

Kim Taehyung

" Sir, we are not sure if nickleson was the only rat.

The are getting smarter every day." One of my man and cousin, jisoo, says.

Jisoo vibe

" I think it's the new one, orsan. How do we know he's loyal? He's suspicious to me." Namjoon says.

" Yeah. I was just about to say it's you, namjoon. We all know you were a young knives before."

Suga says.

Suga vibes

" Boss, I think we are over this. You said I proved myself. It's been eight years now." Namjoon looks at me.

" You are fine I don't know who it is but if it's one of you, I'll kill you without investing.

Go and try to find someone. Pretend you are rat to get the information for all I care.

I want names by the end of next week. It's getting to expensive for me.

Besides, I need to focus on my fiance now."

" Boss , who is the lucky woman?" Jisoo asks.

" Don't be homophobe. Boss is into man too. Is it the cute man spying on us in the kitchen?" Namjoon asks.

Cute. He said he's cute.

" Don't call my fiance cute ever again." I give him a death glare.

" Boss, it was a compliment. And I have a my life partner.

No need to worry." Namjoon shakes his hands.

" Okey. Yes, it is him, Jung Hoseok, soon to be Kim. You will all respect him as your boss too."

" Yes Don ." They says in union.

" Okey. Next topic...."


I pick up Hoseok in the hallway. He is dressed in a gray suit to look professional but he still looks too cute.

" Can we go? Do you have everything you need?" I look at him. He doesn't look into my eyes.


Why is it to hard to keep an eye contact for him?

" We can go." I look down to his hand and frown. I grab his palm and look at his ring finger.

" Why aren't you wearing your engagement ring?" I ask him.

He looks confused." Oh, sorry.

I- I took it off before shower. I'm not used to.... Wearing rings.

I can- go grab it."

" Yes, I'll wait here." I watch him Walk up the stairs.

He is so reckless and disobedient. If he was anyone else -. But he is him

" I have it, we can go." I look at the ring on his finger. It looks good. I smile to myself.

We get into one of my cars and l let my driver drive us to the office.

We are sitting in the back seat next to each other. He looks still shy and uncomfortable next to me.

I really I'm spreading my legs to much even thought there is a middle seat free in between us.

I fix my posture to give him more space and he relaxes a bit more. He is so easy to read.

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