《One-Eighty || Taekook》Chapter 2


It had already gone pitch black outside, stars shining bright in the sky and the moonlight softly coming in through Taehyung's office window shining on his freshly brewed cup of coffee. It must have been way past midnight but Taehyung didn't care. The young lawyer was still working on his new case, the Jeon one that is. The excitement from getting a promotion was still running through his veins, making him even more eager to get everything done as soon as possible while completely forgetting the exhaustion that would soon take over his body. The whole night he had been studying the file mr. Wang had provided him with, digging up articles about his client and writing down notes on his laptop. It didn't take long for him to figure out that this case was a lot harder than he first thought it would be. Jeon Jungkook really wasn't a sweetheart, far from being one to be honest. The list of accusations against Taehyung's client got on and on and with each passing second Taehyung was afraid he would find out more things that he was supposed to plead the prisoner innocent for.

Thus far Taehyung already had over 40 crimes the prisoner was accused of. All of them falling at least in one of the categories he had listed on his laptop.

*Assault, battery, arson


*First-degree murder, Voluntary manslaughter, Vehicular homicide

*Armed robbery

*Aiding and abetting, attempt, conspiracy

*Drug possession, drug manufacturing, drug trafficking

*Fraud, blackmail, embezzlement, money laundering, tax evasion, cybercrime

Basically everything you could think of was already on Taehyung's list. Everything except for rape, the young lawyer being really glad that wasn't something his client decided to do. The man at least had some kind of dignity to stay away from that particular one, Taehyung wasn't sure if he would have taken the case if it had been on the list so he was glad it wasn't.

The young lawyer still had some problems with the list though, if he wasn't able to convince the jury of Jungkook's innocence in at least one of these accusations he would surely receive the death penalty. There was no way they would let the prisoner live with all these things to his name. The boy was a danger to their country and Taehyung was pretty sure they would do everything to get rid of him. The whole thing basically meaning that if Taehyung wouldn't be able to pull this off it would mean he lost his case and would never become the great lawyer he strived to be. On the other hand if he did manage to plead the prisoner none guilty to some of these accusations he would become one of the greatest and most famous lawyers in their country within an instant. He had to win, there was no way he was going to fail, failing wasn't an option anymore. Mr. Wang had given him an opportunity and he was going to make full use of it. This was his dream, and he wouldn't let anything come between him and his goal.

Reading carefully through some of the evidence which has been provided Taehyung couldn't help but feel bad. This man was a monster if everything he was being accused of was true and Taehyung would be the one to plead him not guilty to all of them, if Jungkook had done it or not.


Shaking his head to get rid of the thoughts that just roamed his mind he continued his research on his new client. If he truly wanted to be a good lawyer it didn't matter if his client did the things he was being accused off. It only mattered if he would be able to convince the jury that his client didn't do it. That had to be Taehyung's only goal. Plead this man not guilty and go on with your life, in other words: Do your job and don't question it.

With that thought in mind Taehyung opened a new internet tab, researching yet another page on Jeon Jungkook. If he really wanted to know who he would be defending he should know who exactly he was dealing with, what was Jeon Jungkook like, what were his motives and how could Taehyung make him look as innocent as possible.

Taehyung typed Jungkook's name into the google search bar, pressing enter and instantly being hit with an overload on articles on the young prisoner. All of them starting with things the younger had done, all of them except one.


Taehyung clicked the article, his eyes scanning the page like there was no tomorrow.

'after years of terrorizing our country, leader of the Jeon gang, Jeon Jungkook, has finally been captured by the police.

5 years after the murder of president Park Chanyeol, the Park family will get their justice by seeing Jeon Jungkook behind bars for the rest of his life.

Jeon Jungkook was captured by the police on Sunday morning the 16th of may just outside the capital.

It is not yet known with which accusations he will be charged.'

Taehyung couldn't believe what he had just read, his eyes big and his mouth slightly open. There were almost no details about how his client was captured or how they eventually managed to find him. There was basically no information except for the fact they had captured Jeon Jungkook. Maybe the police didn't want it to leak but at the same time that didn't make any sense to Taehyung at all. He would have expected the police to tell all the details on such a great capture, not keep quiet about it like it was an everyday occasion. It just didn't make sense to him, it just wasn't right.

A small yawn left Taehyung's mouth, while his eyes slowly started to close making it unable to read the thing on his computer properly. With a soft shake of his head Taehyung decided that he had done enough for today, shutting down his computer while putting his belongings in his bag. With a small breath of air the young lawyer put his bag over his shoulder while walking towards the elevator. The freshly brewed cup of coffee completely forgotten on his desk.

He had never been in the office at this time of the night, almost no one was here anymore except for some janitors and he suddenly became highly aware that if he became stuck in the elevator he wouldn't be found until the next morning. Not wanting to take the risk of spending his night in a small metal cubicle Taehyung decided to use the stairs and started to make his way down to where he would be able to leave the massive building. The young lawyer not missing the fact that It was awfully quiet on every floor he passed, too quiet.....horror movie quiet.


Taehyung shook his head in order to get rid of the creepy thoughts and continued his way downstairs, the faster he was out of the door the better. The dark had never been his most favorite thing in the world, he used to be really afraid of it when he was little and he never fully grew over it. This time being no exception to that statement.

After a few more minutes of conquering his fear the brown haired boy finally reached the bottom of the stairs, quickly making his way out of the front door. As the young lawyer quickly made his way out on the street he noticed that Lisa already gone home, the lobby being completely empty without her continuous laughing and chatting. Taehyung had texted her earlier today that he would be working late and that she didn't have to wait for him, on a normal day they would have taken the subway back home together since they lived in the same district but today wasn't a normal day. Today was Taehyung's first day as Jeon Jungkook's lawyer and he made full use of that title.

Lisa and Taehyung had always been very close. The girl being the first person inside Wang inc. who Taehyung had ever told that he was attracted to males. Lisa just gave of that trusting vibe that instantly had given Taehyung the courage to tell her, no questions being asked. Of course she had supported him unconditionally, the young lawyer even swore he saw excitement in her eyes when he told her. After that their friendship had only grown stronger, the two of them now being closer than ever inside Wang inc. Lisa was much more to Taehyung than just a colleague, she was his friend and he wouldn't trade her for the world.

Taehyung slowly started to make his was out on the street, instantly being met with fresh air hitting his face and invading his nose. The brown haired boy closed his eyes en inhaled the fresh air, a feeling of pride filling his whole body. He had finally gotten the promotion he was dying to get and couldn't help but feel the need to celebrate his victory even if it was in a small way.

Deciding that it was pretty late the young lawyer made the choice to just go home and settle for a good glass of red wine, a real celebration would follow when he got Jungkook out of jail. The brown haired boy started to make his way towards the subway station, smiling the whole way. He finally did it. All his hard work had finally paid off.

Within ten minutes the subway had arrived and another ten minute ride later Taehyung reached his district and began his walk home. The thought of his apartment bringing an instant feeling of joy to his system. He could clearly remember the day he got the keys to the small place as if it was yesterday. He had been so proud to have gotten a job at Wang inc. getting the keys to his own place and moving to a house inside the capital just made it all more real. Trading his live at a farm just outside of Daegu for the busy city live of Seoul had been a huge step for the young lawyer. He remembered his parents being so proud of him and yet sad to see him leave but in the end it had all been worth it.

After a five minute walk Taehyung finally arrived at his apartment block. It wasn't big but it was big enough to fit around fifteen apartments. The only downside to his apartment being that there wasn't an elevator, luckily for Taehyung his apartment was on the third floor and not on the fifteenth.

Quickly making his way inside and rushing up the stairs Taehyung made his way up to his home. Instantly sticking the key into the keyhole the moment he arrived before his door. The young lawyer twisted the keys and opened the door to let himself inside. The smell of home instantly hitting his nose and making him feel welcome. Taehyung's apartment wasn't anything special. Just a kitchen and living room with two doors, one for his bedroom and one for his bathroom. Most people would consider his apartment small, but the brown haired boy considered himself blessed to have a home he could call his own. It was his place, a place where no one would judge him no matter what he did and where he could truly be himself.

Taehyung made his way to the kitchen, opening a cabinet and taking a perfectly polished wineglass. The pretty glass being filled with a cherry red liquid within a few seconds, a content smile on the boy's face.

Taehyung took a small sip from his glass of wine and smiled as the red cold liquor slid down his throat. He was never someone for alcoholic beverages but wine was his only exception to that rule. Wine wasn't alcohol, wine was something you had to savour.

Walking towards his couch he sat down, his mind instantly being filled with thoughts about the exciting day he had had. Never in a million years would the young lawyer have thought that today would finally be the day he would get a promotion, finally getting his first big case.

Feeling satisfied with how his day had gone Taehyung quickly finished his glass of wine and decided to get ready for bed. Tomorrow he could use all the energy the universe could give him, as that would be the first time he would meet his newest client.


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