《One-Eighty || Taekook》Chapter 1


Taehyung took a deep breath as the scent of coffee infiltrated his nose, he always loved the

scent of the warm dark liquid in the morning. The brown haired man took a small sip while he slowly walked towards the entrance of the massive building before him, a small smile falling upon his face at the sight of the big silver letters that stood proudly above the automatic doors.

Taehyung had just been out of university when he managed to get a job at the country's biggest company for lawyers. It wasn't an easy job to get, but somehow he managed and he couldn't be more grateful. It was rare for fresh out of school lawyers to get a job at Wang inc., and yet they had somehow hired Taehyung. Some people would call it luck, but Taehyung prefered to call it his destiny. He was destined to become one of the best lawyers of the country.

In the small time Taehyung had worked for Wang Inc. he had only gotten the smaller and easier cases, while the big and interesting cases would get handed to the older and more experienced lawyers but he was still very proud of what he had been able to achieve in only a few months time. Most people would say his job was boring or stupid at this point but to Taehyung it was his whole world

As Taehyung walked through the doors of the big building his eyes stumbled upon Lisa, the building's receptionist. Lisa had been the first one to welcome Taehyung in their company after he got the confirmation that he had been hired as a lawyer for Wang inc. and they had become friends pretty quickly. Lisa was a nice and friendly girl who always made time for their employees and the young lawyer always admired that in her.

Taehyung gave the blonde girl a big smile with a quick wave before he walked further into the building and towards the elevators. With his cup of coffee still present in his hand Taehyung pressed the button that would take him up towards his own floor, while waiting for the doors to open.

It didn't take long for the doors to open but what Taehyung clearly hadn't expected was the young woman that flew out of them as soon as they were open wide enough. A woman Taehyung had come to known as Irene, one of Wang inc. best lawyers. Taehyung only got to take a quick look at her face but it surely seemed like she had been crying. Her eyes were red and puffy and a sad look covered most of her face.

With his eyebrows raised Taehyung stepped inside the elevator to go up to his department, still thinking about his little encounter with the young woman. Irene usually wore a serious expression on her face and she was always busy with a big case, so to see her cry was a complete surprise for Taehyung. It didn't fit the girls character and it instantly made him wonder what had been wrong with her.

Taehyung slowly shook his head, not giving it too much thought while he pressed the button for the fifth floor. The elevator beeped and the doors slowly closed taking him op to his office. A office he unfortunately had to share with 3 others due to the fact he was pretty new at the company and didn't earn enough to get his own privileges. The brown haired man couldn't wait until he got his own office where he wouldn't be interrupted by co-workers and where he could work on all sorts of big exciting cases.


It didn't take long for the elevator to arrive at the fifth floor, a small ding indicating that he had arrived at its destination and Taehyung quickly stepped out of it to make his way towards his office. All while still taking small sips of his coffee. The taste waking him up almost instantly from his morning slumber. Within a few minutes the young lawyer finally arrived at his own office, walking over towards his desk while putting his half empty cup of coffee down. He was about to sit down on his chair and open up his computer to open up his latest case but got almost immediately interrupted by someone calling out his name.

Taehyung turned around to face the person who had called his name and was surprised to find his bosses assistant Kim Jennie standing in the doorway

"Mister Wang would like to see you in his office in 10 minutes" Jennie informed him, a small smile on her face and some papers in her hand.

Without giving her too much response Taehyung managed to say a small "okay" in return while he began to shut down his computer and grabbed his cup of coffee again. A large frown started to make its way down Taehyung's forehead while he turned around towards the entrance of the office. Why in the world would Jackson Wang want to see him? He didn't do anything wrong did he? A lot of scenarios came across Taehyung's mind, most of them ending with Taehyung getting fired or worse expelled.......

This would be it, he would lose his chance at having a successful career.

With heavy steps Taehyung made his way to the elevator and waited until he heard the familiar ding which indicated that the elevator had arrived at his current floor. With a heavy heart and deep sigh Taehyung stepped inside the elevator and pressed the button for the eighth floor, the floor where all the important people of Wang inc. have their office. All of them including their boss Jackson Wang, a floor Taehyung would never have his own office if he kept going like this.

Taehyung had only been once to eight floor and that was to deliver something. Oh how he wished that would be the case this time too.

Taehyung once again heard the familiar ding of the elevator and with shaking legs he slowly stepped passed the metal doors, making his way towards mr. Wang's office. A office that couldn't be missed. Once you left the elevator you would instantly know where to go. Mr. Wang's office was without a doubt the biggest office in the whole building. Two massive wooden doors decorated with gold stripes instantly indicated where you needed to be. Multiple desks stood before them, all of them being filled with young women who took phone call after phone call.

Taehyung slowly made his way towards the impressive doors, instantly walking up towards the desk where Jennie was sitting. The girl gave him a warm smile and nodded her head towards a little waiting area on the other side of the hallway. " I'll inform Mister Wang that you've arrived".

Taehyung somehow managed to nod his head a little before walking to the little sitting area and taking place on one of the black velvet chairs. Multiple thoughts immediately started to flow his mind. The most important one of them being that he should have called in sick. If he had been sick they wouldn't have fired him, right?


"You can go inside" Jennie suddenly said, shaking Taehyung up from his own thoughts. He gave the girl a soft nod before standing up with a heavy body and a heart that pounded against his chest. Taehyung swallowed hard, raised his hand and knocked on the door. A small 'come in' coming from inside the office. He looked at Jennie for a little reassurance and she instantly gave him a small nod indicating that he could open the door.

Taehyung took a deep breath before slowly opening the door, his breath instantly stocking in his throat at the sight before him.

This was his first time inside Mr. Wang's office and he had never seen a room which was more perfect that this one. The beautiful black floor gave an amazing contrast to the white walls and in the middle of the room stood a big black desk which just screamed power to Taehyung.

When Taehyung looked behind the big desk he locked eyes with none other than Jackson Wang. A man he hadn't had the chance to meet up until now. Mr. Wang had always been one of the best lawyers in the country, winning basically every case and getting praise from almost everybody. Ever since Taehyung decided that he wanted to become a lawyer he has looked up to man. When Taehyung was still in law school he followed every case the man did and took notes of almost everything. Jackson had been his roll model from day one, so when he got hired by Wang inc. it was truly a dream come true.

Coming from a family of lawyers it didn't surprise people when mr. Wang took over Wang Inc. from his father a few years ago, making it all the more special for Taehyung to work in a place like this.

Taehyung never thought he would feel anything other than admiration when he looked at the man before him but never before had he been so wrong about anything. The only thing he felt at the moment was fear. Fear to lose his job, his dreams and everything else he worked so hard for.

Taehyung got completely lost in his own thoughts until he suddenly heard mr. Wangs voice acknowledged him. "Thank you for coming Taehyung."

Taehyung gave the man a forced smile while mr. Wang motioned him to take a seat opposite of him. "No problem sir, I wasn't busy with an interesting case anyway." Taehyung answered softly while sitting down, the moment those words left his mouth he wished he would have just stayed silent. He closed his eyes and mentally cursed himself. You complete and utter imbecile. Who in the world would say something like that to his boss?

To Taehyung's surprise Jackson started laughing. It wasn't fake or forced, it was a genuine laugh, a laugh that threw Taehyung complete off guard.

Taehyung gave mr. Wang a surprised look, getting a big smile in return. "Taehyung ,there are some serious things I would like to talk to you about". Taehyung gave the man a small nod while he continued. "I don't know if you've heard about what happened to Irene?"

"I haven't heard anything about her sir" Taehyung answered softly, immediately thinking back to his little confrontation with the woman this morning.

Mr. Wang clicked his tongue while giving Taehyung a serious look. "I have fired her this morning, she refused to do one of the most important cases we have at the moment."

Taehyung couldn't believe his ears. It did explain why Irene was crying this morning but her getting fired and refusing to do a case, it just didn't make sense to him. Irene is known to never back down from a case, so to hear that that is exactly what she has been fired for just didn't make sense to him. None of this sounded like the Irene he had gotten to known in the small amount of time he had come to work with Wang inc.

Taehyung looked back up at mr. Wang with questioning eyes. "Why are you telling me this?" Sure Taehyung was a good listener, it was a job as a matter of fact but that's couldn't be the reason why Mr. Wang wanted him in his office right?

Mr. Wang gave Taehyung a slight smirk and leaned back against his chair. "Because Taehyung, I want you to handle the case Irene refused to do."

Taehyung looked at mr. Wang with disbelieve in his eyes. "Seriously?"

Mr. Wang gave Taehyung a short nod and Taehyung couldn't help the big smile that broke out on his face. This was it. This was his big chance. He wasn't getting fired, he was getting a promotion!

Mr. Wang slid him some papers and Taehyung took them with shaking hands from the man. His eyes started scanning the papers and he immediately understood why Irene had refused to do this case. Oh fuck.

Taehyung looked at the picture attached to the top of the first page. A man with raven hair and pretty brown eyes stared back at him. Eyes and a face he knew way too well........Jeon Jungkook, the biggest mafia boss known in their country.

"do you accept this case Taehyung?" Mr. Wang suddenly asked, knowing Taehyung wouldn't be able to refuse the case.

Taehyung looked one last time at the brown eyed man in the picture before a dark smirk found his way on Taehyung's face. " I do, I won't disappoint you."

He would be crazy to let such a big opportunity go, he would prove he was worth of this case. He would prove that this is why they hired him in this company, this was going to be his big break through.

As Taehyung made his way out of mr. Wang's office he couldn't help but be overflowed with joy, his now cold cup of coffe still in his hand. He finally got a big case. It didn't matter he had to defend one of the biggest criminals in the country.

It would all be worth it in the end. Right?


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