《Corrupted Attack》Chapter 1: A normal morning


Sam was getting ready for her shift at a Best Buy 10 minutes from her hotel, where she lived, it had been a month after the other Best Buy she worked at turned into a Wendy's.

After she had breakfast, made her lunch, and took the bus to the Best Buy she was working at now, she saw someone familiar, it was the Corrupted Mii, the same AI who tortured Eteled almost to death, they both made eye contact, but Sam continued walking to the entrance, and when she walked in, she saw one of her co-workers, Evie, saw her. Sam and Evie had been friends since Sam started working at the Best Buy Evie was working at, they would go to the bowling alley, watch a movie at the cinema, etc.

"Hey, Sam." Evie greeted her.

"Hey, girl." Sam greeted back when 2 seconds later, Sam saw the Corrupted Mii spying on her outside.

"Something wrong?" Evie asked.

"Nope, not at all." Sam replied.

When they entered, they saw their boss, Connor, he liked Sam since she was known to be the best employee, but didn't like Evie since she only got a part-time job as janitor at her school back at Seattle where she originally grew up to help her family since her father passed away when she was 14 since her family was struggling with rent. However, whenever Sam was around Connor, she starts feeling uncomfortable.

When they started their shift, Sam and Evie waved to each other, Sam and Evie had different jobs, Sam was a sales associate, and Evie was a cashier, however, when Sam was helping customers, the Corrupted Mii was tracking Sam's every move.

When Sam was helping a couple out with finding an Nintendo Switch Lite, when someone familiar walked up to her.


"Alright, here are the Nintendo Switch Lites." Sam explained.

After the couple left, the person walked up to her closer. It was Will.

"Hey, Sam." Will greeted her.

Sam and Will have been dating since they were seniors back in high school. And it was Will's first day working at the electronic store.

During break, after Sam and Will finished their lunch together, they hung out with Evie, another co-worker, Aaliyah, along with Will's friends, Cooper and Dan, discussing what they were going to do for Evie's 21st birthday.

"We could go to a club, 5 minutes away from the hotel." Aaliyah suggested.

"Sure, I'm down, who should we invite?" Sam asked.

While they were discussing who they were going to invite, Sam got a text message from who she didn't expect, the Corrupted Mii. She read it in her head:

Sam got uncomfortable, but she thought he wanted to apologize to her for electrocuting Eteled, and wanted to talk it out with her so she replied:


When Sam walked into the back room, it was 20 minutes before their break was over, so she decided to talk to the Corrupted Mii for 10 minutes and then go hang out with Will and the others after. After Sam entered, the Corrupted Mii locked the door, then touched Sam's shoulder, while Sam was stuck on the wall.

"hElLo, sAm, yOu're dOing weLL." The Corrupted Mii greeted.

"Hi, Austin." Sam greeted back.

Sam then realized the Corrupted Mii was the one stalking her.

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