plans since I just need to reorganize thoughts for a little bit," Empress suggested.

We agreed since I would calm down for a little after I was nervous for the whole day. My grandmother offered to escort the Empress in the temporary guestroom.

After my grandmother and the Empress left, I sighed in relief.

"I guess it wasn't that bad after all?" My mother said and I nodded.

It's gone better than I was expecting but for some reason, I just started to get more nervous at what awaits me.

"Yeah, but for some reason, I got more nervous," I confessed to my mother but my mother smiled at me.

"It's probably pre-wedding jitters since soon you are going to take a big step in your life." My mother comforted me and I smiled awkwardly.


Is this what the pre-wedding jitters feel like?

I decided to go for a walk around the garden to calm my nerves.

I looked at the surrounding bushes and palm trees while heading to our family's orchard. There was a time that I would shift into my wolf form to make the connection with my wolf stronger but now I don't have any motivation.

Before I knew the sun is setting revealing the beautiful scenery. Then in the distance, I've heard the voice of the staff.

It's was time to go back to the drawing-room.

When I came back to the room I saw that my mom, grandmother, and Empress are already sitting waiting for me. I awkwardly apologized before I sat down.

"This is the part I've been waiting to talk about." Empress starts talking.

"The planning of the royal wedding." When the Empress spoke her eyes gleamed with excitement as if she was waiting for this moment.

"Since we didn't have a royal wedding in Nauloria in this century. Your wedding will be considered the wedding of the century." The Empress started explaining.

"Which means we need to make the wedding memorable to the whole Siren's sub-dimension." Empress declared her opinion.

"But what about the budget of the wedding?" My grandmother asked. Usually, the families have to share the budget with the other party and it didn't matter if the party is the royal family or not.

"Naulorian royal family will cover for everything!" Empress Viviviene said in an exciting voice.

"With the taxpayer's money?" I accidentally mumbled but my grandmother and my mother instantly reacted to my sentence.

"Evelyn!" They both hissed at me warningly reminding me that I should be careful with my words but the Empress didn't take offense to it.

"It's all right, we will be using the money from our capital rather than using treasury." The Empress explained. This time I was impressed I knew that Naulorian Empire is very rich but I didn't think that the royal family was also rich.

Then Empress Viviviene continued.

"For the wedding, I'm thinking to do a human's style wedding with the white dress, etc." The Empress suggested.

"And not the Naulorian tradition? I recently looked up the traditional Naulorian wedding and I would think it's would be wonderful." I asked because as the princess I didn't want to be accused of ruining the Naulorian tradition but the Empress chuckled.

"Oh no no, the normal traditional wedding is very different from the royal traditional wedding. The bride would have to kneel from night to sunrise and then proceed with the ceremony. I'm willing to compromise for a traditional reception." Empress offered the compromise and I agreed to the compromise.

Till dinner, we discussed the general outline of the wedding. At the end of the discussion when my mother and grandmother left the room I was left in the room with the Empress.

"Since the day spent discussing the wedding I didn't spend time to get to know you. Perhaps tomorrow we could chat just the two of us if you don't mind, Evelyn?" Empress Viviene offered.

"Of course, I would be honored, your majesty," I answered politely.

"When we are alone you don't have to use the formalities." She permitted me to drop the formalities. We walked together to the dining room.

Look like the Empress accepted me as her future daughter-in-law.

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