

Kim Taehyung

The minute hand moves in my watch as I keep a stern look on it.

"Well, I'm still waiting". I look up to the man.

He is kneeling on the floor with his hands tied behind his back. Sweat is dripping down his face as he cries out.

Two guards are standing next to him in each side with all back clothes and guns in their hands.

Standing with straight on the floor not daring to look up to me.

We know for sure you worked with

"Please",he only cries out. I don't show any sign of movement or emotions.

"Tell me their names and what their intentions are.

We know for sure you worked with the "." One of the rival mafia groups. Their specialty is to wait for their pray and choke them to death.

He looks at me crying, hopping for me for crack and give him mercy.

I sign annoyed and look at my watch.

I'm sitting in the middle of our half round mahogany table. Styled in black and golden colors. With four other Man on each side next to me. All of us looking at the prisoner.


"Why are you begging now? You can't run to the other family and betray us and beg for mercy.

You don't deserve it. You will suffer but you may live if you give us the information."

"Mark." He breath out.

"Who is Mark? Be more specific,we need the details."

Will this take any longer? They are all the same.

Do something against the family even if they primes their loyalty,then they get caught doing bad things and know they are fucked.

When my father was the boss of he thought be that loyalty is a key to everything.he liked the color red because it reminded him the blood of our enemies.


Panther is his favorite animal because it's so elegant,yet a deadly killer. Usually biting into the prey's neck to let it bleed out and die in no time.

I'm not a week to forgive.

They beg me to forgive them just like that . How stupid do they think I am ?

If someone is betrays you, they will do it again. There is no Way they would suddenly be Saints.

So, when that happens,you have two options. Have them as prisoners, keep them right next to yourself and make them do work they will profit you.

Or..... Kill them.

I know how it sounds but this is a risky game. If you don't kill them,they will kill you or get someone to kill you in a heartbeat.

Nobody has mercy in the families

It's not about being the perfect loving human being,more about having money and power to rule the world.

" What Mark?" I repeat myself. Everyone sits in a still position staring at him.

In their tight expensive suit and trimmed hair.

"I - I don't know his surname.

He is an assassin."

"Do you know how many are there? If you can't give us anything specific,we will make it short."

"Wait." He cries.

" Do you have any information to tell us ?"

" I - wait, I."

" Yes or no?" I ask with cold face, clenching my fist and unclenching it.

" Maybe I can,well ...will you kill me ?" He looks into my eyes.

His eyes looking like the coast of blue sea.

"No. I'm not murder," I grab my glass of whiskey and bring it to my mouth. He sighs in relief, " I pay people to do that." I add as one of the guard shoots him.


No one moves a muscle.

" The meeting is over. Get though his personal stuff, social media and sweep his house before the police does.

Tell his wife and daughter to leave the city or they will end up the same.

We don't need to end their lives just because this man doesn't know how to behave."

I order and everyone gets up. They start talking and planning.

" Your father called. He wants to see." My assistant says.

" Yes. Prepare the car."

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