《Delicate Bond ✔》Chapter 9


As I expected, Damien and Abigail continued to flirt with each other. Even though I respected Damien's decision to move on but for some reason I have a feeling that Damien flirts with Abigail just to irk me.

If you reject someone wouldn't you respect the person's space and let them heal? Or I simply dodged a bullet getting rejected by an insensible idiot?

Nevertheless, I try to avoid them as much as I can. I value my mental health more than my pride.On the other hand, Prince Kai continued sending me flowers. Each day there was a different type of flowers but without a note. The flowers themselves convey the message.

Sometimes I get the flowers that symbolized longing. The next day I get flowers that symbolize adoration. Today I got a bouquet of lavender-colored roses that symbolizes love at the first sight.

It always lightens my mood. I've never been pursued like that before.

After I finished getting ready I left my room, so I could pick up my dress for the upcoming ball.

Downstairs I spotted my old high school friends. When my friends met their mates they either traveled to their mate's pack or and stayed here and built a family here. When I went to university we started communicating way less than we used to.

"Evelyn!" Zoey greeted and I simply smiled and hugged her.

"Zoey! Asia!" Asia was simply standing and smiled at us.

We used to dominate high school together. Those were good times.

We just made some cup of tea in the pack's kitchen and sat down in the empty lobby room.

"I've heard that the representatives of the East Water Wolves pack come to visit." Asia mentioned then Zoey perked up and looked at me.

"Oh yeah! How are they by the way?" Zoey asked me as she sipping some tea.


"They seem nice and weren't rude like the last pack." I honestly answered.

"Even their Alpha's daughter?" Asia suddenly asked me and I simply nodded. Abigail wasn't acting rude to me at all and she doesn't know my situation with Damien.

Asia and Zoey looked at each other and I knew there is something wrong.

"Why are you asking?" I asked them.

"Well... On our way to the packhouse, we heard a nasty rumor about Alpha's Smith daughter." Zoey explained. I blinked my eyes a few times and braced it's not the rumor that I think it is.

"What kind of rumor?" I asked them while I took a sip of my tea.

"We heard that she humiliated our pack's Omega and I almost slapped her. Just because spilled an iced coffee on her expensive shirt." Asia explained the rumor to me. I sighed from relief since it's wasn't the rumor that I expected but it's was still bad.

Abigail's reputation in this pack went down right to the drain. If she hoped to become a Luna of this pack now she has lost the chance. Alpha Frank would never consider her for this position.

"I would never guess that she looks down at the low-rank members." I voiced my opinion.

The pack's hierarchy is important to the pack but in our pack, we weren't allowed to discriminate against our members based on their rank.

Omegas they are werewolves like every werewolf that is loyal to the pack. There are cases either werewolves aren't strong enough or smart but they contribute to the pack in other areas.

We talked for a little bit before I finished drinking my tea then I simply excused myself since I need to pick up my dress from the boutique.

I drove my Tesla to the shop that I need to pick up the dress.


This shop sells and lets people rent the best dresses and suits.

The shop assistant recognized me since I'm a frequent client.

"Would you like to try out the dress? Then we can adjust the dress according to your size." the shop assistant asked and I agreed. When I received my dress I went to the changing room.

I ordered the beautiful beige gown with long sleeves. On top of the gown there a very precise flower pattern and at the bottom of the dress the skirt is flowy.

In other words, I look beautiful and classic when I looked in the mirror.

Although, there are still small adjustment need to be made. When I changed my clothes I asked for the adjustment and I simply waited in the reception area.

The boutique is divided into two sections. The east side is for women's clothes, the west side is for men's side.

I didn't expect to hear a familiar voice in the men's side. It looks like Kai was also invited to attend the ball.

I wanted to hide behind the fashion magazine since I didn't know how should I face him. If I hide it's would be stupid since he can still spot me.

I calmed down and act that I didn't notice his voice and greet him naturally if he notices. When he walked out of the doorway with the shop assistant who is carrying his packaged suit. Kai instantly notices me and smiled at me.

Sirens don't have a good sense of smell like werewolves do but they do have good intuition.

"Will you be also going to ball?" Kai asked me once he paid for the suit.

"Yes, everyone in our will be attending this ball." I answered politely.

"Well, it's perfect then, because I'm in need of a date." Kai revealed his intention.

"Do you want me to be your partner for the ball?" I asked him.

"Oh, I love to have you as my date for the ball." I almost wanted to facepalm myself. I didn't mean to ask him to become his partner for the ball. I wanted to ask if he wants me to become his date. It's ended up sounding that I was asking him out.

Kai asked me out for the coffee but I declined and said I would be busy. Then Kai asked for my number so I reluctantly has to give it to him since he needs he will have to pick me up.

After I got my dress we ended up parting our way.

The packhouse was quiet since most pack member that lives in the packhouse went to prepare the venue for the ball.

Unfortunately, I met Damien on my to my room. He looked more furious than the last time he confronted me.

"Is this one of your schemes?" Damien demandingly asked me I simply scoffed.

"What scheme? I don't have any time for your nonsense." I told him. I wanted to go to my room but he was still blocking my path.

"Don't pretend that you don't know anything. You're the one who framed Abigail and ruined her reputation." Damien revealed the reason that he is confronting me.

Does he think that I deliberately set Abigail up? Great!

"Why do you think I was the one who framed Abigail? You just giving me too much credit. Besides, I respect your wish to move on." Damien was confused about how I calmly answered and by the last part of my sentence.

I used his confusion to quickly pass him and headed to my room.

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