《The Fading Sunshine》Chapter 15


**Daichis POV

Suga and I ran down the hallway to the team room. We had followed Kuroo and Hinata to the nurses office since it had seemed so important. We over heard everything that Hinata had said and we were both shocked to silence. How could this have happened right under our noses.

We reached the door to our room. We stopped for a minute to talk about how we were going to handle what we had just heard.

"Do you plan on telling the others about this?" Suga asked me.

"No, if he doesn't want to tell us then we have to respect that. He will tell us when he's ready." I told him. "We just have to act normal around him. I don't think he would be too happy that we eavesdropped on their conversation."

"I completely agree but what do we tell the team?" Suga asked. "They surely are going to ask about his episode in the gym. What if that upsets him again?"

"We can't tell them anything. If we tell them not to question him about it then it'll look suspicious, like we have something to hide from them." I said as I too thought about what we were going to tell the team what had happened when Hinata returns.

**Hinata's POV

Kuroo walked me back to the room just to be sure nothing happened to me. We arrived at the door of the room but we only stood in front of it.

"Are you going to be okay going in there alone?" Kuroo asked me.

"I think so, I think I can handle them." I told him.

"Okay well if you need me at any point tonight you have my number right?" He asked.

"Yes I do, I'll call you if I need you. But I really do think i'll be fine." I told him with a small smile. He smiled back and waved as he walked away.


I took a breath and walked into the room. The whole team was sitting around on their futons. Some of them were on their phones, some reading, and some were simply daydreaming.

"Hinata! Are you okay?" Nishanoya asked as he looked up to the door.

"Yeah i'm okay... I think I was just a little stressed out this morning. But i'm all good now." I said as I tried to keep a smile on my face.

"Well don't you ever do something like that again, we were worried about you." Tanaka said as he gave me a fist bump.

"I won't, I'll be more careful." I said with a soft laugh.

"Are you sure you're okay. We all want to help in anyway we can so if you need help we're here for you." Suga said.

"Really guys, I'm fine. I think I just needed a minute to chill out." I told him.

"Alright, well we're all just happy you're okay." Asahi said.

"Thank you guys, that means a lot." I said with a smile. The room got quiet for a minute or two before Daichi spoke up."Well guys, it's about time to eat supper. Are you guys ready to head down?" All of the team agreed they were hungry so they left the room to go to the cafeteria. "You coming Hinata?" Kageyama said.

"No, I'm not that hungry. You go ahead." I said with a slight smile.

"Alright, call me if you change your mind. I'll bring you something up." He said.

"Alright. I will." I said and waved as he walked out the door.

Minutes after he left I realized how tired I felt. Although I didn't physically do much today, I was mentally exhausted. I laid down on my futon and closed my eyes and soon I fell asleep.


In my dream I was in a dark room. I heard a eerily familiar voice but couldn't tell who's it was. A figure stepped out from the dark and and walked towards me.

"Did you miss me Shoyo?" It was Koki. My heart stopped. I thought I was going to be sick. He kept walking towards me but I couldn't move, literally. My body wouldn't move. I was terrified.

He got so close it seemed as if I could hear his breath. At that moment, I shot up and was breathing heavily. I checked the time, it was 9:32. The team must still be in the cafeteria. I figured since they were still gone I would go down to join them. I texted Kageyama and told him I was heading their way.

I walked out the door and headed to the elevator. I pressed the down arrow and waited for the door to slide open.

The door dinged as it arrived but before the door could open I was hit hard from behind. It wasn't hard enough to knock me out but it did catch me off guard. I fell to the knees and looked up to see a man standing over me.

I couldn't make out the face in the dark, but before I got the chance to look closer he kicked me in my side making me fall completely over. This went on for what seemed like forever. Many kicks and punches were dealt to my sides, back and face.

I was on the brink of losing consciousness when someone burst out from the elevator and started yelling. That's the last thing I remember before it all went black.


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