《Delicate Bond ✔》Chapter 13


The next day, I was walking back to the packhouse. The weather got colder but I'm glad that there wasn't any rain. My father wanted to spend more time with me before I've left. Walking through the pavement road surrounded by the tall trees and street lights that turn on only in the evening.

At one point I have a hard time believing that I'm about to leave this pack to marry Prince Kai.

I walked through the gate and spot the truck and omegas that were unloading the truck. I didn't pay attention to it since we always use a truck to order a large amount of food and other supplies.

But apparently, this day is special too.

Walked to the mansion's foyer and there was an event coordinator giving instructions to the pack members. I didn't remember there was supposed to be an event after the ball.

"Is there an event coming up?" I asked the random pack member.

"The Wolf night." The other person answered and I nodded.

The Wolf night is one of our pack's traditions. Teenagers would celebrate with the bonfire party and adults would just gather for the BBQ party.

Always preferred to stick with adults since I didn't enjoy the party filled with loud music and alcohol. Some found it was a weird choice but I would always find a way to reply to the questions regarding my choice sarcastically.

But people stopped questioning me about my choice when one day the during teenager's party police managed to find various types of illegal drugs. Meaning one of the pack members had access to illegal drugs and sold them to the other pack members, which is very problematic to the pack.

Now the parties for teenagers became more monitored in the pack.

I carefully walked past the boxes.


"Are you planning to ruin another Wolf night party?" Damien asked in an accusatory tone. I stopped walking and slowly turned around and to meet Damien's gaze.

"When did I ever ruin a Wolf night, when I never even attended the party? Besides, didn't your friends ruined the party and that is why you got sent to the boarding school for Alphas? " I told him in a very calm tone.

Alpha Frank was very pissed at Damien because as an Alpha's son he is supposed to be a role model to people his age but he got involved with the people who smuggled drugs to the pack and didn't do anything to prevent it.

Damien claimed that he wasn't aware that this was happening behind his back.

"Please don't pretend anymore, Aaron told me everything." I just chuckled.

"I simply warned him not to go to the party since there was always drugs involved." Where is he going with this anyway? Then I simply sighed.

I looked at the foyer the omegas left the foyer a long time ago and there wasn't any other presence to eavesdrop on the conversation.

"Why do you insist accusing me anyway?" I started asserting. Damien was about to answer but I started walking towards him.

"Perhaps, this was your reason to reject me?" Damien didn't say anything and tried to avoid my gaze.

"Hah, and you didn't confront about it until now is because...." I wanted him to finish this sentence but I guess that won't be happening.

"For revenge, I didn't deserve?" I finished now for him.

"I've never thought I will be even more disappointed with you, Damien, I thought you were smarter than this or at least had the decency to tell me a reason for a rejection when I begged you to tell about it." My voice became softer.


Then I looked away.

"At least, I wouldn't have wasted my time." I told him silently.

"Or perhaps this was also one of your goals." I silently concluded and I looked at his eyes hoping that he would disagree with me or fight back.

Instead, his eyes showed panic because he couldn't find words.

Then I headed to my room.

Once I entered my room, I started searching for the pills that will help to quench my upcoming anxiety.

I quickly drank the pills and I started printing the required documents to traveling to the Mediterranean Kingdom.

I was reviewing the checklist to make sure that I didn't forget to include anything else on the list and started packing my bags. Of course, I wouldn't be able to take everything with me. In that case, I will ask my father to ship the rest of my clothes.

Then I started packing.

The whole process took me more than one and a half hours. It's was tiring but it's was worth it.

On my desk, I noticed picture frames.

On one of the picture frames, there was a picture where I was wearing the princess costumes celebrating my 6th birthday with my mother and step-father John. At that time I wanted a princess-themed party and my step-father didn't get greedy on the budget in hopes that I will forget the pain I've endured.

On the second picture frame, we were taking a family picture for the Christmas card. I simply looked awkward since when I started living with my father's family it's was hard for me to get used to it. At that time, I hated my father and especially despised my step-mother and step-brother Aaron. Back then, I enjoyed making them miserable to the point that even now I'm ashamed of my actions. Little by little, with the help of the therapy I slowly accepted them.

Also, the environment was hard for me to get used to it. In the Mediterranean Kingdom, I was homeschooled with my cousins apart from general education I was taking Etiquette, Dance, and Extra Languages classes. Of course in the Mediterranean Kingdom, there were lots of events to show off those skills.

Of course, when I moved into the pack I started missing those things in the Mediterranean Kingdom, but in the pack, I slowly got used to the environment and managed to make friends.

"I guess there was no use to fitting in, After all." I sighed in disappointment while smiled sadly at the pictures.

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