

He is sitting on a couch, reading a book. I stand in the door Like a creep not knowing if I can walk in.

" I can see you." He says with a deep voice.

" O- oh, sorry. I didn't want to interrupt." He looks up to me. I look at his body.

" Sit here." He pats the spot next to himself and I walk to him slowly. I look away and he grabs my chin. " You look too pretty to look away." He smiles.

I gulp down." W- what?" Is he flirting with me.

" Sorry, I'm busy with work. I'm trying my best to find time but....at least you had a time to warm up to this house and my ways.

Is it better now?"

" It's- better than when I arrived." He gently let's go of my chin. He looks down to our engagement ring. I know he wouldn't like if I took it off.

" I know it's still and confusing. I wish we could talk more about the marriage but to be honest,my father didn't say anything about a wedding."

"Mine didn't either." I look at him. I thought at least he knew.

" Well, then I guess we shouldn't worry about the wedding now if you don't mind."

I do worry but if we both don't have information, it would be pretty useless.

" Yeah, we shouldn't."

" You have the line here again." He watches it like some new discovery.

" The eyeliner. Yeah,I like doing it. Why, is it ugly?" I look at him.

" Nothing is ugly on you." He lets me go, " Hoseok, be honest with me. Why did you accept this offer.


Did your father force you?"

I blink at him." Ehm, I wouldn't say force. He just......"

Shouldn't I be saying this? Is he testing me? Is this awkward?

" Just explaining the business matter to me and I think it's a good one.

And you are a man so ehm, I'm into," I cough,

" Men so that is that."

He chuckles. Gosh, how many times will I say stupid things?

" And I wasn't with anyone at the time, or near time so .... I don't know, I saw only advantages." I play with my shirt.

" Hoseok, am I the first person you are with?" He asks and my eyes widen.

" What? No. I , I laugh nervously," it's not like that. I mean, I've only been with like two people but it's....."

" It was just a question. I didn't want to judge you but you scared me a little. I would feel bad if I was the only one."

" No, not the only one." But not much experience either.

" So, not the first relationship and I hope the first...- you know."

I look away." No." I say almost in whisper. It's like confessing to your parents.

" Don't think I'm some creep to go after inexperienced people or virgins. No, it's not like that.

But I would have to... treat you a bit more gently if you were. Sometimes I can be an asshole."

" It's not like virgins are some loser who can't do anything."

No. But I am.

" I didn't mean it like that but you aren't one anyway so we have that off the table. I- well am obviously not one either.

Great. Now we both know." He nods.


Of course. I don't even expect him to be a virgin. How can such handsome, tall and rich man be inexperienced? Impossible.

" But I don't want you to think we need to have sex right now because I asked you. I was just worried.

We can wait after the wedding too."

Wait. So, he is counting with it. I mean, I know he is but now that he said it out loud I'm panicking.

I know he is literally my fiance but it still doesn't feel like it because we weren't really.... intimate. Oh shit.

I just nod. What am I supposed to answer.

" But if you don't want to marry me, why would you even want to have a relationship with me?" I look at him.

He sighs." Maybe I was over reacting at first. I was mad at my father for not letting me choose.

I don't have any hard feelings anymore.

I think we could not be the worst couple. If we went this far," he touches my engagement ring," we might as well try.

Anything you want to do with me now?"

" Movie night?"

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