《Delicate Bond ✔》Chapter 8


The sunlight peeked through the curtains and was shining in my face so I was forced to wake up. I turned away so I can avoid the sunlight and my gaze fell on to purple bear.

Corners of my mouth slightly lifted into a small smile.

I don't regret spending with Kai last night.

It's was a very pleasant memory that I'm going to cherish. There is a chance that I might never relive this moment again.

I simply grabbed the bear and hugged it for few minutes.

Today was my day off so I slowly started to get out of bed and prepare for the day.

Decided to wear a dark red cozy cashmere sweater with skinny jeans. I did my make-up less than usual.

After I left my room I heard that there was a noise downstairs and I decided to check it out. The smell hit me and I understood that we have visitors from the neighboring pack.

I saw my half-brother Aaron who was standing next to the stairs and just observes the crowd that formed in the foyer.

"We another set of visitors?" I asked Aaron.

"Yeah, The Alpha, Beta, and other important members from the East Water Wolves pack came to visit us with their families. Since this year we host the ball." Aaron answered and I nodded.

I completely forgot about that.

We have a tradition that we host the ball and during when the results of the evaluation are announced.

I guess I would need to prepare a dress for this event.

I looked at the Alpha Frank, Damien and my father exchanging pleasantries with East Water Wolves' pack representatives and I was very lucky that I wasn't in charge of accommodating them.

Accommodating sirens was a challenging job on its own.

Our father gestured us to come downstairs since he wanted to introduce us. We came downstairs.


"This is my eldest daughter Evelyn and my son Aaron." My father introduced us and I put on my signature polite smile. I greeted politely Alpha and Luna Smith of the Kenza pack first then Aaron followed my suit. Then I politely greeted Beta. I shook my hand with each person.

"Oh wow, your daughter and son are very refined, Albert." Luna Smith commented and my father continued to boast that we in our 20's we hold very important positions in the pack.

Alpha and Luna of the East Water Wolves pack politely listened to our father.

"Since our daughters pretty much the same age perhaps you could be friends?" Luna Smith suggested.

I looked behind Alpha and Luna of the East Water Wolves pack I saw that their daughter was standing and her face screamed boredom. She was blonde with brown roots and had forest green eyes.

"Ah, will see." I replied politely.

Then my father started with the Beta family while Alpha and Luna of the Kenza pack continued talking with the Alpha Frank and Damien.

Then I felt someone was staring at me I turned my head and I saw Lily. She is one of the pack's Omega and she would usually inform me when I would receive packages.

For Omegas it's considered risky to approach me while I was talking to the higher-ups since they don't like to be an eyesore.

I excused myself and I went to Lily.

"Any packages?" I smiled at Lily. Lily looked a bit relieved and it looks like she contemplating to approach me or not in front of the guests.

"Y-yes, there are two packages for you. One a usual package and another is a bouquet." Lily informed.

Oh, a bouquet of flowers? Interesting.

The package was definitely from my mother. She likes to buy the clothes, bags, perfume, cosmetics that she thinks I would like and she sends them to me.


'I'm 23 years old and I still getting spoiled by my mother' I sighed in my mind.

I followed Lily to the room where the pack kept packages. Lily handed me the box and the bouquet of pink camellias. Since the box was very big I simply put the bouquet on the box and I carried the box.

There were no people in the foyer so I went to the nearest table put down the box and stared at the flowers. I noticed there was a note tucked between the flowers.

I didn't expect to receive flowers today. Not going to lie, I was glad to know that he also enjoyed spending time with me and still thought about me when he decided to send flowers.

"From your admirer?" I turned to the source of the voice and it's was Alpha and Luna's Smith daughter.

"Appear so." I politely answered.

"My name is Abigail." She introduced herself.

"My name is Evelyn." And I also introduced myself.

"Your accent is very interesting. Are you perhaps French?" Abigail asked me and she looked curious about my accent.

"Oui." I replied. I decided not to get into details about my life. My grandparent's on my mother's side lived in France and spoke French. Then my stepfather's family spoke in Spanish, French, and Italian.

"Oh, that's so cool!" Then Abigail started asking various questions and I replied politely. We talked about various topics regarding our tastes in clothes, the best shops, etc.

"You know I didn't know that Silver Forest was that rich." Abigail said.

"What do you mean?" In comparison to the other packs we weren't very rich but we were not poor either.

"When we arrived at the pack's house we saw Rolls-Royce car was leaving." Abigal told me and then I understood what she meant.

It's was either Kai who attended the morning meeting or the other guests from the same delegation who spoke to Alpha Frank.

"Ah no, that's our other guests. The sirens came to visit us." I explained to Abigail and her mouth turned in to 'o' shape. She seemed to be impressed by our pack.

"Having fun, girls?" Damien came up to us and politely asked.

"Eh could be more fun. Do you know any good nearest bars or clubs?" Abigail asked Damien.

I looked at Damien and he had a devious expression. I wanted to visibly scowl at him.

"Oh, we have a lot of nightclubs." Damien replied in a flirtatious way.

Did he want to give me the same medicine? I smiled very tightly trying hard not to scowl at him.

I'm definitely not playing this game.

I grabbed the box and the flower bouquet.

"Ah, I forgot I have some unfinished business. Unfortunately, I wouldn't be joining the fun." I politely excused myself and hurried to my room.

Did he want to provoke me or what?

I understand that he is not my mate in front of me and he is entitled to flirt with whom he likes. But why is he doing it in front of me?

I put the box down in my room and I looked at the bouquet of camellias. Camellias don't have a smell but I still smelled it. It's calmed me a bit.

'Don't worry Evelyn, there are only a few days away until you will know the results of the evaluation. Then you don't have to bear with him anymore.' I comforted myself.

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