《Delicate Bond ✔》Chapter 16


"Are you sure about this, Evelyn? To marry a prince you need to be serious about your choice. What about your soulmate?" My mother asked me.

The day has passed since the shocking reveal and now we are having dinner just the three of us. Me, my mother, and my stepfather John.

"My soulmate has rejected me four years ago, mother." I had revealed another shocking piece of information.

"Four years ago? Why did you keep this to yourself? You know how mental health is important with your Lupus distat the rejection of the soulmate could worsen the condition." My stepfather John who is a psychiatrist started lecturing me.

John and my mother met in the psychiatric clinic when my mother sought treatment to get over the abrupt rejection. I would often visit my mother with my grandparents, so I also got to meet him. As a specialist, he was also curious about my mental health and he started researching about Lupus distat disease and also publishing few papers about the disease.

Ironically enough, sirens had more information about the mental diseases of the werewolves than the werewolves themselves.

Lupus distat it's a mental disease for werewolves who can't telepathically communicate with their inner wolves, thus they have a harder time shifting to their wolf. It's was caused by my childhood trauma and not living in the pack.

Living with my biological father in the pack, should have improved my disease and it did for some time, but the rejection made those efforts go back to zero.

"I know, but at that time I've felt embarrassed to tell that after all I couldn't able to fit in the pack because of the rejection, so I decided to deal with the rejection by myself." I revealed. My mother held my hand.


"Evelyn, I know that you want to do things independently, but I wished you've told me about this so you wouldn't have to go through alone." My mother told me and John nodded in agreement with my mother's words.

Then we continued eating the dinner but now we changed the topic to a lighter one.

The next day, the news about a prince from the Nauloria Empire proposed to the lady from the Valencia household, has reached the ears of almost all of the citizens of the sub-dimension.

Even my relatives still couldn't believe that this happened. They knew the benefits of marrying the royalty since my cousin married a prince of the Mediterranean Kingdom, but since I'm the second person of the family who is going to marry the prince of the richest Empire, our family is going to receive even more benefits and influence.

Of course, only today my family established contact with the royal family of the Nauloria, and soon the Empress of Nauloria Empire will come to meet me.

Kai is now started sending flowers to this residence since I've expressed that when arriving I wanted to rest and after he felt apologetic and started sending me flowers.

Currently, I was at Lila's room we were discussing the beauty and clothing trends in the Mediterranean Kingdom. Since sirens produce more effective creams than humans do.

Lila was showing the new product on the tablet and she went to a drawer and took a cream that she recently bought.

"This is the cream that instantly removes the redness and has a healing effect, it helped me a lot since I like to pop my pimples out." Lila explained as she handed me so I could swatch.

I opened the lid and took a little bit of cream and swatched it on my hand. I've felt the instant cooling effect.


"Oh wow, it instantly cools the skin!" I exclaimed and Lila grinned.

"I know right? When we go shopping together we must go to that store so you can buy for yourself." Lila offered.

Then suddenly Lila's mother opens the door with a distressed look on herself.

"Prince Kai came to visit. Lila, please help Evelyn to prepare." Lila's mother informed. I and Lila were shocked."

Neither of us expected Prince Kai to visit. We hurried to my room and Lila instantly started looking for suitable clothes.

"Those dresses won't do. Why didn't you bring any good dresses?" Lila asked in a disappointing tone as she was looking at the casual dresses that I've brought.

"Because it's wouldn't have fit the baggage. Besides wouldn't one of the dresses will be enough?" I asked Lila as I was brushing my hair and then I was putting my mascara on since I don't have time to do more presentable makeup.

"Are you kidding me? Of course, those dresses aren't enough! Do you want to embarrass our family?" Lila's face showed bewilderment.

In this family, we must dress appropriately. Since the prince came to visit its means I couldn't dress casually.

I sighed while I remembered him seeing me with a sweater and jeans while I was in the pack. I guess those moments are over now.

Then we headed to Lila's room and she lent a white dress with the long skirt, that had a style of Greek goddess dress Lila. Then Lila went to my room in search of the matching shoes because even though we had the same clothing size we had different shoe sizes.

I put on the dress in Lila's room, while she was searching for the shoes.

I looked at myself in the mirror, luckily the dress fit me very well. Then Lila came back with the shoes she found and blinked once she saw me.

"Woah, The dress looks better on you than on me." Lila commented as she hands me the white high heels. Then I started putting the high heels on and Lila was searching for the perfume with the suitable scent and started spraying me the mix of the fruity and flowery scent.

Then I headed to the foyer, where Prince Kai was waiting for me.

In the foyer I found my grandmother having a polite conversation with the Prince and she noticed that I was coming.

"And here is Evelyn. Alright, I will leave you two alone." Reina smiled and left the two of us here.

I glanced at Kai.

"Well, I hope I didn't make you wait long enough," I told Kai and he smiled.

"I don't mind. Besides I didn't think that I would be meeting a goddess." Kai complimented me and I just tried not to blush.

"Well, then would you like to have a walk to the garden?" I offered.

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