《The Fading Sunshine》Chapter 3




**still Hinata's POV

My dad stumbled into my room, angrily grumbling to himself. "Why were you so damn loud walking up the stairs!? You could be a little more considerate and at least try not to be a screw up all the time!"

I stood up, trying my best not to seem intimidated. "I-i'm sorry, I slipped and fell." I stuttered.

"I don't remember asking nor caring what happened, all I know is I was peacefully sleeping and you came along and messed it up as usual." He sneered.

"I-I'm sorry, it won't happen again." I said. "Yeah, you're right it won't. Not for a while anyways" He said walking up on me.

He pushed me hard causing me to fall into the ground. I tried to get up but was met with a kick to the side. I cried out in pain. My side already hurt, I knew tomorrow it would be about five times worse at this rate.

"I don't have time to deal with screw ups like you everyday." He muttered, as he sent another kick at me, but this time to my face. I looked down at the ground and saw a few drops of blood. He must have re-split my lip.

"If only that car had hit the side of our car that you were on, then I wouldn't have to be dealing with you right now. Natsu, your mom and I could've been living a perfectly happy life, but instead you lived." He said coldly.

After that, I guess he had gotten tired of looking at me because he stumbled back out of my room and down the stairs.

I laid on the floor and felt my eyes tear up. "I wish it was me that had died too..." I sobbed quietly.


I crawled to the bathroom, took one look in the mirror and was disgusted by what I saw. How could anyone love or care about a mistake like me.


"You're a mistake."

"You should've died instead of them."

"Everyone's life would be easier if you just died."

"I know..." I muttered through my sobs.

I pulled out one of my dads razors and carefully taking it apart. I needed a pain that I could control. I took the silver piece of metal and slowly slid it across my upper arm.

My eyes widened at the sight of the blood. It hurt but felt good at the same time. I collapsed onto the ground and stared at the blood dripping down my arm. I grabbed the bandages from under the sink and wrapped my arm.


I crawled back to my room and tried to focus on doing my homework when I heard a quiet click. I looked up but didn't see anything so i went back to my school work.

I eventually got thirsty and got up to go get some water. But when I twisted the doorknob, the door didn't open. I frantically jiggled the knob trying to make the door open, but it was no use. "That must've been what that click was earlier." I whispered to myself.

My dad had locked me in my room and I had no way out. I would eventually get hungry or have to use the bathroom. What would I do then?

I decided it would be best to just finish my home work and go to sleep. Hopefully he will unlock it in the morning.

I finished my work and went to bed hungry and without brushing my teeth or taking a shower. But despite all of these things, I very quickly drifted to sleep. And luckily, I didn't have anymore disturbances throughout the night.


**The next morning

When I woke up the next morning, I jolted up and looked at the clock, 8:27, shit I was late for school.

I shot up, put my things in my bag, got dressed and hurried to my door. When I tried to open my door it still wouldn't open, which means i'll be stuck in here until he decides to let me out.

I slumped down to the floor in defeat. What did the team think when I didn't show up for morning practice? I checked my phone to see if any of my teammates had checked in on me. But when I picked up my phone it was dead. I rummaged through my bag looking for my charger, but didn't see it anywhere. I must've left it in the club room.

I sighed and payed back down on my bed and starred at the ceiling, not knowing what else to do.

After what felt like hours, I heard another small click and my eyes darted to my door. I glanced at the clock again, 9:42, it had only been an hour since he woke up.

I slowly opened my door and peered into the hallway. My dad was no where to be seen so i crept out into the hallway. Still no dad. The first thing I did was go into the bathroom.

I took a shower and washed off the dirtiness and dried blood from yesterday. I got out of the shower and brushed my teeth. I walked out and decided to still go to school despite how late I am. So I changed the bandages on my arm, grabbed my things, hurried out the door and ran to school.

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