《One-Eighty || Taekook》Chapter 7
Taehyung swallowed nervously as he looked at the big unfamiliar building before him. Last night Jimin had texted him to come over this evening to do something fun and Taehyung had gladly accepted. He had had a super fun night with Jimin back at the bar, so why not right?
The building where Jimin lived was a huge skyscraper with black tinted glass, it just screamed luxury to the young lawyer. In front of the door stood four big and muscly men in black suits, they were wearing black sunglasses and all of them wore an earpiece to communicate with whoever was on the other side of the line. They were clearly placed in front of the entrance to make sure unwelcomed guests would stay outside and it made Taehyung a little nervous. Why would a normal building have four security guards outside? At Wang inc. they didn't even have one so why did this building?
The young lawyer tried to swallow his nerves away and shook his head lightly as he tried to get rid of the thoughts before he began to make his way towards the entrance. Maybe the people who lived here were super rich and they secured the building to make sure no unwelcome guests could rob them?
As Taehyung almost reached the entrance he checked his phone one last time to make sure this was the address Jimin mentioned in his text. As he confirmed it was indeed the address the blonde boy had send him he decided to just walk up to the entrance. Jimin probably already told the security guards they had to let the brown haired boy in.
Within two minutes Taehyung reached the entrance, but as he tried to go inside the big skyscraper he was immediately stopped by the guard closest to the entrance. "Do you have an appointment?" the big bald man spoke with a bulking voice while he looked down at Taehyung. The young lawyer swallowed and his heart began to beat rapidly in his chest. Jungkook was really scary, but this man was doing a pretty good job at coming close to him.
"I got invited by Jimin, I'm his friend." Taehyung said, uncertainty lacing his voice. He didn't know why but the man made him scared. It almost made the brown haired boy feel like he was doing something he shouldn't do. Maybe it was because of the booming sound the man's voice made, or perhaps the fact that due to the sunglasses the muscly guard whore he couldn't see his expression.
"Name?" the man said again, startling Taehyung a little. "Kim Taehyung" the young lawyer quickly while he tried to get a glimpse of the expression on the big muscly man's face. He obviously failed due to the big black sun glasses the man was wearing and the brown haired boy quickly looked down, the unsettling feeling still present. The man said something while he pressed a button on his earpiece and Taehyung guessed that would be how he could communicate with the person on the other end of the line.
"There is no Kim Taehyung on the list of appointments, I have to remove you from the property." The muscly guard said, his expression still unknown to Taehyung. The young lawyer raised his eyebrows and a confused look quickly made it's way onto Taehyung's face, he had double checked the address and was certain Jimin was supposed to live inside this building.
As the young lawyer hung his head low and turned around ready to leave he suddenly heard something. "No wait, let him in guys" the brown haired boy suddenly heard the familiar voice of Jimin say. Taehyung quickly turned around and was met with the friendly brown eyes of the blonde boy who he had texted so much. Jimin looked exactly how the young lawyer remembered him and a smile broke out on both boy's faces.
All four guards looked a little startled at the sudden statement of the much smaller blonde boy behind them. "Ofcourse Mister Park" The guard who had earlier spoken to Taehyung now spoke to Jimin. Taehyung looked at the guard with a questioning look. Mister Park?
Jimin quickly took Taehyung's hand in his own and dragged him inside the expensive looking building. When Taehyung took a look around the ground floor of the building he was amazed. Everything inside looked like it was made out of very expensive materials. To Taehyung's surprise though there were no normal people on the ground floor, just a lot of security guards. The young lawyer didn't have a lot of time to think though as Jimin was still pulling him towards some place still unknown to Taehyung.
Before Taehyung was fully registering where Jimin was pulling him he was dragged inside the most luxurious elevator he had ever seen. The walls were decorated with modern looking white and black marmer and the buttons looked like they were made out of pure gold. It almost made the brown haired boy's mouth drop open. Jimin quickly pressed the button for the 64thfloor and finally let go of Taehyung's hand.
"I'm sorry Tae, I forgot to put you on the visitors list since I was really busy this morning." The blonde boy said while a friendly smile started to from on his face. Taehyung gave the blonde boy a smile back. Without Jimin he wouldn't have known which floor he had to go to anyway so in a way he was pretty happy Jimin came down to get him.
The elevator reached it's destination pretty quickly and once the beautiful shining black doors opened both boys quickly got out of the elevator. They were now standing in a small white room with only one door in it. In the corner of the room stood a small table with a vase filled with purple flowers in it. "This is mine and Yoongi's floor so don't worry about running into anyone except us" Jimin said before he began to make his way towards the only door in the room.
Taehyung quickly followed him and couldn't help but look amazed at the sight in front of him. He was standing in a beautiful apartment with white walls and marmer floors and the sides of the apartment where covered in huge windows. On the left side of the apartment was a huge black kitchen situated. The kitchen looked spotless, as if it wasn't touched anyone before and Taehyung couldn't help but let his mouth drop at the sight. Jimin owned this whole floor?
Behind the kitchen there was a huge dinner area with a beautiful black table and white chairs. The table was made for at least twelve people and the chairs looked like pieces of art. It was a stunning sight to see.
On the right side of the apartment was a huge black couch situated with a big tv in front of it. There was a modern looking white table in between them which was placed on top of a black furry carpet. On the couch where multiple white cushions with black flowers on it placed and it gave Taehyung a warm feeling.
Taehyung's favorite thing about Jimin's apartment though was the view. Taehyung took a few steps closer to the windows and almost lost himself completely in the view. From here you could look over almost all of Seoul. The cars looked like tiny ants and the people driving them were even smaller. The lights of the streetlamps gave of a beautiful contrast and together they looked like small stars decorating the busy streets of Seoul.
"So how do you like my home?" Jimin said while he walked towards the big black couch and sat down on it. The blonde boy looked even smaller on the black couch than he already was. Taehyung smiled at his relatively new friend and walked over to take a seat on the couch.
"It's beautiful" the young lawyer answered and he couldn't help but wonder how much this apartment would cost. Maybe one day when he would be a successfull lawyer he would be able to afford a place like this. Taehyung slowly walked towards the big couch and took a seat next to Jimin, while the impressed look on his face was still visible.
"So what do you want to do, Yoongi isn't supposed to be home until 10 p.m." Jimin said while he went to the kitchen to get the both of them something to drink. Taehyung's eyes immediately lit up when he saw the blonde boy come back with two glasses of cherry red wine in his hands.
Jimin softly placed both glasses on the table in front of them and took a seat next to Taehyung. "Let's just talk" The young lawyer said whilst looking at the blonde boy before him. Jimin softly nodded.
"Are you doing any interesting cases at the moment Taehyung?" Jimin asked whilst he picked up his glass and took a sip from the red liquor. Taehyung immediately thought of his client. Everybody in the country knew his name, he was known for being reckless and dangerous.
The young lawyer was actually pretty surprised about the question the blonde boy next to him had just asked. It wasn't a secret Taehyung was Jeon Jungkook's lawyer, it would even be aired on national television since the capture of the raven haired boy was such big news.
Taehyung looked at Jimin who wore a small smile on his face. "You know Jeon Jungkook, right?" Taehyung said in a soft voice while locking eyes with Jimin. To his surprise Jimin started to laugh a little. "Yupp" Jimin said while popping the p. " A little to well if you ask me" the blonde boy softly whispered, while a small smile made it's way onto his face. Taehyung looked his friend in the eyes with a questioning look on his face.
"What do you mean?" The brown haired boy asked Jimin, a questioning tone lacing his voice. Taehyung raised his eyebrows when he saw how the blonde boy reacted at his question. The young lawyer swore he saw shock written al over his new friend's face, as if he heard something he shouldn't have.
Jimin however quickly recovered from the shock. "Ahh I just followed all of the news about him you know, nowadays it's all the newspapers talk about." Jimin answered before he quickly picked up his glass of wine and took a big gulp out of it.
"Is it just me or is it getting hot in here?" Jimin said while he placed the glass of wine back on the table and stood up. "I'll go get a glass of ice, don't move okay?" the blonde boy said while already making his way to the kitchen.
Taehyung picked up his glass of wine and took a small sip out of it. Why was Jimin acting so weird all of a sudden? The young lawyer took Jimin's absence as a moment to clearly look around himself. He smiled when his eyes landed on a big framed picture on the wall. It displayed Jimin getting a piggyback ride from a silver haired boy. Both boys looked extremely happy.
"So I'm back, lets talk about something else." Jimin said when he came back in sight and quickly made his way on to the couch before sitting down, but not before placing a bowl with ice on the table in front of them. "That night in the bar you told me about your brother and how he meant everything to you, can you tell me more about him?" the blonde boy next to Taehyung said while locking eyes with him.
Taehyung immediately started to smile when he thought of his little brother. "His name is Jihun and he is 15 years old. The young lawyer said and smiled at the blonde boy next to him.
"Do you have a picture?" Jimin asked the brown haired boy. Taehyung immediately nodded his head and started to unlock his phone. He smiled when he looked at his screensaver. It was a picture of him and Jihun sitting next to each other in a tree. It was taken last summer, when Taehyung was still livings with his parents in Daegu. Taehyung turned his phone towards Jimin who in response took it from his hands.
"You can clearly see you two are brothers" Jimin said while looking closely at the picture. "Where was this taken?" Jimin then asked before he handed the device back to Taehyung. Taehyung carefully took his phone from the blonde boy and locked it again before quickly putting it back in his pocket again.
"Daegu, it's in the backyard of my parents' farm." Taehyung said, happiness clearly lacing his voice. His family truly was his happiness and he would do anything in the world to protect them.
As the boys talked a bit longer about Taehyung's family and looked at some pictures on his phone they suddenly heard the familiar ding of the elevator sounding through the room. Jimin looked up from the phone and turned around to take a look at the enormous clock on the white walls. "Ahh that must be Yoongi, it's already 10 past 10" The blonde boy said while turning around. Taehyung also turned around and started to look at the door which he remembered would lead to the room with the elevator.
Not even 10 seconds later that exact same door opened and through it came a boy with grey hair whom Taehyung recognised from the pictures he had seen. The boy was around Jimin's height and wore a grey expensive looking suit. His grey hair was parted in the middle and a expensive watch was proudly displayed on his wrist. Overall he looked powerfull and Taehyung immediately knew how Jimin could afford this apartment. The boy who had just came in had to make a lot of money if he looked like this.
The grey haired boy slowly turned towards the boys on the couch and smiled when he locked eyes with Jimin. He quickly made his way over the blonde boy and leaned down. "Hey baby." The boy said before giving Jimin a small peck on his lips. Taehyung looked at both boys with a smile on his face. The moment the grey haired boy had walked through that door Jimin had done nothing but look at him with adoration in his eyes, they looked cute together. Taehyung silently wished to himself to be able to have a relationship like that in the future.
As the grey haired boy walked around the couch and took a seat next to Jimin he locked eyes with Taehyung. "You must be Taehyung, I've heard a lot about you." The grey haired boy said while taking his jacket of and laying it on the couch. "I'm Yoongi, Jimin's boyfriend." Yoongi said while sticking out his hand for Taehyung to shake, a certain possessiveness lacing his voice. Taehyung smiled at the grey haired boy. "I know, Jimin here won't shut up about you over text." The young lawyer said before he took Yoongi's hand and gently shook it.
"So how was work babe?" Jimin said while he looked at Yoongi. As the two other boys locked their eyes Taehyung couldn't help but feel the tension between them, it was clearly time to leave soon.
Yoongi shifted closer to Jimin and laid a hand on his thigh. "Fucking tiresome, ever since the boss has been away I've been busier than ever." The grey haired boy said while he rested his head on Jimin's shoulder. Yoongi did indeed look tired, Taehyung ofcourse had no idea what job Yoongi had but the grey haired boy seemed exhausted.
"Hold on babe, just two more weeks until Koo-" Jimin said but was cut off by Yoongi slapping his hand on the blonde boy's mouth. "Until the boss is back I know." The grey haired boy finished Jimin's sentence and Taehyung looked weirdly at the two. What had just happened?
Deciding it was time to leave Taehyung stood up from the big black couch he was sitting on and quickly finished his glass of cherry red liquor before placing the glass back on the table. "I think it's time I'll head home, it's getting pretty late." The brown haired boy announced and both boys looked up at him.
Jimin immediately jumped up from the couch and took Yoongi's hand and began to pull to boy up. "Okay let's go then, we'll bring you home" Jimin announced before he grabbed Taehyung's hand with his free one and started to pull the other two towards the elevator.
Taehyung looked at Jimin with a questioning look on his face. Jimin noticed it and smiled. "I can't let you use public transport at this time of the day, it's way too dangerous." Jimin said before pulling both boys into the elevator.
Within a few minutes all three boys found themselves standing in the basement of the building. The basement itself was nothing special, just a dull grey parking garage. The cars who where standing in it however were.
Taehyung looked at all of the expensive looking cars with eyes as big as saucers. There must have been around 20 to 30 expensive cars in the basement and all of them looked amazing. A red Ferrari, a silver Mercedes and a black BMW were the cars they were currently walking two.
As Yoongi clicked the button on the carkey he got out of his pocket the lights from the silver Mercedes started to shine, indicating that was gonna be the car the three boys were going to use.
All three boys quickly got in the car and fastenend their seatbelts before Yoongi started the car and took off , all while Jimin typed Taehyung's address into the navigation. Within a fifteen minute drive they were standing before Taehyung's house and another 10 minutes late Jimin and Taehyung had said their goodbye's.
As Taehyung was sitting on his own couch he couldn't help but smile at the thoughts of his evening. Even though Jimin had acted a little weird it sure had been a great evening and he would love to do it again soon.
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