《Until I Met You》20 | "did you guys hear the good news?"


"Stop distracting me," I mumble under my breath as I roll my eyes. I'm supposed to be annoyed, yet I can't help biting back a smile.

"Distracting you?" Liam questions from his seat across the table, glancing up at me from his notebook. He furrows his eyebrows in confusion, though his eyes are gleaming and he smirks knowingly. "I'm not even doing anything."

I lightly kick his leg under the table, which Liam keeps finding excuses to lean against mine. "You know what you're doing."

Liam sets his pen down on the table, giving me his undivided attention. "Well, maybe you should stop distracting me."

I narrow my eyes at him as I set my own pen down. We're both doing our homework in my kitchen. Or, at least, we're supposed to be.

"What am I doing?" I humor Liam, shooting him a pointed glance as I anticipate his answer.

"You're just sitting there," he says with a shrug. I wait for him to continue, but he doesn't.

"That's exactly my point," I mutter, raising my eyebrows.

Liam smoothly adds, "That's all you have to do to be distracting."

I bite down on my lip as a blush creeps into my cheeks, shaking my head. I have to admit that the boy has a way with words.

"Do your homework," I say after a moment, pointing down at his notebook.

"You do your homework," Liam counters, crossing his arms over his chest as he leans back in his chair.

"I will when you do yours," I argue.

"Well, I could sit here all day."

"Then sit there all day. While you do your homework."

Liam rolls his dark eyes, parting his lips to respond just as he is cut off by Kendall's shrill voice coming from the living room.

"Why don't you both shut up and do your homework so I can do mine?" my sister screeches as she storms into kitchen, glaring at me and Liam.

"Sorry, Ken—can I call you Ken?" Liam teases her, causing me to hardly resist a grin.

"No," Kendall deadpans. "You cannot call me Ken."

"Okay, Ken. We'll tone it down." Liam shoots my sister a smile to let her know he's playing with her, and I stifle a laugh with my hand.

Kendall continues to glare at Liam, arms crossed over her chest. "Don't call me Ken."

"Seriously," I chime in, shooting Liam a warning glance. "Don't call her Ken."

Liam nods, his smile showing off his dimples. "Sorry. Noted."

Kendall releases an aggravated huff as she mutters, "No wonder you guys are dating. You're both so annoying."

Liam and I share a glance as Kendall stomps upstairs, bursting into laughter the second we hear her door shut. As our gazes lock, I think we come to the same conclusion.

There's no way we're going to be getting any homework done tonight.

»»----- -----««

"Hey!" Emma greets me brightly the following Monday when she reaches her locker, which is right next to mine. "Have you heard the news?"

I close my locker and lean against the metal, shaking my head. "What news?"

"The lacrosse team was posted today," she tells me. I can tell by Emma's expression that she seems unsure of whether or not to continue, and I wish she knew that she doesn't have to be on edge talking about Luke around me.


"So that means team captain has finally been decided?" I finish for her, shooting her a knowing smile.

I'd be a horrible girlfriend if I said I hoped Liam didn't earn the title, as he's been talking my ear off about this position for weeks. He really wants to be lacrosse captain to help him get a scholarship to Syracuse University, which would guarantee him a spot on their team. Then again, I can remember exactly how important being team captain was to Luke.

"So, which of our infamous rivals beat the other for the position?" I ask with a smirk.

Emma shoves her book-bag into her locker, avoiding looking at me. "Um, it's Luke, actually."

My first instinct is to be happy for him, a grin illuminating my features. And I am happy for Luke, I really am. But then I remember my boyfriend and how much he had wanted this, and my spirits fall. I'm sure he's going to be crushed . . .

"Tell Liam I'm sorry," Emma murmurs, breaking through my thoughts. "I know this was important to him, too."

I offer my friend a half-shrug, managing a smile. "He'll get over it. Eventually."

Peter suddenly enters the hallway, strolling toward us. His gray eyes find me and Emma and light up as he grins. Reaching us, Peter throws one arm around Emma and the other around me as he says, "Did you guys hear the good news? My bro's dreams have come true!"

Emma shrugs out of Peter's grasp and rolls her eyes. "You're acting like he became president, or something."

"How many years have I been Luke's best friend?" Peter quizzes Emma, eyebrows drawn.

To this, Emma rolls her eyes once again. "I dunno. A lot?"

Peter seems miffed that Emma didn't answer his question with an actual number, but goes with what she gives him anyway. "Exactly. And how many years has Luke wanted to be the captain of his lacrosse team?"

Emma wrinkles her nose, seemingly confused. "I don't know. Since last year?"

"Exactly." Peter doesn't seem to understand why I start to laugh. Sometimes I forget that when I think he's being funny, Peter thinks he's being serious.

Peter withdraws himself from me, offering me an apologetic glance. "Sorry about your boyfriend." Peter blinks, as if he can't believe the words just left his mouth. "Actually, no I'm not. I hate Liam. I take that back."

I shove him, laughing faintly. "You jerk."

"Hey! Luke is my boy, and Liam and Luke are rivals. I can't cross over enemy lines just because his girlfriend is cool."

"Whatever, Strange Boy," I mumble under my breath, though I'm unable to resist smiling at the compliment. I haven't seen much of Peter lately, and I didn't realize until now just how much I've missed him.

A thought suddenly comes to my mind. Narrowing my eyes at Peter, I question, "Wait. Luke and I used to hate each other, yet you still like me?"

Peter rubs the back of his neck, expression caught. He then lifts a finger to his lips in a shushing motion, which makes me laugh and shove his shoulder again.

I momentarily glance up and find Luke heading down the hall, no doubt on his way to his locker. Per usual, I know he'll pass me on the way. I'm surprised that I don't immediately stiffen and tense up at the sight of him. In fact, I'm as calm as ever. Maybe this means I've finally, fully moved on. And maybe that's good. For the both of us.


Just as I'd been expecting, Peter stops Luke as he's passing the three of us on his walk. He pats Luke on the shoulder as he exclaims, "Congratulations, dude!"

Luke's grin is genuine as he glances at Peter, nodding modestly. "Thank you."

"I'm so happy for you!" Emma cries, throwing herself into Luke's arms. I smile at the sight, glad that Luke and his friends seem to have finally made up. Things really are going back to normal.

Luke wraps his arms around Emma after momentarily staggering backwards, ruffling her blond hair. "Thanks, Em."

I notice Piper walking our way then, a flash of chestnut-colored hair flying in Luke's direction. The second Emma pulls out of Luke's grasp, Piper jumps on his back, shouting, "What's up, Mr. Captain of the Lacrosse Team?"

I expect Luke to make a snippy remark about Piper messing up his perfect hair, though instead he merely laughs and says, "What's up, Mrs. I'm Trying to Give Luke Spinal Problems?"

Maybe Luke is moving on, too.

Piper snorts, ruffling his hair once more and planting a kiss on the side of his cheek before settling down to the ground. I must be seeing things, because Luke appears to be blushing.

Luke's gaze then drifts to mine, the air around us filling with a slight tension. As we glance at each other, our friends seem to take a hint that I want to talk to Luke privately. Emma soon loops her arm through Piper's and Peter's, dragging them off to "go see if Mrs. Miller is really pregnant".

And then it is only Luke and I in this secluded area of the hallway. I don't want things between us to be awkward or upsetting, so I choose to act like they aren't. And, really, it doesn't have to be.

I offer Luke a sincere smile of happiness, which he easily returns. "Congratulations, Luke," I say, and I mean it. "I remember how badly you wanted this."

I'm teasing Luke, and he knows this. He rolls his eyes, though his smile remains intact. "Thank you. I mean, for . . . well, you know."

I have a feeling Luke is referencing the plan he came up with a while back to get himself this very position what feels like so long ago now. Even though that plan has been out of action for a long time and therefore obviously not the reason Luke became team captain—unless he cheated some other way, which I doubt—it's still funny to think he'd ever been so desperate.

"I knew you didn't need some diabolical plan," I say. "You had it in you all along."

Luke only shrugs, shifting the weight of his bag on his shoulder. Clearing his throat, he asks, "You must be bummed, though. I mean, Liam's probably not thrilled. And you're, uh, together and all."

I bite down on my lip as I nod. "Yeah, well, I'm sure he'll get over it. Besides, let the best man win, right?"

Luke raises his eyebrows, blue eyes sparkling mischievously. Smirking, he questions, "Oh. So you think I'm the best man? Between Liam and I?"

I roll my eyes in exasperation, shoving his arm as the both of us laugh. I can't help thinking that this is . . . nice. Maybe there's hope for the two of us yet. As friends, that is.

"Seriously, though," I mutter once the laughter fades. "I'm proud of you."

"Thanks, Clumsy."

I point an accusing finger at him. "Oh, don't go there with me, Pretty Boy."

Luke purses his lips. "I think I just did."

"If you wanna fight"—I form a fist and pretend to throw it at Luke, which has him grinning—"I think we both know who would win."

"I would," we say at the same time, starting to glare at the other as we repeat, "I would."

Once again, the mood between Luke and I shifts as quickly as one could snap their fingers. Things suddenly feel serious, and I tuck a strand of dark hair behind my ear as I try to think of something to say to fill the impending silence.

Before I can think better of it, I blurt, "I'm sorry Luke." I don't give him a chance to ask what I'm talking about before continuing, "When I said I wanted you to give me space . . . I'm sorry. I shouldn't have been so harsh. Because if I'm being honest, I don't want that. All I really want is to be able to to talk to you and be around you as if nothing ever happened. And if it's not too much to ask, maybe we could even be friends. So I'm sorry if I hurt you. I'm sorry for all the times I've hurt you in the past. But do you think maybe we could try to move forward? As friends?"

Glancing up, I'm slightly put off by Luke's emotionless expression. It reminds me of the reason why we wouldn't work together in the first place: Luke is simply too guarded. However, his expression then melts into a soft smile that reaches his eyes. I watch as the ice in his blue irises gives way to a new kind of warmth, and I notice that when he smiles his eyes crinkle faintly at the sides.

Nodding, Luke mumbles, "I'd like that, Clumsy."

"I was hoping you'd say that, Pretty Boy," I retort, unable to conceal the grin spreading across my lips. Then I do something stupid, which proves I really need to start thinking before I act. I step forward and wrap my arms around Luke, enveloping him in a hug. I can tell he's taken aback by the way his muscles stiffen beneath me. His heartbeat is a steady constant in my ear, the sound almost mesmerizing. Then Luke is wrapping his arms around me, his warmth seeping into my skin. We stand there for a moment, merely holding each other, maybe for longer than we should.

It isn't until we're pulling apart that I realize the entire time I've been around Luke, I haven't thought of Liam. Not even once.

»»----- -----««

a/n: chemistry sucks.

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