《Delicate Bond ✔》Chapter 4


When the meeting ended I became busy preparing everything for the visitors from Nauloria Empire. Since they will be arriving in five days.

There were a lot of documents that I needed to print so I went to the printing room. When I was walking through the hallway I heard a familiar voice.

"My mentors told me that there will be a chance that I will be ranked top 10 amongst the male werewolves." Damien was talking to Alpha Frank about evaluation. I zoned out what Alpha Frank had to say.

Oh merde.

My heart started to beat faster so I stopped in the hallway. I completely forgot about Damien's return.

I'm glad that I wasn't visible to them or else I don't think I would be able to control facial expression. However, I will be visible since I would need to pass the staircase.

I calmed myself and repositioned my papers and tried to pass the staircase.Unfortunately, Alpha Frank spotted me.

"Evelyn, I'm glad that you are here. " Alpha Frank gesturing to come to join the conversation.

Now I didn't have a choice but to face Damien so I put on my fake smile. I looked at Damien's eyes and he didn't expect me to be here.

The expression is worth seeing.

"As you know Damien just came back from his training and I need your help to introduce him to his duties." Alpha Frank reminded me.

"Oh? Welcome back, Damien!" I greeted him as politely as I could he was more put off of my actions. He could only stay silent and try to calm his wolf.

Then I turned to Alpha Frank.

"Unfortunately, there is still work needed to be done and email to be answered but I managed to prepare a summary of his duties and I sent it to his assigned email." I excused myself since I didn't want the conversation to become more awkward.

"I'm afraid I would need your favor again, Evelyn." Alpha Frank said.

I guess an attempt to excuse myself didn't work so I helplessly listened to my Alpha's next words.

"As you know not only we have visit delegation from the Pacific Ocean but also representatives from East Water Wolves pack will be visiting us."

It seems the Silver Forest pack will be packed with guests.

The more different representatives visit the pack, the more Silver Forest pack will be able to build connections. Thus, the Silver Forest pack will able to get more influence.


"Therefore, Damien needs to be prepared for those events since you are more familiar with fashion and etiquette. Can you please help him to buy suits for the events?" Alpha Frank asked and my eyes widened.

Look like Moon Goddess is not in my favor today.

I finally managed to excuse myself when we agreed on time I will be able to help Damien.

When I finally entered the printing room I wanted to curse so badly but I just held in.

Although Damien rejected me as his destined mate, I could still feel the bond and I could still get affected by voice, touch, and smell.

Why would Moon Goddess create soulmates when werewolves end up rejecting their soulmate anyway?

I just wish that two months would pass quickly so I could go to the Matching ball and find a more dependable partner and just leave this place.

Or maybe I can just go visit my mother and start living with my mother until I meet a siren who will want me as his mate?

I just sighed and started printing the documents.

I guess it's no point wasting my energy on contemplating since today I still need to accompany 

Damien and help him choose his suits.

Two hours have passed since I finished all my tasks. I looked at the time on my computer and sighed.

It's left about 10 minutes since I was supposed to meet Damien and take him to the boutique so he could choose a suit.

I grabbed my thin brown Burberry coat and my Prada purse and went downstairs and waited for Damien.

Damien arrived at the foyer in five minutes.

"Are you ready?" I asked him with a colder tone than previously. Damien nodded.

"All right, let's go." I told Damien.

I was ready to finish this task as fast as I could.

We went to the pack's house garage. It can hold about 20 cars. I pressed unlock on my car keys and my white Tesla Model X beeped.

"Did your mother bought you a car?" Damien asked.

Since my father is a Beta and my mother married a rich siren, in the pack I was considered to be very spoiled.

"None of your business." I answered coldly and nonchalantly and I gestured to get in the car.

Technically I managed to buy my car with my allowance combined with my pay for administration work in the pack. Though I didn't want him to start wondering about how much I receive an allowance since the Tesla X model costs about the same as 2 years of tuition for Ivy League school.


Damien decided to sit in the back seat and I sat down behind the wheel and glanced at Damien's bright forest green eyes and strands of dark brown hair that were visible in the mirror.

We were silent during the ride until Damien decided to break this awkward silence.

"So where are you taking me?" Damien asked.

'Oh you know, we are going to a very isolated place so I can bury your dead body.' I wanted to sarcastically reply.

"I know a very good place that specializes in selling a good quality suit." I answered instead.

If Alpha Frank entrusted me with this task, it means that he wants Damien to find himself a designer suit.

When we arrived at the story the shop's assistant greeted us.

"Welcome to our boutique! Would you like a glass of champagne or perhaps a coffee?" The sales assistant asked me.

I wanted to have a glass of white wine but I was behind a wheel. A glass of wine would help me to deal with this dreadful task.

"No, thank you." I answered to a sales assistant.

Then a few shop assistants started asked Damien about what is he looking for. Damien was didn't expect this kind of service and he was struggling to answer the sales assistant's persistent questions."

"At first we would like to see some of Oxxford suit if you have anything his size." I told the sales assistant with a smile. They nodded and went back to work.

"So do you often wear suits?" I casually asked Damien.

"The only suit I wore is during graduation." Damien told me and I sighed.

I guess there is more work that awaits me than I expected.

"Oh, we would also need dress shirts, ties, and even shoes." I told another sales assistant. The sales assistants were very eager to help us out since they know we will be spending a lot of money here.

Then I gestured Damien to go to the dressing room.

"You know you didn't mean this to be this awkward." Damien told me. I knew he was talking about the rejection.

"Then why did you do it, if you didn't want to feel awkward?" I emotionally questioned him without expecting him to answer.

It's was stupid for him to say that. On the other hand, he shouldn't have rejected me if he didn't expect the emotional consequences.

"Forget it. In this century is very popular to find a mate that will suit your status. After the evaluation results, I will be able to find a better mate." I mumbled but I'm sure Damien heard what I was saying with his sensitive hearing.

Looking at his eyes I can guess that his wolf didn't like my statement.

While my wolf that resides in my head is too traumatized to respond. The childhood trauma took a big toll on my wolf and his rejection worsened my condition.

Damien decided not to comment on my statement.

Finally, the shop's assistant brought us the clothes and Damien went to the cabin to try some on.

While I was scrolling at my phone I started to hear curses.

"No wonder, why the workers are eager to help us. This shirt cost about three hundred dollars." Damien whispered angrily so my werewolf ears can hear.

He got out of the changing room and I glanced at him. Not going to lie, the suit looks very good on him. It just the suit doesn't match his personality.

"If it's cost more then it's will last more." I simply commented.

"You think I can afford this?" Damien asked me.

"Oh, so you cannot afford this?" I asked with curiosity.

This is the best boutique that sells men's suits that is not very far from the pack's house. We could have gone to the mall but we had to travel to the nearest human city. Tailoring would be a great option but we don't have enough time.

I wanted to finish the task as soon as possible.

"Just keep trying on the clothes. I'll pay for you." I told him.

"You will?" Damien looked at me in disbelief.

"Yeah, we can't have an Alpha's son with a proper suit. Besides, I'll just send receipts to your father." I mocked him at the beginning.

'If I able to spend about 5k on this shopping spree, perhaps not only I will get the debt returned, maybe Alpha Frank will give me a credit card that will give me access to the pack's finances?' I thought.

It's will give me the privileges of the Luna without going through the mating process.

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