《Until I Met You》23 | "what do you want, Luke?"


"It's with a heavy heart I inform you all that we are almost done with the reading of Romeo and Juliet," Ms. Edwards says to the class, the wisp of a smile on her lips. "Although I'm sure you're all secretly excited to hear this."

I can't deny that I'm somewhat relieved at the thought of almost being done with the play. Reading has never really been my thing, plus I can't stand the idea that Romeo and Juliet stands for. I think the play is much too heavy on love, and romance has always made me uncomfortable.

"When we complete the reading we'll start practicing the skits I'll be grading you all on. Remember that your skit has to be a scene from the play—it doesn't particularly matter which scene, but the more important the scene you choose to perform is, the higher your grade can be. You'll be working in pairs of two, and I'm still picking your partners, so don't bothering asking me about it."

A few groans arise from around the classroom.

"I know, I know. I'm such a terrible person for not allowing you to pick partners." Ms. Edwards rolls her eyes, smirking. "Since I've given you all a relatively easy quarter so far—no quizzes or tests, just reading—a lot is riding on your skits. So for those of you who like to slack off—you know who you are—I'd encourage putting effort into this. It's the only test grade you're getting for this portion of the quarter, and anything below an eighty is really going to hurt your overall grade."

I share a glance with Emma, biting down on my lip. I'm not necessarily the best actress, and the fact that we're performing Shakespeare only makes things harder. I mean, I understand it's only a class performance, but I still want to do well.

I hope that Emma ends up being my partner, as I know I'll be a million times less stressed with her by my side. Not to mention, we often work well together.

"Without further ado," Ms. Edwards says to grab our attention, "please grab your copies of Romeo and Juliet so we can read our final scenes before the story comes to an end."

I make the mistake of glancing over at Luke as I lean down to grab my book. I'm not sure why I'm slightly surprised to find him looking back at me, a smile making its way across his lips as our gazes lock. I hesitate for a moment, my eyes lingering on his.

I have a feeling that Romeo and Juliet isn't the only thing coming to an end around here . . .

»»----- -----««

"You came!" Liam exclaims as his gaze meets mine, his face lighting up as he grins. I take in his dimple and wide brown eyes with a smile, a laugh escaping my lips.

"Of course I came," I say in response. "I told you I would!" As if I could possibly miss the first lacrosse game of the season. It's an exciting event for both me and Liam, as it's his first game and my first time seeing him play.

Liam's expression morphs from lighthearted to serious as he glances down at me, biting down on his lip. "You look good."

I try to downplay the compliment, glancing down at my clothes. The school games are probably some of the only school functions where students don't have to wear uniforms, which I took advantage of. I wear a long sleeved off-the-shoulder shirt with ripped jeans and sneakers, perfectly comfortable.


"Thank you," I say, meeting his gaze. "You do too." And he does look nice in his uniform, ready for his game.

He leans down and kisses me then, his lips soft against my own. My body reacts immediately, my heart pounding in my chest. For a moment I'm fully captivated by him, forgetting everything around me.

The kiss becomes more forceful within seconds, Liam's hands pulling my hips to meet his front before roaming over my ass, slipping into my back pockets. A soft cry leaves my lips at the action, and I bite my lip to contain myself as I pull away from Liam and lift my eyes to his.

"Sorry," he murmurs, chest heaving as he inhales to catch his breath, which I'm rather struggling to do.

"Don't be," I respond, tilting my head up to his, our lips meeting again. Our kiss is much different than the last, soft and slow and tender.

I manage a smile as I pull away. "I'm gonna go find a seat," I tell my boyfriend. "Catch you after the game?"

"Okay," Liam agrees with a nod.

"Don't forget to win for me!" I tease.

"I would never." Liam leans down and presses a sweet kiss to my cheek, smiling as he straightens.

"Good luck. Not that you need it."

Liam shakes his head modestly, grinning. "You better go. Or else I might never be able to let you walk off."

I roll my eyes, expression coy. "I'm going, I'm going," I say, taking a few steps backwards. With one last wave and glance over my shoulder, I wander off toward the bleachers. I spot Piper and Emma easily, perched in the second row.

I'm just about to climb the bleachers when I suddenly collide with another person, stumbling backwards from the impact. I'm not hurt, though the interaction startles me.

I glance up to see who it is I've run into, not shocked with I recognize the blond hair, the icy blue eyes, the white and blue jersey.


"Ouch, Clumsy," Luke mumbles, rubbing his arm as he shoots me his usual greeting: a smirk. "You really need to learn to watch where you're going."

"And you really need to learn to stop getting in my way," I fire back, hands on my hips. It's harder to be around Luke now, since he admitted to still having feelings for me. When I'm around him now, I feel as if I have to watch what I say, not wanting him to get the wrong idea about anything.

Looking into Luke's blue eyes, I find myself thinking about what he said in the hallway days ago. His promise to make this lacrosse game "fun" for us—himself, Liam, and me. It's an unsettling thought, as I can recall exactly how far Luke is willing to go when it comes to getting what he wants.

Drifting out of my thoughts, I come to find Luke staring at me, an odd gleam in his frosty eyes as they appraise me. I cross my arms over my chest, disliking the way Luke's gaze trails me. Despite the fact that I'm fully clothed, one look from Luke leaves me feeling completely naked and utterly vulnerable. As if he can see right through me.

Which is unfair, considering I've yet to learn how to read Luke.

"Damn, Clumsy," Luke mutters with a low whistle. "You look good."

I purse my lips at Luke's words, unable to deny that his compliment makes my heart flutter just a little.


"What do you want, Luke?" I deadpan after a moment, forcing my eyes up to his.

"Don't know how to take a compliment?" Luke questions, a smug smile playing across his lips.

"Seriously, Luke," I persist. I want to know what it is he's up to, because Lord knows the boy can be nothing but trouble when he wants to be.

"Seriously what?" Luke taunts, edging closer to me.

"You know what." My arms remain crossed over my chest, and I feel a flame creeping into my cheeks.

"I'm afraid I don't have a clue what you're talking about, Clumsy." Luke's smirk is wicked, as if he knows that he's getting to me. Knowing Luke the way I do, I'm sure he does. "Please. Enlighten me."

I roll my eyes, looking up at the sky as if to ask God what I've gotten myself into. Glancing back at Luke, I'm alarmed by how close he's gotten.

"Fine," I snap. If Luke wants to play games, then I'll be a fucking player. "I want to know what you meant in the hallway on Monday. When you said you were sure we were all going to have fun?"

Luke studies me for a brief moment with a blank expression. He then cracks a smile, chuckling. I watch him warily, skeptical of everything about his performance. "What?" he questions, feigning innocence. "Would you rather not have fun?"

"I know you, Luke. You wouldn't say something so cryptic without some secret meaning behind it."

Luke tilts his head to the side, frowning at me. "Then what was my meaning, Jade? Since you seem to have me all figured out."

I want to tell him that is the exact problem I have with Luke. I don't have anything about him figured out. Where Luke seems to know which buttons of mine to press to elicit some reaction from me, I'm dumbfounded as to what makes Luke tick. It makes for a completely unfair playing ground, because how do you fight an enemy you don't even understand?

"I don't know," I say in response, aggravated that this is all I can come up with to say.

Luke merely smirks, clearly enjoying himself. "Exactly," he murmurs in a low tone, voice raspy. "You haven't figured out what I meant, because I didn't mean anything by it. It was just an offhand comment, Jade."

"With you, nothing is ever that simple," I retort.

Luke chuckles once again, nodding as he wets his lips. "Fair enough," he mumbles finally, leaving me as confused as ever.

"I just don't get you," I mumble under my breath, shaking my head.

"I feel the same way," Luke admits with a half-shrug, eyes on mine. "About you."

His words surprise me slightly, as I've always thought that somehow Luke knows everything there is to know about me. And maybe he does. I've since learned that there is little Luke won't do or say when it comes to getting what he wants.

And, in this case, what Luke wants is me.

He takes another step forward, though this time with purpose. He stops merely inches away from me, expression transfixed as his gaze meets mine. Luke has an effect on me that I can't seem to control, though I wish he didn't have that sort of power over me. My breath hitches in my throat as he comes in closer. My skin flames, as if waiting for Luke's touch to put out my fire. I can't stop staring into his ocean blue eyes, almost like I'm willing myself to drown.

Almost cautiously, Luke raises a finger to my cheek, his touch brushing against my skin. He pulls away slowly, eyes on mine. "You had an eyelash," he whispers, as if to explain his lingering fingertip on my skin.

"What do you want, Luke?" I whisper back, afraid to speak too loudly for fear that I might ruin the moment we're sharing. And—though I know it's wrong of me—I don't want this moment to end. At least, not yet.

"You," Luke answers simply.

He slowly starts to lean toward me then, and I don't back away. It's as if I've forgotten how to move, how to breathe, how to function when Luke's eyes are on me. I'm as still as a statue as he moves in slowly, closer and closer until his face is hardly an inch from my own. My stare holds his, completely entranced.

Luke hesitates, seemingly unwilling to go any further without my permission. And it's like I need his lips on mine in the moment, need his touch on my skin, need him to take away the impatience burning in my veins. So, unconsciously, I tilt my head upward just the slightest, my lips a whisper against Luke's.

We're not even kissing, hardly touching, and though I have gone further than this with a boy, I know that this moment with Luke right now is the most intimate moment I've ever shared with anyone.

However, I know that if he kisses me, it will be over for me. If I kiss him, I'll never be able to stop. If his lips are an ocean, I'll spend forever lost at sea. If his touch is a flame, I'll go up in smoke. I'd do it all willingly. And how can I allow myself to self-destruct for one boy when I still have so much to live for?

As the latter thought runs through my mind, I snap out of the trance I'm in. I pull away from Luke with a gasp, as if I've been shocked. My eyes widen in horror, guilt pulsing through my veins. I may not have kissed Luke, but all that matters is that I'd wanted to.

"What are you still doing here?" I snap, shoving Luke away from me. "Don't you have a game to get to?" With that, I whirl on my heel and run up the steps of the bleachers, hurried making my way to my friends.

I've since left Luke behind, yet it's like he's still with me. He lingers in my mind, and when I close my eyes I am back with him by the gates, his lips a breath away from my own.

I take a seat next to Emma and Piper, forcing a smile as they greet me. I tell myself to snap out of my head, to stop thinking about what almost happened and instead on what did happen.

I search the field for Liam, my eyes settling on the boy I'm supposed to have feelings for. Almost uncontrollably, my gaze flickers over to the familiar blond boy standing on the edge of the field, and it's on him that my gaze chooses to stay.

Liam may be the boy I'm supposed to have feelings for, but I'm seriously starting to wonder if he's the only boy I have feelings for.

»»----- -----««

a/n: i'm supposed to see my girl on friday and i'm gonna cry if it doesn't work out sjsjkss.

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