《Delicate Bond ✔》Chapter 2


"Leave, there is no place for you and your daughter here, Nicole." my grandmother sternly said those harsh words to my mother.

I was very confused why my grandmother was suddenly acting this way.

"You cannot kick me and your granddaughter." Then my mother looks at my father who looked very nervous. "Albert, are you going to let her kick your mate and your daughter out ?" My mother asked demandingly asked, my father.

My grandmother smirked.

"What a mating bond can do, if you cannot bear a son? " Then I've felt a presence behind me and I turned to see another woman holding her son by her hand.

"Luckily, I don't have to worry about it." my grandmother viciously commented.

My mother's face paled and she looked at my father "Y-oou ."

She couldn't finish her sentence my grandmother interrupted her.

"Now leave, your Alpha bloodline without a pack didn't give us any proper use." Those were my grandmother's last words before she kicked us out.

Then I remembered how I refused to leave the mental facility that was designated to help rejected wolves because I didn't want to leave my mother.

Even though my mother's parents begged me to come with them.

I instantly wake up from my nightmare.

"This nightmare again." I say while breathing to calm myself.

Luckily, my grandmother is dead and my mother managed to find another mate who accepted me as his daughter.

Normally, I was over this trauma. Perhaps news of Damien's return triggered my nightmare?

I got up and took a shower. After that, I did my morning skincare routine.

I decided to wear a red cashmere sweater with jeans.

I sat down and looked at my collection of expensive perfumes and contemplated if I should go with Dolce & Gabbana " L'imperatrice" perfume or Gucci "Bamboo".


In the end, I choose Gucci's "Bamboo".

After I finished putting on perfume. I walked downstairs to the communal kitchen and made myself a coffee and grabbed a freshly baked croissant that was made by the pack's house cook.

"Would you like some eggs and bacon, Evelyn?" the cook politely asked.

"Oh thank you for offering but I'm not that hungry." I replied politely. Then I sat behind the bar table and drank my coffee until I received notification from my phone.

I got a message from my father.

I've heard you've come back. Would you like to come over for lunch?

I sighed. I wasn't feeling going in there but I had to show my mother that I was making effort to maintain our father-daughter relationship. I replied with a simple "Ok".

After I ate my croissant I went to my office inside the packhouse to do my responsibilities as administrator/diplomat.

"Oh, Evelynn today in the evening will be a meeting with Alpha and Beta, I think they want to hear a progress about inviting a delegation from the Pacific Ocean." My co-worker Jim reminded me.

I thanked Jim for reminding opened my email to see if I received any new email from Pacific Ocean's visitor and so I could present updates for the meeting.

After I finished preparing the documents for the meeting, I look at the time and it's was an hour till lunch. I decided to finish other work before heading to my father's house.

I liked my job and responsibilities because you were only given tasks and deadlines and then it's doesn't matter how long you take your break if you can deliver results in time.

Then I head to my room and grab my bag and decided to just take a walk instead of taking my car.


I looked around at the scenery to see how the autumn air starts taking a toll on nature.

It's taken me thirty minutes to get to my father's house.

When I arrived I looked at the three-story cottage. A recurring place in my nightmares.

Not only I was kicked out as a child, but I also had to come back as a teenager.

I walked into the house without knocking.

"Finally, you've come Linda is almost finished cooking lunch." My father greeted me and I simply nodded.

Not far from my father stood my half-brother who is a year younger than me.

"Hey, Aaron." I greeted him nonchalantly and he also murmured his greeting.

The common trait that every William household members share, is that we all have blonde hair.

Then Linda left the kitchen to greet me and I greeted her in the same manner like I greeted my step-brother, then we sat down in the dining room.

Since there was already a plate of food on the table I started slowly eating.

"So how was the evaluation?" My father asked me. After I came back here to learn how to be a proper werewolf in the pack, my father was always nice to me because he felt guilty that he couldn't stand up to that old hag.

As a teen, I wasn't exactly very reasonable per se.

Since Linda and my stepbrother still somewhat wary of me.

"It's was fine." I swallowed my food before shortly answering.

"To be honest, I'm glad that you participated in evaluation now rather than when you were 18 years old. I don't think you would be able to finish your degree or build your career if you chose otherwise." My father commented and I didn't say anything since I was busy.

Tell me about it, If I would get into the top 10 as an 18-year old I would be relentlessly pursued. Although I can't guarantee if I could have reached there in the first place.

The evaluation was mandatory of course but if you're 18 at that time then you have a choice to not participate. Since evaluation happens every 5 years that is required to evaluate every werewolf abilities by the age of 18-25 for females and 20-27 for males.

"Well, I'll need to come back to packhouse since there will be a meeting." I said after I finished my plate.

"The meeting? It wouldn't be happening that soon. I will be also attending the pack's meeting so I will give you a ride." My father offered and I couldn't help but accept the offer.

My father is the pack's Beta and I almost forgot he will participating in the meeting.

So I went to the kitchen and made myself some tea while I will be wait .

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