

" Don't be sacred,hobi. Mr.kim promised his son will behave the best towards you. If he hurts you just call me." My dad rubs my cheek.

When he told me about the marriage, I was shocked. These things don't happen every day.

They we started talking about the business matter and how amazing it would be for our family.

He said mr.kim son is an amazing business man. He is also apart of some gang but I didn't really understand that part.

I guess he just does tax frauds.

I agree, it's a great deal and I would feel proud of myself for helping our name.

Also , I'm such a loser in dating. I know arranged marriage is not the way but at least a guy will be into me and I don't have to embarrass myself on another day.

Oh wow, I'm really so desperate event thinking about it. Maybe the Man will be nice and we will actually like each other, I hope so.

" If it would be unbearable, I will make some excuse to break of your marriage." My dad said

" No, dad. I'm..... it's fine." I rub my had nervously, " who else would I even marry? " I roll my eyes.

" Every man would be honored to be with you." He smiles.

" Yeah, well, I don't see any line so I'm good with Mr. Kim's son." I nod at him sadly. I'm such a loser, I need my dad to find me a husband.

" Taehyung is young, very handsome, bisexual- yes, rich and good business man. I think you will like him. Oh, but Mr. Kim says to warn you, he can be grumpy sometimes so don't take it personally."

" Dad , we live with Jungkook." My youngest grumpy brother, " I don't think it can be worse."


Dad chuckles. " You are right but don't tell him." he would give lecture to the both of us.

" But what if doesn't like me and calls of the wedding. You know I'm not some model and I'm sort awkward."

" No, mr.kim made sure that will not happen."

" Really? He will want me? " I smile. " What a relief." That would be so embarrassing. I would never date a guy again if that rejection happened.

" Do you have everything packet, sweet heart." I look at three suitcase stuffed with things and my completely full bag.

" Yeah, I really look every possible thing I might need. Do you think it's too much? " I bite my lip.

" No. Taehyung has a big house, your thins will fit in perfectly."

" But I will be sad to move away."

"You know we will still work together and your house is only fifty minutes away. That's nothing. I'll hop into car, play some music and see you whenever.

It will just like before, except......well, you will have a roommate."

" Dad". I laugh, " a roommate and husband is not the same."

" I know." He chuckles.

" Why are you so loud? " Jungkook comes down the stairs with messy hair, same sleeping clothes

" Baby boy, oh, we were just talking. Hobi is leaving now, like we talked about, remember. Don't you want to say goodbye to him."

He yawns and stretches. He has bigger biceps than me.

" Good luck bro," he pats my back making me cough.

" Thank you." I smile at him as he walks to the kitchen.

" You know he isn't morning person. I'm sure he miss you." Dad nods and I nod too.

I wish mom was here to tell me if there suitcase are too much or too little. She was so organized and practical.

" John will drive you there, no worries. Take it as a normal thing, we will see each other if Taehyung will take you with him."

" Okey, bye dad." He kisses my cheek and watches me get into the car.

I sit in the backseat nervously. What is it will go wrong?

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