

Kim Taehyung

Suga is my best adviser. I don't believe namjoon that he would be snitch. I feel like everyone is turning their backs on me.

But just be sure.

I walk to the mafia dungeon. I can see suga tense already. We walk downstairs to the torture room, with rock walls, chains and blooded beds.

" Don, why are we here? Are we expecting a prisoner?" He looks at me.

" I don't know. You tell me."

I look at him taking the gun from under my waist belt.

" I - I don't know sir." He looks at my gun.

" Okey. I believe you then. We know each other for a long time. It would be a shame if-,"

" Is this about the rat thing? He asks.

My face falls into a cold stone facade.

" Did you just interrupt me?" I flex my fist and grip the gun.

" I'm sorry, sir. I panicked."

" Why did you panic? If you are innocent you have nothing to be scared about."

" I'm innocent, I'm not a rat. Who told you I am?"

" Why? Is it important."

" Well , I just wonder if the person can be trusted."

" Namjoon told me you act suspiciously. He saw you sneaking out multiple times. Have secret phone calls. Meet up with someone.

Why so secretive, suga?" I smirk" are you sure you are not the rat?

Namjoon is too egocentric to lie, he always spills everything."

" I - oh, this."

" Yeah, this." I point my gun to him.

He stands there calmly." I do- I , there is an explanation, but you will be mad either way."

" Go on then."


" Well, you won't believe me anyway, sir. And you'll probably shoot me either way too so I don't see the point."

He closes his eyes.

" I raise a brow." You are still alive, suga so better spill it. If I'll kill you either way, you might as well tell me."

" No, I don't need to make it a mess."

" Say it." I look into his eyes.

" Kill me." He looks at me back.

I straighten my back and put the gun to his forehead. He breath in heavily." Well?"

" I - fuck." He sighs, " you made a rule, Don."

" I made a lot of them."

" That's it's forbidden to have any kind of relationship inside the mafia." He looks at me and I frown. Seriously? " And it's......


My eyes widen. " You-," I say with anger shaking voice," are fuckingcousin?" I take the gun and smash it on his head.

He falls to the floor and catches his forehead that is bleeding now.

" You are right, I'm mad as hell right now. Does this like a circus to you? You are making me look like a clown for breaking my rules.

And with," I catch my head,

" Jisoo. Jisoo."

" I'm sorry, Don." He sits up and I kick his face. He groans and falls to his back again.

" You know what, I will keep you alive. I'm looking for the real rat, I will not waste my bullet on something like this.

But both of you are in trouble." I put my finger at him.

Why do I even bother making rules when idiots like them break them after wards.

" Sorry boss." He sits up with a bloody nose and forehead.

" Just go. Go from my sight." I wave my head and he walks away limping.

So, if suga is not the rat.

Jisoo isn't either and I doubt that namjoon is, who is it then? Could it be the new one?


That would be daring for a new member.

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