

Jung Hoseok

Hobi outfit

I put on another pair of shorts again. It's such a hot day today. Maybe because I was sweating next to Taehyung in the bed but no, it's actually sunny outside.

I walk down the stairs and almost bump into a man. He looks me up and down.

" Sorry, mr.kim." he looks at my body. Especially my thighs.

" It's- not Kim yet. Never mind."

I shake my head and walk past him. I see him looking at me over his shoulder.

Suddenly I do feel a bit too exposed. I don't like how he looked at me.

It's just shorts, what's wrong with him.

Taehyung gives me a cup of tea and I thank him." What's wrong?" He looks at me.

" Nothing." I shake my head and unintentionally cross my legs.

" What is it?"

" It's just- the guy in the hall was giving me weird looks."

He looks at me mad." How did he look?"

" It's fine. I know you told me to not wear shorts."

" No. I didn't mean to limit you, I just knew they can't control themselves. Which one was it."

" Ehm, tall, brown hair, scar on his cheek and fake silver tooth."

" Okay." He rolls up his sleeves,

" Wait here and I mean it." He leaves as I gulp down.

Is he going to punch him because of me? Why do I feel a bit better because of it?


He cames back few minutes later like nothing happened.

" All good. I'm sorry about it. I need to inform my men again that you are my fiance and belong to me only.

They will not bother you again or I'll take care of it."


" Kill them?" I look up to him.

" Would you want me to,

Jagiya?" He smirks.

I blush." No , please don't kill them. You said you didn't kill."

" I have personally never killed and I won't on purpose. Unless I have a good reason.

But my men do all kinds of things. Well, don't worry your head about it.

I will only give them a lecture if they touch you.

We need to sign the deal. I have a meeting at twelve but what about afternoon Walk around the city?

At four, maybe?"

" Why not." I nod at him smiling.

It's strange taking so openly about his scary business. How many generations are in the mafia? Will out kids be in the mafia? Does he even want to adopt?

We aren't even married yet. I guess I'll have to wait for that.

We signs the deals and I have a meeting too. It's stressful to work from a new environment and still focus on Taehyung.

It's so new. Plus, why didn't my dad go on vacation and didn't tell me? I guess I really do need to be grown up now and not rely on him all the time.

Also, what is Jungkook doing now? He is always so secretive. I bet he is with his boyfriend. Which ever he is dating now.

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