《Until I Met You》26 | "but i started it."


"Liam, please!" I run after my boyfriend through the crowded hallway, hardly able to keep up with his hurried pace. It doesn't help that people keep getting in my way, slowing me down further.

"Liam!" I cry once I've managed to push through the crowd and reach him. "Let me explain."

"Explain what?" Liam questions, finally managing to speak to me. A fire dances in his eyes like I've never quite seen before, his features pinched in anger.

The morning started off perfectly, though it took less than an hour to turn into one of the worst days of my life. Liam dropped by my house earlier, surprising me by offering to give me a ride to school. I'd agreed, allowing Liam to wait downstairs in my living room while I finished getting ready for the day in my bedroom. Once I'd come back down the stairs, Liam was already visibly upset. It didn't take me long to figure out what had him all riled up. He'd wandered into the kitchen and had found Luke's wristwatch sitting on the table. Luke had left it behind the previous day, and I hadn't had the time to return it yet. I had to force myself to believe Luke hadn't forgotten the watch on purpose, and I recalled him taking it off when he'd been helping me with my algebra homework, as it had been hurting his wrist when he wrote. Liam knew the watch was Luke's, because Luke had his name engraved on the back.

One thing had led to another, with Liam demanding to know why I had Luke's belongings in my house. I'd accidentally let slip that Luke and I had been hanging out together the day before. Liam blew a fuse, and though I can understand what has him so upset, that doesn't mean I have to like it.

Needless to say, the ride to school had been pure hell.

"It wasn't like you think," I say breathlessly. "We didn't do anything. He was just helping me with homework."

Liam snorts. "And I'm supposed to believe that, right?"

"Yes, because it's the truth."

"Luke was over at your house, helping you with homework," Liam says slowly. "And you two didn't do anything that would involve Luke needing to take his watch off?"

My face flames at what Liam suggests. I can't believe he would dare to say something like that to me, much less in front of everyone in the middle of the crowded hallway.

I'm suddenly not so understanding of Liam's anger.

"I get that you have issues when it comes to trusting Luke, considering your ever-losing rivalry with him," I snap, delivering a low blow. "And even though nothing happened between Luke and I, I still understand that you don't have to trust Luke, and maybe you never will. But you should trust me. And you know what, Liam? The fact that you don't trust me tells me all I need to know."

I'm over it, the fighting. It seems as if that is all Liam and I have done since the lacrosse game. One fight after another, about stupid little things that somehow always end up being about Luke Bradford.

"Jade!" Liam cries as I turn my back on him, ready to walk off. "Wait!"


"I have to get to class," I mutter. "But if you want to continue this conversation civilly when everyone in the hallway isn't staring at us, let me know."

Liam doesn't say another word. Instead, he watches me go, and I don't bother to look back. Still, my eyes begin to well with tears and my cheeks flush with embarrassment. I can't seem to stop myself from thinking the same thought that's been bouncing around my mind since the lacrosse game. What does it mean when he stops fighting for you, and instead starts fighting with you?

I shed a tear upon reaching my locker, though hurriedly wipe it away and force a smile as Emma appears. I swallow down the sadness and paint my features with happiness, as sometimes it's easier to pretend like you're okay.

Unfortunately, the thing about pretending is that it's fake.

Just like my smile.

»»----- -----««

I'm not looking forward to English class by the time it rolls around. For once, I'm not dreading class because it means seeing Luke. In fact, I don't seem to mind that at all.

The reason I'm dreading class is because I'm a mess when I know that I need to be focused so I can help Luke plan our class performance. I know I need a good grade on our skit, because the rest of my grades have slipped to dangerous lows. My English grade is the only A I have, and I'm trying hard to maintain it. When report cards go home, I don't need to give my parents another reason to be disappointed in me.

Though I know I need to be in a clear mindset, I can't seem to stop thinking about my argument with Liam this morning. And the more I think about it, the more upset I begin to feel. It consumes me, until I'm left feeling nothing but sad and negative.

I don't say much to Luke as we walk toward the library. I mostly keep to myself, and thankfully he doesn't say much, either. I notice his missing watch, however, and immediately think back to the harsh things Liam accused me of this morning. A lump soon forms in my throat, making it difficult to swallow.

I realize that, in the heat of the moment, I forgot to grab Luke's watch to return to him, which makes me feel worse.

After entering the library, Luke chooses a table in the back for us to sit. I take a seat across from him, watching as he sets down his copy of Romeo and Juliet before turning his blue eyes on me.

"So." Luke draws the word out as he drums his fingertips against the table. "Did you have a particular scene in mind?"

I merely shrug in response, afraid of what might happen if I try to speak through the lump in my throat.

"Okay," Luke says slowly, opening his booklet. "I guess I haven't really thought much about it, either. I'm assuming you'd want to do a scene between Romeo and Juliet, though, right? Unless you'd want to do something easier. Maybe a scene between some minor characters?"

I shrug once again, vision blurring with tears. I hear Liam's voice in my head from in the car this morning, saying, "If you don't want to be with me, Jade, just say it. Don't go behind my back with other guys and leave evidence for me to see. Breaking up with me would be a lot easier."


"Did you have a favorite character?" Luke persists, waiting for a response. "You know, someone you'd like to portray in particular?"

I don't even bother to shrug this time.

"Um, Jade?" Luke waves his hand in front of my face, though I don't flinch. "I'm confused. Where's the loud-mouthed, opinionated Jade who never lets me talk this much without telling me to shut up?" I can tell that Luke must sense I'm feeling down, because he's not really the kind of guy to be playful without a reason.

Luke Bradford is trying to make me feel better, I think to myself, finding the thought completely ironic.

Then I start to cry.

I curse myself for it. I can't stand crying in public, because I know how awkward it can be for other people. And Luke is the last person I'd want to be caught crying in front of. Yet I just feel way too overwhelmed and hurt, and a voice in my head keeps telling me that my time with Liam seems to be coming to an end. I'm not sure I'm ready for that yet. I thought we would be the couple to work through hard times, though it seems like the hard times only know how to tear us apart.

"Jade?" Luke asks cautiously, tone gentle. I hold back a sob, burying my face in my hands so that Luke won't be able to actually see me cry.

"Jade?" Luke repeats, sounding alarmed. "Are you okay? Sorry, that's a dumb question. What happened?"

I shake my head through my tears. I couldn't possibly form a response right now, and it's not like I want to talk about what happened between Liam and I when just thinking about it has me in tears.

Luke soon scoots his chair back. I feel his presence before me, warm and friendly, very different from his usual cold and unwelcoming demeanor. Squatting down next to me, Luke's arms soon envelop me in a comforting hug.

I melt into him, burying my head in his shoulder as I let go and cry. He doesn't say much, merely holding me and smoothing my hair back as he whispers sweet nothings in my ear.

Luke holds me until I calm down enough to stop crying, and then he holds me some more. I know I shouldn't be thinking like this, but it's nice to be in his arms, nice to know that the boy with the eyes of frost turns warm just for me.

One hand resting on my cheek, Luke softly questions, "What's wrong, Jade?"

I notice the tender way he gazes at me, like he genuinely cares about my feelings and what I have to say.

"It's Liam," I admit, voice cracking. My bottom lip trembles, and I feel on the verge of tears again. "We got into another fight."

Luke frowns, and I can tell this isn't necessarily a topic he wants to discuss. After a moment, he asks, "What about?"

"You. It's always about you. Liam found your watch in my kitchen. Now he thinks I'm cheating on him with you."

The soft light in Luke's eyes suddenly hardens. "What'd you tell him?"

"The truth. I told him you helped me with my algebra homework. That we're just friends. He doesn't believe me." My expression turns bitter as I glare at the ground. "He doesn't trust me anymore."

"I'm going to beat the shit out of him," Luke mumbles under his breath.

"No, you're not," I snap, rolling my eyes.

Luke disregards my comment. His features pinch with frustration, eyes gleaming brightly. "Yes, I am. He's being a dick to you, Jade. You're here crying over him, and he's out doing God knows what. Letting all of this fall on you. What kind of boyfriend doesn't trust his own girlfriend? I'm fucking sick of the way he's been treating you."

"It doesn't matter," I say in an attempt to calm him down. "I'll talk to him later. I'll—"

"See, that's the problem," Luke interrupts. "You shouldn't have to be the one to make things right. You didn't do anything wrong. If we're being honest, this is my fault. I shouldn't have told Liam about our kiss. I started this. Let me finish it."

"And what's Liam going to think?" I counter. "He's just going to see that I've confided in you and sent you to do my dirty work, and then he'll just keep assuming what he already thinks is true. This is my fight with him. I'm not letting it fall on you, too."

"But I started it," Luke argues. "I'm such a dick." Luke forms a fist with his hand, tension evident as his knuckles turn white. I take his hand in mine, watching as his slowly uncurls from a fist.

"Stop beating yourself up over that. I forgave you. I've moved on. You should, too. Liam is just . . . well, he's jealous."

"Before I said anything"—Luke's voice is hoarse—"he didn't have a reason to be."

"I said I forgave you." I squeeze Luke's hand in my own. "You're not a bad guy, Luke. You aren't the reason Liam and I are having problems. Please. Stop blaming yourself. For me?"

Luke nods, though won't meet my gaze.

"I'm sorry," I murmur after a moment. "I shouldn't have cried like that. God, that's embarrassing." I shoot Luke a sheepish smile, cheeks flushing.

"You have nothing to be sorry for," Luke assures me, his turn to squeeze my hand. "And it's not embarrassing, either. You never need to be embarrassed around me."

Despite everything, Luke's words make me smile. For a minute, Luke manages to make me forget what I was even upset about in the first place. That's what he does; makes me forget about everything but him.

"You know what, Luke Bradford? Even though you try to be, you're really not a bad guy."

It's undeniable that my words have Luke blushing. On impulse, I lean forward and press my lips to his cheek, maybe too close to the corner of his lips.

And though I know I shouldn't have done that at all, I don't regret it. Not one bit.

»»----- -----««

a/n: i'm gonna see my girlfriend this weekend whaaaaaaat

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