《Delicate Bond ✔》Chapter 7


"You know Evelyn, I want to get to know you better." Prince Kai said after our waitress took our order.

I guess I have no choice to play his cat and mouse game. If it's indeed a cat and mouse game.

"What do you want to know about me, Your Highness?" I asked with slight amusement in my voice.

"First of all, drop the formality. I liked it better when you called me by my first name in Art Exhibition." Kai said.

In Art Exhibition there was a mix of humans and werewolves and it's would be very weird to call him by his title in front of the humans. Additionally, the etiquette rules allowed that exception.

Although in the restaurant in the VIP area the tables are very far apart, the light was dim and there was classical music playing in the background. In essence, no human or werewolf can eavesdrop on our conversation.

"Alright, Kai." I still felt weird calling him by the first name but Kai smiled in satisfaction.Sirens have a weird way of pursuing the partner. I learned a few signs back while I was living in the Mediterranean Kingdom.

Maybe if I wasn't aware of the signs, I wouldn't be that confused.

"I noticed that you have a little bit different structure than most packs and I'm curious what role you have in this pack?" Kai asked me.

Indeed we have a different structure than most packs.

"I'm simply in charge of diplomatic affairs of the Silver Forest pack." I told Kai.

"Usually the Luna is responsible for those things, no?" Kai threw another question and I simply smiled at him.

"We don't have a Luna." I answered.

When I arrived at the pack while I was a teenager there wasn't a Luna.

I don't know if our Luna has died or divorced Alpha Frank. No one mentioned anything about the former Luna. Furthermore, I wasn't curious about the matter so I never pursued it.


Kai also didn't want to pursue the topic about former Luna.

"So when did you started working?" Kai asked and the waitress brought us two glasses of wine. I took a little sip from the wine and put it back on the table.

"I started working about a few months ago. After I finished university." I told him. I studied at the university in Richmond since it was not very far from my pack.

It's won't be fair if Kai would just keep asking me some questions so I decided to ask him some questions.

"What is it like living in Nauloria Empire? How different is it from the Mediterranean Kingdom?" I asked Kai.

"Why the Mediterranean Kingdom? It's oddly specific." Kai asked. Usually, Nauloria would be compared to Kingdom that is in the Atlantic Ocean rather than the Mediterranean Kingdom.

"I was raised there as a child." I honestly answered. My answer seemed to arouse Kai's interest in me.

"You are a very peculiar person, Evelyn. I would never know if you hadn't told me." Kai complimented me.

We continued talking until the waitress brought our food. After we ate I offered to pay since Prince Kai is our guest, also I could use the credit card that I was given by Alpha Frank but Prince Kai kindly declined my offer and paid for our dinner.

We led the restaurant and in the distance, there was music coming from the amusement park. The sky had darkened and the lights that come from the amusement park created beautiful scenery.

"Would you like to take a walk there before we go back?" Kai noticed my gaze towards the amusement park.

"Sure, if that's okay with you. Though, I won't be joining you in any rides." Kai chuckled at me.

I never liked Amusement Park rides except for the Ferris wheel. Furthermore, I was a little bit tipsy from the wine I drank. Kai offered his arm and I gladly locked my arm around his arm.


I became calmer around Kai since I drank some wine. I didn't care what kind of intentions he has towards me.

Kai proceeded to talk about the festivals in Nauloria since Amusement Park had Halloween-themed decorations and prepared for the Halloween festival.

Since Nauloria is the richest Empire amongst other siren kingdoms they tend to have a bigger budget for the festivals. Though Kai didn't try to boast about it I was already curious about that place.

Though when my step-grandmother taught about the geography of the siren kingdoms she mentioned that Nauloria Empire is the richest.

Humans have billionaires but sirens have trillionaires but if I evaluated the net worth of the richest siren in dollars it's would be way more than a trillion dollars.

As if Nauloria Empire reached a state of unlimited wealth. As someone who studied Bussiness and Economics it's would be an interesting thesis to write.

One day I would like to visit that place. I want to see how the rich people live here and how the poor people live there. I'm curious how the Nauloria Empire manages its economy.

Then I saw the booth of the shooting games and how people trying to win the prizes. Kai noticed my gaze.

"Would like me to win a prize for you?" Kai offered me and looked at him.

"Will, you able to win a prize?" I challenged him and he grinned at me and we went to the shooting booth.

He didn't hesitate to spend money on the attempts and showed off his shooting skills.

"You have good precision, young man. Perhaps you were in the army?" The booth vendor asked Kai.

"Something like that." Kai smiled sheepishly while he replied to the vendor.

"Well, you can choose from the big-sized prizes over here." The vendor gestured at the prizes.

Kai gestured me to choose the prize. I sighed and I looked at the options.

"I would like that purple bear, please." I told the vendor and the vendor took it from the shelves and handed the prize to me.

We decided to go to the exit and wait for the car there.

"Thank you, no one ever did this for me." I genuinely thanked him. Kai was surprised.

"Really?" Kai asked me in a surprised tone and I just nodded. He didn't ask any further questions.

When we left the amusement park the familiar Royce Rolls was already waiting for us.

We were both tired so we didn't speak during the ride but when we arrived at the packhouse I bid goodbye to Kai and I thanked him for the wonderful time.

I sighed in bliss when the car left. I was glad that I choose to accompany him.

I felt the happiness that I've never felt before. I wasn't a miserable person but I guess what I'm feeling is the different kind of happiness that was foreign to me.

As soon as I entered the mansion I've met with the familiar pair of green eyes that is laced with jealousy.

I simply ignored him since I didn't want to deal with him.

"So now your setting eyes on the Prince?" Damien asked.

"Since your not my mate anymore it's none of your business." I told him as I went to my room.

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