

I'm on the phone as Hoseok barely eats his food.

" Okey, send it to me bye email. Hm, l know. By." I finish the phone call and light up a cigarette.

" Why aren't you eating?" I ask him. I hope he doesn't have some eating disorder, I really don't know what do with it.

Should I like take him to a therapist? Oh my god, please eat something.

" Well , I didn't want to finish my food before you but you were on the phone." He gives me a sad look.

I cough." Oh." Never mind. He is just sad again. Damn it, I guess he is not supposed to be sad.

How do you make you fiance happy? " But I hope you do realize I'm a busy man? I will answer calls a lot and drive to meetings.

It's just my work duties."

" No, it's fine." He shrugs,

" That's why we are getting married isn't it? For work." He looks up to me.

" Well, it doesn't have to be just that." I take his hand and he snatches it away.

" P- please, don't touch me just like that." That is the second time he's said it.

" Sorry. I like being affectionate."

" I don't." He cuts his food,

" Only with my family." I wanted to say I will become his family soon but I didn't want to have an argument.

" Can you please stop smoking? I don't like the smoke. It makes me want to throw up." He looks at me.

Huh? He doesn't like cigarettes?

" Well, there might be a problem with that. I'm sort of an ... Addict to cigarettes. I smoke when I'm anxious. Unless," I smirk, " I will have something else to help me with it."


He blinks." But I really don't like it. I don't know what else you will use."

I smile." I could hug you every time I'm anxious. Like a teddy bear."

" Teddy-ehm. Well, if I get rid of the smoke." He mumbles and cuts his food.

" Okey. Now that we are alone again. You can ask me something more you want to know about me."

" Anything?" He looks at me.

" Yes." I nod. I don't think he can shock me with his questions.

" Do you want to have sex with me?"

My eyes widen at that. Did he really just ask me that? This tiny innocent man.

" Well... That is a complicated question, Hoseok. I don't really know how to answer it."

Okey. I'm indeed shocked.

" I was just curious about what.... role I will p-play in your life. Ehm, oh my god." He covers his face, " I'm so embarrassing. Please, forget it okey?

This is horrible."

I chuckle. " What role? In what way?"

" I told you to forget it. Please." He whines.

" You can't just drop a bomb like this and walk away, Hoseok." I raise a brow.

" Well, you know... Since you don't even want to marry me. What will our marriage look like?"

" Hm?"

" Will we be a normal married couple or is it... Just about the business and we will both have other partners in secret."

" Oh, I see what you mean now." He is kind of smart with that question.

" I'm sorry I asked. It's awkward."

" I can answer that easily. I thought you will be some annoying middle aged woman with shopping obsession so... Yes, I firstly intended to have different partners but I no longer desire that after meeting you."


He looks away blushing." We can be a normal couple. If you don't protect."

" N-no."

" We can have sex too. I mean I thought it's too soon to have thought like that but if you can't live without my body." I smirk.

" I - I said forget it." He stuffs the food in his mouth and covers his face with his hand.

" Okey. Forgotten for now but you can remind me when you need to."

What a sneaky little man.

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