《The arrangement : The encounter》descriptions


Y/n's description

Your hair

You're 30 years old.

Your birthday is on the 5th of January.

You're pretty tall 5'85

You are very muscular. You have the abs, v line and some biceps that you are proud of it. You have some tattos. If you don't want to have tattos just ignore them.

This one is on your right calf. The draw and the letters too.

Those one are like on the picture.

You went to Oxford in a leadership program 1 and management studies in general. You speak a lot of languages (English, French, Spanish, Japanese and a little bit of Russian)

Scarlett's description.

Her hair

She is 28 years old. Her birthday is on the 22nd of November.

She 5'3 like in real life.

She has tattos like in real life but not them all.

She doesn't have the lamp just the roses

She went to do fashion studies in New York in Parson's and then did one year in and that's her job she's a fashion designer and works for Chanel. She speaks English, French and Italian.

A/n: Okay now you have all you need to understand the story.

Good reading :)

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