《Delicate Bond ✔》Chapter 1


I arrived at the mansion surrounded by pine trees. This is the current packhouse of the Silver Forest wolves. I thanked the Uber driver for driving me and gave him five stars for taking me to a place that doesn't exist in the GPS. I grabbed my travel bag and closed the car's door.

I watched for few seconds as the driver slowly starting driving off before going into the packhouse.

Not a lot of wolves live in the packhouse so there weren't a lot of wolves near. Most werewolves prefer owning their property in the town that is mostly populated by them so not many wolves live in the packhouse.

I opened the mansion's door and I was greeted by the pack member who works in this mansion.

"Welcome back Evelyn, Alpha Frank has been waiting for your return and wanted me to inform you that he will be waiting for you in his office." The pack member informed me and I just nodded.

Before entering Alpha's office I left my travel bag in my room.

I walked through an unusual quiet hallway until my sensitive hearing picks up my Alpha's voice while he was talking on the phone.

I gently knock on the door and peek in his office, so he would know that I have returned. Alpha Frank smiles at me and gesturing for me to come in while he is talking on the phone. I walk into the office and find a chair to sit on. Then he finishes his phone conversation to talk to me.

"I didn't expect that your ride will be long, Evelyn. How was the evaluation?" The Alpha Frank Knight asks me.

Evaluation is the procedure where female werewolves and male werewolves are ranked by their abilities so the male werewolves can choose their partner accordingly to their status.


"It's gone better than I expected. I thought that I will be struggling with the combat test but in the end, I managed to win two matches out of three matches. Although, I'm not so sure about the interview part since there wasn't an indication where If I'm doing good or bad." I told Alpha Frank my experience at the evaluation.

I couldn't even read the interviewer's expression, but there were a lot of rounds of interviews for me to go through.

"Judging by the rumors the longer you stay in the evaluation the higher you were ranked. Perhaps you will be ranked amongst the top 20 she-wolves?" Alpha Frank suggests I just shrug.

Top 20 amongst she-wolves in North America is considered pretty good. I can become Luna of the Top 20 powerful pack, or become Beta's mate among the top 10 powerful pack or become Gamma's mate in the top 1 powerful pack.

Of course, that will depend on which place I will be ranked and who will be interested in me as a future partner.

Ideally, would be best if I would partner up with my destined mate. Unfortunately, I don't think that's going to happen though.

"I hope so. I was told the results would be announced either in this week or at the end of this month." I smiled as I answered.

"Ah, speaking of the next week, my son will arrive in three days from advanced training." Alpha Frank announced.

Oh no.

"Ah!" I smiled uncomfortably at the Alpha.

"I would hope that you will help Damien handle his responsibilities until he will adjust to his role." Alpha Frank politely asked.

I guess the horoscope article was right about my today's rotten luck.

"Sure. I will try to help him with my best abilities." I hesitantly agreed to my Alpha's request.


With that, we finished talking and I returned to my room.

'Way to ruin my mood' I sighed my thought.

I grabbed my travel bag and started unpacking.

"I guess I would need to take my clothes to the cleaner." I make note as I gently put my clothes in the wardrobe room.

If the clothes weren't made out of high-end materials, I would wash them myself.

Then I remembered my mother messaged me asking for a video chat as soon I was back in the packhouse.

I grab my phone and sit on my bed. As soon as I found my mother on my contact list I pressed video chat and waited until I connect.

Instantly my mother appeared on my screen.

"Evelyn dearest, how are you? How was the evaluation?" My mother excitedly asked me. We share the same brown eyes.

"Well, I can't judge until I receive my placement. What about you, mother and how is John?" I asked my mother.

"We are doing well. How is your father?" My mother asked me.

"I haven't spoken to him today. I will visit him tomorrow." I told my mother.

Although my father's house was quite big, I still prefer living in the packhouse since I took on a role as the pack's one of the administrative workers and I would need to be in the packhouse for a whole day.

"So anyway when are you planning to visit me?" My mother asked me.

"I don't know. It's will be easier to plan to visit you if you lived anywhere in the world except for the Siren's sub-dimension." I gave an honest answer.

It's way complicated to travel to Siren's sub-dimension, than travel any country in the world.

"You don't have to plan for yourself. Just tell me when you are free to come and I will arrange everything for you."

"We'll see." I smiled.

Judging the approaching events I don't think I will be able to travel there any time soon.

I talked with my mother for a little bit until we decided to end the video chat.

The night was approaching and I was pretty tired.

Decided to take a shower and do my daily night skin routine before going to sleep.

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