

Kim Taehyung

" Don, do you want to do it yourself?" Namjoon hands me a knife.

I'm in bad mood today. Maybe I should release it

" No, please. I'm sorry." The tied man cries on the torturing chair.

I take a knife and start cutting his skin. The thick blood going on my hands as he cries out.

"That's enough for me. You do you." I give the knife back to namjoon.

Namjoon gives this type of vibe

I wash the blood of my hands in the bathroom, looking at myself in the mirror.

Who could my father pick as my future bride?

I'm so mad at him for not letting me do it myself!

To be honest, who even know, what goes on in that old man's head.

He is only fifty years old, yet he has planned to many things before hand for the next three generations.

Fucking hell.

I'm guessing he will pick a lawyer or a business woman. How pathetic of him.

He said it's because of the family business. What else could it be?

Money is everything for him. I mean, I love money too but everyone has their levels.

I don't understand why he couldn't tell me name? Is he scared I'm going to findand threaten ?

Hm. Okay,I would do that.

Does he not believe me in this matter? I can for sure pick a wife on my own. Or

Are we even counting with the possibility that I might even be with a man ? I doubt that.

My father has too much pride for it. I still don't know if he's homophobic or not towards me. He never specifically answered my questions therefore I can only assume his opinions.

Well, he is a man with a lot of questionable opinions, we have that in common.


I'm his oldest son and the first born. It was the most logical that I will become the next Don after him.

He gave all of us a choice if we want to be involved in the mafia side of the family.

Me, my gross brother and psychotic sister agreed. My youngest sister refused and I agree it wouldn't be for her.

Since I'm the oldest, my siblings can only be mad they didn't get the first privilege of being offered the position of Don.

My father agreed that when I turn twenty eight and he turns fifty years old, he will give me the position under one condition,that I need get married.

I didn't really care about it that much when I agreed. It was too years back and I barely remember.

He didn't specify when I'm supposed to get married so I didn't really rush it.

I'm in the new position for a month and he already announces that he has a fiance for me ?

Yes, I know a lot of friends are married by now but that doesn't mean I have to be.

I'm not the type of a man to care about wedding or kids. I like my personal life and space.

I'm not saying I'm against it but it's more of a burned for me now.

Especially since this is an arranged marriage.

I will meet my fiance in two days. I don't know how to feel about it.

Am I exited? Sad? Mad? At who , my dad, myself, the person for agreeing?

I don't even know. I'm so confused in my thoughts.

All I know is that I will have to share my home and everything in it with this new person. My father told me I have to.

So, I have no choice than to accept my faith and I absolutely hate it!

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