

Kim Taehyung

" I'm in the mafia, Hoseok."

" Huh?" He goes pale.

His reaction is as l expected couldn't my father or his explain it to him better? Some gang , please. Where are we?

I think it's a very important detail they missed to share. We are in the mafia!

I sigh." Yes. It is true. It's a serious and dangerous group. Therefore, don't be shocked about me using a gun and guards following us.

It's for our safety."

He looks at me terrified.

" What?"

" Listen, it's not my fault your dad didn't say it on full mouth. He should have been honest with you. I know you are quite.... Well, you might get a bit emotional from this new and it's okey.

Yes, I'm in the mafia. I'm the boss to be exactand nothing I do is pretty. Don't imagine some nice deals and everyone's friendly.

That's not how it works in the family."

" I thought that, well, you just do tax frauds."

I nod. " I also do that. One of the Many things I do."

He breath heavily." Do you kill people?"

If I kill? That is always the first thing that people ask me. I don't know what do they expect me to say and I don't even know why they want to imagine it.

" I have personally never killed anyone." I answer honestly.

" Do you torture people? And kidnapped them?"

" I'm only the boss giving orders and taking money. What my workers do, they do."

" But-,"

I raise my hand and stop him.

" Please, I don't want to have this debate. I know you might think I'm absolutely disgusting and have hard feelings.


But the deal is made by our fathers. Your father knows but I guess he didn't want to break your fragile heart, I understand.

Don't be scared. I will never hurt you, I promise you that. You don't need to get involved, you just need to do business like always. No one will hurt, I'll take care of it.

I have guards to protect you and staff to take care of you. Don't worry your head so much.

There is small box in the blazer."

" W- what?"

" The blazer around your hips. There is a box with your engagement ring. Please wear it everywhere so people know you are taken."

He takes the box and open it.

" It's....a nice ring." He says a bit disappointed." Aren't you going to propose?"

" Should I get on one knee or something?" I raise a brow. He shrugs.

" I was just thinking." He mumbles and puts the ring on.

I sigh and walk to him. I move his legs so he's facing me and grab the ring in my hand.

I get down on one knee next to him a cough.

" Jung Hoseok, will you make me....a happy man," well," and marry me?" I ask him and hold the ring out.

He smiles." Yes" he gives me his hand and I gently touch his fingers. They are so soft. I put the ring on his ring finger and fell a strange feeling.

What does it mean?

" I want to go to my room now if you don't mind." He looks at the ring, " it's just so many things on me at once.

The new house. Mafia. You proposing. I ... please."

" Okey" I say and he leaves the room. Then I remember, he didn't touch his food at all!

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