《Until I Met You》17 | "so, where are we going?"


"No, it's not!" I cry, biting back a smile as I try my best to seem more annoyed than I am.

"Yes, it is!" Liam counters, wearing a goofy smile as he bickers with me. "I'm telling you."

"Telling me lies," I tease, lightly shoving his arm. I roll my eyes for emphasis, though I can't stop grinning.

"I'm being honest." Liam squeezes my cheeks with his thumb and forefinger, scrunching my face. He then angles my face toward Emma, who is watching the two of us from her locker with an amused expression. "Tell her she's cute when she's blushing, Emma. She'll listen to you."

I blush once again, shoving Liam away from me. "Stop," I murmur, cheeks flushed.

"Look at you," Liam teases, smirking widely. "You just can't help yourself, can you?"

"I said stop." I laugh as I try and shove him again, though Liam catches my wrists in his grasp.

"Not so fast," he whispers, pinning my wrists against my locker. Then his lips are on mine, kissing me so that I forget I am standing in the crowded hallway at school, where all of our peers can see us.

"That's enough of the PDA," Piper murmurs as she appears by my locker. Liam lingers before me as he glances over at Piper, holding back a grin. I purse my lips to contain a smile, looping my fingers through Liam's.

"Sorry," I say to Piper, shoving Liam's chest. "He just doesn't know how to control himself."

"And if you were dating yourself, you wouldn't know how to control yourself either," Liam defends himself, to which I roll my eyes at.

"Gross," Emma mumbles under her breath as she wrinkles her nose at Liam's comment. I can't hold back my laughter, and soon Piper is chuckling along with me. I'm grateful that my friends have so easily accepted my relationship with Liam, especially since I know they weren't his biggest fans beforehand. Now, however, it's safe to say that like him well enough, and I couldn't be happier.

As if he senses I'm thinking about him, Liam looks down and his eyes meet mine. My cheeks flush as he smiles at me, tucking a strand of loose hair behind my ear before cupping my cheek and kissing me tenderly.

I meet Piper's gaze and she offers me a wide smile, looking truly happy for me. She then shares a look with Emma, both smiling to themselves.

Out of the corner of my eye, I notice Luke walking down the hallway, heading for his locker. Unfortunately, to get there means he has to pass by me.

I can't help stiffening as he approaches, immensely uncomfortable. Two weeks ago, I went to Luke's house and confessed to him that I had feelings for him. In return, he'd told me that he needed "space" and "time" away from me, which shattered my heart in ways I never thought I'd allow Luke Bradford to be able to. I'd walked home to find Liam waiting for me in my driveway, asking if I'd like to be his girlfriend. Luke had run after me, for what reason I'm still unsure of, and I doubt I'll ever know. Just the sight of him at the moment had me so angry, I'd agreed to be Liam's girlfriend out of spite. Deep down, I know it was a hasty decision only meant to hurt Luke.

But it turned out to be the best decision I've made so far.

Liam has been the nothing but good to me since we first go together. He's gentle, sweet, caring, and everything else that I am not. When I'm with him, I always have the time of my life. It's like he takes all of the bad aspects my life has to offer and throws them out of the window along with my worries, and I couldn't be more grateful to have him.


Liam must sense my tension at the sudden appearance of Luke, as I feel a protective arm snaking around my waist, gently pulling me into his side. I pretend not to notice as Luke's gaze from across the hall flits from me to Liam, his eyes flaring with anger, lips pressed into a thin line. I know the fact that I'm now dating Liam has only added to the shared hatred between the two boys, and the thought leaves a bitter taste in my mouth.

I force myself to look away from Luke, to pretend that he isn't there. Still, I can sense his presence as he passes me. I glance over at my friends as he walks by, noting the distaste hidden in their expressions. This is likely brought on by Luke wordlessly walking toward his locker, not bothering to say a word to Emma or Piper. As far as I know, he hasn't spoken to either of the two since Liam and I became official.

I think both girls have a feeling that something between me and Luke has changed once again. And I get the same feeling that something has gone done between Luke and the girls. However, none of us offer any information to the others about what we have going on.

Liam then clears his throat, breaking through the bubble of awkwardness that has formed around the four of us. He offers me a faltering smile, obviously aware that Luke's presence has disrupted something within me.

Bending down, Liam presses a kiss to my cheek before telling me, "I've gotta head to first period. I'll see you later, okay?"

"Okay," I agree with a coy smile, which he readily returns. Then I watch him as he walks off, wondering why my gaze immediately drifts to Luke the second he is gone.

»»----- -----««

On the way to the cafeteria, Liam sweeps past me, Piper, and Emma in the hallway, wrapping his arms around me from behind and encasing me in a bear hug. I ease into him instantly, everything else that had been on my mind melting away.

"Sorry ladies," Liam apologizes to my friends as he spins me around so that I'm facing him. "But I'm stealing my girl."

Emma and Piper proceed to share a look, smiling at one another knowingly.

"You're ditching us to eat lunch with your boyfriend, aren't you?" Piper questions, her hazel eyes gleaming with mischief.

I smile and shrug in response, biting my lip as my friends roll their eyes playfully in response.

"I'd love to stay and chat," Liam cuts in, encircling his arms around my waist once again and walking backwards, dragging me with him. "But we're off."

"Bye, thief!" Emma calls to Liam as the two of us walk off.

"Bye traitor!" Piper cries to my back, which has me laughing in seconds.

"How can I steal what's mine, though?" Liam turns around to ask, to which Emma and Piper merely share a look before flipping me and Liam the finger. I crack up when Peter joins their side and lifts his middle finger up as well, clearing having no idea what's going on yet flipping me off anyway. I kiss my middle finger before returning the gesture, which has Peter scoffing as he pretends to be hurt.

"You know," Liam says to me, his hand in mine as we walk down the hall, "your friends are actually pretty cool."

"Let me guess. You assumed they were terrible people because they're also friends with Luke, whom you don't like?"


Liam chuckles, his warm brown eyes gleaming. He responds to my assumption with a half-shrug, rubbing his neck as he admits, "Well . . ."

"You know, you liked me anyway," I note, raising my eyebrows at him.

"Yeah, but that was different. I knew the second I met you that we had a mutual hatred of Luke."

Oddly, this thought does not sit well with me. I jump at the chance to change the subject, no longer wanting the conversation to be about Luke.

"So, where are we going?" I question. "I mean, shouldn't we be in the cafeteria right now?"

"I thought we could take lunch off campus," Liam suggests.

"Sounds good," I agree with a nod. Suddenly, I pause in the middle of the hallway. "Oh, I forgot. You go ahead. I need to grab my jacket from my locker. I'll be quick, I promise."

Liam nods as he shoots me a knee-weakening smile, reaching into his pocket for his car keys. "Okay. I'll just warm the car up while I wait."

With that, I turn on my heel and walk back down the hallway toward my locker. Upon reaching my destination, I put my combination into my lock and reach for my jacket, closing the metal door once I'm done. I slip the jacket on over my blazer, turning back the way I came. I'm in such a hurry that I don't notice the presence approaching from behind me.

Unaware, I turn around quickly and run right into the person behind me. I wince at the collision, immediately rushing to apologize.

"I'm so sorry, I—" I stop short when I glance up and find it's only Luke I've run into, my words suddenly stuck in my throat.

"You!" I hiss after a moment of silence, taking a step back. "What are you doing here?"

"Walking down the hall," Luke murmurs in response, clearly being sarcastic. He glowers down at me, as if I somehow planned this interaction or something. "Don't flatter yourself, Jade. I wasn't looking for you or anything."

This statement sends a flare of anger through my veins. Of course Luke would assume that I think he's been searching for me, as he believes I'm vain enough to imagine he's obsessed with me. Seriously, the boy can be so full of himself.

"I never said you were," I snap with a glare in his direction.

Just being in his presence brings back the anger I felt the day I went over to his house only to have Luke turn me down and make a mess of all of my emotions. And yet, despite this, being around him brings back memories of other things as well. Such as the day my mother had me take Luke up to my room, and we had our first normal conversation. Or how good he looks when he's wearing his glasses. How Luke rarely goes anywhere without a book in hand; how tenderly he kissed my cheek before breaking things off with me and asking for space; the need I'd felt within when he'd been kissing me, how badly I'd wanted to take things further.

My cheeks begin to flush.

"What?" Luke questions curiously, narrowing his eyes as he glances down at me. I realize that I've been staring at him as I blush, and this only makes my blush deepen.

"Nothing," I'm quick to respond. I begin to wonder why the two of us are lingering, as it's not like we have much reason to be around each other.

"Where's your boyfriend?" Luke asks after a moment, his blue eyes cold.

"He's waiting for me outside, actually." I try my best to keep my voice steady, hardly able to even look at Luke as I speak. "I should probably go now."

Luke doesn't say a word to this, which I take as my cue to go. I turn on my heel once again and turn back to the way I came. I've only taken about three steps before Luke's voice stops me, forcing me to face him.

"I just want to know something." His voice sounds pinched, and something about the words have me wondering what he will say next.

Meeting his gaze, I can't ignore the broken look shining in his blue eyes. His expression is pained as he regards me, as if looking in my direction causes him physical pain. I curse myself over the fact that seeing him so vulnerable hurts me.

"What does he have that I don't?" Luke's voice breaks as he tries to get the words out, though he pretends not to care. It seems the both of us have gotten pretty good at that by now. Acting as if we don't care, when really we care too much. Pretending not to feel anything for the other, when really we just want each other. Why do we hurt ourselves this way?

"What is it about him, Jade?" Luke takes a small step toward me, almost tentatively. "Is it because he's everything I'm not? That he isn't me? Is that why you chose him?"

My lips part to form a response my mind still hasn't come up with. I find my lips closing once again, pursing into a thin line. My head fills to the brim with words, words I don't dare say to the boy standing before me now, yet can't help thinking anyway.

That's not why I chose Liam, I find myself wanting to scream. If anything, that's the problem with Liam. He's not you. With him, I'm safe. I'm comfortable. Happy, even. But he doesn't bring the same flame that you do. When I'm around you, Luke, it's like I am gasoline and you are the match and we can't help but go up in smoke. If what I have with Liam is a burning candle, than what I have with you is pure fireworks, Luke. And it scares me. I've never felt this way about someone. And I don't know how to handle it.

Of course, I don't tell him any of this. How could I? To reveal my emotions would only give him the chance to break my heart again, and I don't think I could take that when my heart is still recovering from all that's happened between us before.

"It doesn't matter why I chose Liam," I say quietly. "All that matters is I did choose to be with him. So, please, Luke—if you care about me at all—respect that." I shoot him one last glance before I turn around. And when I start to walk off this time, I don't stop. I don't turn around once. Maybe this is a chapter of my life that is finally coming to an end. And maybe I'm finally okay with that.

I spot Liam's car in the parking lot easily. I walk over to him, slipping into the passenger seat, the warmth from the vents seeping into my skin. I didn't notice before, but a chill seems to have settled into my bones.

The smile Liam gives me is calm and easy, the complete opposite of the expression Luke had been wearing when I left him.

Raising a dark eyebrow, Liam asks, "What took you so long? Did something happen?"

I shrug, mindlessly biting down on my lip. I don't want to bring up what just happened with Luke. It's probably best for me to just pretend it never happened, to forget that I'd been there at all.

So instead of answering, I click my seat belt into place and offer Liam a dismissive smile, reassuring him that there is nothing to worry about.

"Oh, it was nothing important. You ready to get out of here?"

»»----- -----««

a/n: i got to see my girlfriend the same weekend as my grandma's memorial and i am conflicted. alexa play "happy & sad" by kacey musgraves.

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