《Until I Met You》epilogue


I'm lost in a sea of blue caps and gowns, drifting between bodies that huddle together to form an ocean of students no longer quite children anymore. I shift through the crowd, making my way to the front of the arena, hit with a sudden realization: I'm not a kid anymore. I graduate today. This is it.

Though it's been a whirlwind of a year, and high school has been more fun than I'd thought it'd be, I'm not sad. This chapter of my life may be coming to an end, but I'm not worried in the slightest. I know that it is now time to write a new chapter, one filled with much more than the first. My life is only just beginning now.

Reaching the front of the crowd, next to the stage, I spot who I've been looking for easily. He's talking to our principal animatedly, blue eyes intensified by the color of his gown.

My heart flutters a little at the sight of Luke, even after all this time. I don't think I'll ever get tired of seeing him; don't think I'll ever get used to the thought that he is all mine.

It still feels like the first time whenever I'm around him, and I hope the feeling never wears off.

As if sensing my presence, Luke suddenly glances up. Our gazes lock instantly, Luke offering me a wide grin as the sunlight reflects in his irises. I wait patiently as Luke excuses himself from his conversation before making his way over to me.

"Hey," he says, lips curling in a smile of greeting. "I was hoping I'd catch you before I had to go up." He gestures to the stage behind him, smile faltering.

"Look at you!" I exclaim, teasing. "The valedictorian is nervous?"

"No," Luke scoffs, wearing a poker face. His expression soon gives way to a sheepish smile as he admits, "Well, maybe a little . . ."

"Don't worry about it," I soothe, taking Luke's hand in mine. "You're going to do great. If you start getting nervous, find me in the crowd. Pretend it's just us talking."

I'm sure this is nerve-wracking for Luke, knowing he's about to give a speech in front of the entire graduating class, plus everyone else in attendance. However, I have faith in him. Luke has always been a natural speaker. He can draw you in with a single word, capture your attention without trying.


"Okay," Luke agrees, nodding slowly. "It'll be like I'm talking to you . . ." he trails off, nervously lost in thought. I rise and plant a kiss on his cheek before my lips meet his, cupping his face with my hands.

"You'll be perfect," I whisper against his lips. "You always are."

"I love you," he says in return. He says the words easily, as if he doesn't need to think of them before speaking. I've always wanted that sort of simple love, safe yet spontaneous, intimate yet immature, deep yet easy.

"I love you more," I tease as Luke wraps his arms around me, pulling me into another kiss.

"Impossible," he argues. "Let me have this one. For luck."

"Fine," I sigh. "Next time, I love you more. Got it?"

"Yes ma'am," Luke agrees. "Even though it won't be true." I smile as he kisses my cheek, just as our principal announces, "Now, please welcome our graduate valedictorian, Luke Bradford, to the stage."

"You've got this," I assure Luke as he begins to pull away, backing up toward the stage behind us.

Seconds later, Luke stands up on the stage by the podium, looking important and prestigious as the audience gazes up at him, waiting for his speech to begin. I remain firmly planted in the front row, smiling at Piper, Emma, and Peter as they join my side.

Luke begins by clearing his throat, the sound echoing in the microphone before him. Gripping the sides of the podium, Luke starts his speech.

"As a kid, I think everyone dreams of this day. Graduating from high school. Becoming an adult. It's like some sort of rite of passage no one can wait to go through, as if life doesn't really begin until this day."

Luke's eyes find mine after a moment of searching, and I shoot him an encouraging smile. His nervous expression slowly fades, and he speaks more clearly than before once he opens his mouth to continue.

"Yesterday, I was still a student in high school. Today I'm a kid realizing that I'm not quite a kid anymore, and that's a scary thought. What's scarier is realizing that there is an entire world out there, and it's now my time to go out into it alone and try to figure out who I am and who I want to become."


Luke pauses for a moment to allow his words to sink in. "That's a question I've been asking myself more often lately. Who do I want to be? Sometimes I feel alone with that thought, like I'm the only person in the world who doesn't have everything figured out yet. Of course, I know that's impossible. I mean, do any of us really know what we're doing?" Laughter runs through the crowd at that, and Luke hesitates while smiling.

"Regardless, the answer to that question hit me this morning as I was looking over the note cards I'd prepared for this speech, which I have since decided weren't good enough to use. I could stand here and tell you what I think you all should do with your lives, what I believe might lead you all to be successful. However, I realized this morning that I would merely be telling a class of kids transitioning to adulthood a web of lies. The truth is that there is no certain way to live. Life isn't really so black and white. When it comes to growing up, there is no right or wrong way to do so. There is just your way. So to answer the question I'm sure we've all been asking ourselves quite a lot lately, Who do I want to be? Well, the answer is really quite simple."

I find myself completely captivated by Luke's words, waiting for him to continue. He really is the best speaker I know. The best person I know. My better half. The boy I love.

"Be whoever you want to be," Luke says finally, shrugging as he speaks. "Whatever you want to do with your life, do it. Goals are achievable if you put in the work to reach them. Nothing is impossible. The word itself states: I'm possible. So, for those of you who feel like you've reached a dead-end, those of you standing here today unsure of what the future may hold; know that your future is whatever you want it to be. You can do it. After today, us former students will go out into the world, and we will become whatever we want to be. Standing before me are future politicians, doctors, teachers, nurses, and so much more. All of you standing in front of me—you are the future. The world is ours to conquer, not the other way around. Don't forget that."

Luke takes a step back from the podium, and I realize tears have started to blur my vision. I'm standing amidst silence, proving just how compelling Luke can be.

Shortly after Luke has stopped talking, the crowd bursts into applause. There are some whistles and cheers, and I can't stop pride from welling in my chest.

Luke offers the crowd a smile and one last wave before turning to the steps of the stage and descending toward the ground. I rush toward him instantly, flinging myself into his arms. I kiss him as if there is no tomorrow, living in this moment without thinking of those to come.

"You were amazing," I tell him as he holds me, taking his face in my hands.

He simply kisses me in response, pulling away and resting his forehead against mine as we share a breath. Raising a hand to my cheek, Luke tells me, "You're my future, Jade Montgomery. My whole world."

When he kisses me again, it's different somehow. More important, almost. As if some sort of milestone has been created. It isn't until after we break apart and I look into Luke's eyes that I realize what made this kiss so much different from any other.

Unlike all of our other kisses, this was our first kiss of forever. And I couldn't think of a better way to start my future.

Luke takes my hand in his before pulling me into a warm embrace. I listen to his heartbeat as it beats steadily in my ear, his heart that beats solely for me. Closing my eyes, I recall the night he became mine. The chilly night air, our breaths clouding in the inky night sky, the stars that had been shining up above us like little spotlights beaming down on me and Luke in the darkness.

Our love is a lot like those stars, I think to myself as I meet Luke's eyes. It's infinite.

»»----- -----««

a/n: and another story comes to an end! this one was of the more fun stories i've written, and thank you to those of you who took time to read it. as always, leave me a vote or comment letting me know what you thought. if you want to check out my other works or keep up with future works, follow me to stay notified.

until next time. :)

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