《Until I Met You》12 | "you've fallen for him, haven't you?"


After we stop for food, Liam claims that he knows the best spot for us to go and escape our real lives for a little while. I admit that I'm a little on edge, as I don't know where he's planning to take me and Liam refuses to tell me, claiming it's a "surprise". In all honesty, I've never much been one for surprises. I'd much rather like to know what I'm getting myself into, preferring to keep my life within my vision and control.

Although, I have to admit that it's nice to take a break from that, too, even if it is just for the night.

As Liam drives, I sit in the passenger seat and listen to music that Liam and I both share a taste for much too loudly, the bass drowning out the sound of my off-key singing. Liam keeps the windows rolled down, the breeze blowing my hair all over the place, as if my dark hair is dancing to the music.

It's pretty dark out now, and we've been driving for a while, which has me pretty curious as to where we're going. I don't mind the drive, however, and I'm having more fun than I'd first thought I would—more fun than I'd like to admit.

It isn't long before Liam turns down on what appears to be an abandoned dirt road. I glance over at him curiously, raising an eyebrow in question.

Liam merely smiles in response, adding, "Shouldn't be much longer."

Just minutes later, Liam parks his car in some sort of clearing. As far as I can tell, we're the only two people here, and it's much too dark for me to be able to make out where we are. There's some sort of loud roaring noise off in the distance, however, and it sounds oddly familiar.

"You can go ahead," Liam tells me, seemingly able to sense that I'm desperate to know where we are. "I'll grab the food."

"What a gentleman," I tease, grinning. With that, I slip out of the car, noticing the way my weight sinks into the ground. This startles me, and looking down I'm just able to make our what appears to be sand from the little light the moon offers.

It can't be . . .

Looking up, I come face-to-face with the vast, deep blue ocean. I watch, stunned, as wave after wave crashes on the shore, the water sparkling as the moon casts its light down onto the waves. It's beautiful, and I honestly can't believe I'm here.

Back when I lived in California, the beach had been my favorite place to go and forget about whatever was on my mind bothering me. I'd spend entire days out in the sunlight, surfing or enjoying the warmth of the sun beaming down on the sand. To blow off steam after fights with Kendall or my parents, I'd go and jog along the shoreline. On the nights I couldn't sleep, I'd sneak out of the house and go off to sit in the sand, staring out at the ocean in the darkness and take in the stillness and peace.

"How did you know?" I can't help asking Liam once he's appeared by my side, our food in hand.

Raising his eyebrows, Liam questions, "Know what?"

"That the beach was my favorite place to go back home." My voice is small and tight-sounding, as I can't seem to speak without feeling strained. It's almost like this is some sort of sign or something, the world trying to tell me that what's at play is more than just some evil plan thought up by Luke Bradford in motion.


"Really?" Liam sounds somewhat surprised. "I didn't . . . this is just where I like to go. When I need to be alone and think, or something."

"What a coincidence." I smile as my eyes meet his, wondering why his gaze holding mine suddenly has my heart racing uncontrollably.

"Or maybe it's not," Liam says gently. For a moment we can't seem to do anything but stand and stare at one another, lost in the other's eyes.

I break the trance by kicking my shoes off, turning to face the ocean. "Well, what are you waiting for, Wellington? I thought this was a date?"

With that, the two of us take off down the beach. I note that Liam conveniently brought along a blanket, which he spreads out on the sand for us to sit on. We sit and talk for a while, about anything and everything. I find that not only is Liam very easy to talk to, but he's also a good listener. Having to keep reminding myself that this date is fake is harder than it should be, and it almost hurts to do so.

"So, summer or winter?" Liam asks, bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Summer," I say, popping a fry into my mouth. "No contest. I mean, who likes frostbite? Or snow blocking your car? I already miss California's beaches and year-round warmth . . ."

"I hate to break it to you"—Liam smirks—"but it snows in New York. A lot."

"I know!" I groan, tossing back my head. "I think that's why my parents chose this place. My punishment for my arrest."

"I just can't see you stealing," Liam muses aloud, studying me carefully. "Or being arrested, for that matter."

"Well, it happened," I admit disdainfully, glancing down at the sand. "It wasn't much fun, either. I don't really know what I was thinking. Pretty stupid of me, huh?"

"I have a feeling you were trying to make a point," Liam murmurs. "I don't think you'd really just rob a jewelry store. You don't seem the type."

I raise an eyebrow, slightly taken aback by this statement. "What do you mean?" I ask, trying to keep my curiosity out of my voice.

Liam merely shrugs. "You're tough, I'll give you that," he says, cracking a smile. "I mean, it's easy to tell you know how to hold your own. But it's also easy to tell that you're really soft on the inside. I'm willing to bet that you're hard on the exterior because you're afraid of letting people in. Of being hurt."

I'm amazed by how easily Liam seems to be able to read me. Growing up, I learned pretty early on that you're not able to trust just anyone who walks into your life. There have been plenty of people who have tried to get close to me for my family name or my parent's wealth, and once those people get what they want they leave you behind in the dust without so much as a "thank you". Not to mention that I've never been all that close with my family . . . sometimes, it's hard for me to know when people are being genuine. It's easier for me to hold others at a distance, to be sure of their intentions before I let them close.

I'm unaware of the fact that I'm talking until I hear myself saying: "I'm not afraid of letting you in."

What's more shocking to me than knowing that I said the words in the first place is the realization that I mean them.


"You shouldn't be," Liam whispers simply in response. There's a moment where our gazes lock, and our eyes hold each other for a long moment as if time has frozen with us in it. And then Liam's hand is rising toward my face tentatively, reaching out to tuck a strand of my unruly hair in place. His warm touch lingers for a moment longer than necessary, and a shiver run downs my spine. My sudden chill has nothing to do with the cold.

For just a moment, I think that he is going to kiss me. And for a moment, I almost want him to.

I'm allowing my lines to blur. I only agreed to go on this date with Liam as a favor to Luke, to help guarantee him the spot as captain of the lacrosse team. But what's happening with Liam right here, right now . . . well it's not as fake on my end as it's supposed to be. Which is scary, and I'm sure that Luke wouldn't approve whatsoever. In fact, I'm not sure if I approve. Stringing Liam along was one thing . . . but falling for him would be something entirely different.

Needing whatever is going on between Liam and I right now to stop, I blurt, "Last one to the water has to be nice to Luke for a week!" And just like that I am on my feet, running off and leaving Liam behind in the distance.

"Not fair!" Liam cries after me, scrambling to catch up. I'm already by the water's edge, however, much too far gone.

It isn't long before Liam joins my side, and I catch him off guard by splashing some of the icy water at him. Before I know it, I'm drenched in retaliation. The two of us get swept up into a competition, kicking water at one another until my hair sticks to my face and my clothes cling to my skin. Surprisingly, I don't mind. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't having fun.

Before I'm able to send another splash in Liam's direction, he catches my wrist in his grasp and gives me a gentle shove. Then I'm falling backwards into the next wave, causing me to resurface completely waterlogged.

"That's it, Wellington!" I shriek as I lunge for him. I jump onto his back without another thought, ruffling Liam's tousled hair. I expect him to make a comment about this fact, but he only laughs. Then he's wrapping his arms around me from behind to make sure I won't fall into the water again, a gesture that makes me smile to myself.

"You know," I murmur in his ear, wrapping my arms around his neck. "This might be my favorite date I've ever been on."

"Really?" I find the surprise in Liam's tone heartwarming. "I think that's mutual."

"I'm sure you've been on plenty of dates by now," I reply sarcastically. I mean, it's rather hard to believe that tonight with me could possibly be the best date Liam Wellington has ever been on.

"Maybe so," he admits shamelessly. "But none of them were with you."

I can't deny that his words have me blushing.

After a few moments longer by the water, the two of us head back toward the sand, as I can't refrain from shivering. Reaching our blanket, Liam bends down to pry the cloth from the sand and shake it off before wrapping it around my shoulders, helping to dry the ends of my soaking hair.

"I had the time of my life escaping reality with you, Liam Wellington," I tease in a soft tone, as part of me is hesitant to say the words, hesitant to admit that I mean them. "I almost with this night didn't have to end."

Taking a step closer to me, Liam murmurs, "It doesn't. At least, not yet."

"Don't tell me you have more planned, Liam. You really don't have to—"

He cuts me off by running a hand gently along my cheek, and it's impossible to think with his skin on mine. Then he's moving in closer, killing the space between us. The moon of the light plays tricks on me as Liam's eyes meet mine, tilting his head slightly. I inhale a shaky breath, knowing all too well what's coming next.

"Just so you know," Liam says softly, and I watch his lips form the words. "I'm going to kiss you now."

He glances down at me for a lingering moment, as if making sure that this is okay with me. I'm unaware of myself nodding, only focusing on the fact that I want him to kiss me, want him closer than ever.

And then it happens.

Liam's lips gently collide with my own, soft and warm and careful. He pulls back after a brief moment, seemingly wondering if he may have overstepped some sort of hidden boundary. However, I'm not ready for the kiss to be over, for our date to be over, for the night to be over. I'm not ready to return to reality. So I don't think as I grab the collar of Liam's shirt and pull him closer to me, kissing him all over again. I push the reminder that everything between Liam and I is supposed to be fake to the side, focusing on nothing but here and now.

»»----- -----««

"So . . . what happened?" Luke sounds and appears as casual as ever, as if the two of us are merely talking about the weather. It doesn't seem weird to him in the slightest that I am with him in his room, a realization that kind of rattles me. I'm not sure if my uneasiness has to do with being in Luke's room alone with him, or because I know I have to tell him about my night with Liam, which I know he won't take well.

It's now Sunday, and since the date I went on with Liam Friday night, I've gone out with him twice more. Luke is only aware of the first date that was supposed to be a ploy in his little scheme, as I didn't have the heart to tell him about anything further.

"Oh, nothing much." I notice that my voice sounds odd, higher-pitched than normal, a tendency of mine when I'm nervous. I try my best to appear nonchalant, though I can feel my cheeks flushing. I'm unable to even glance at Luke, keeping my eyes unintentionally trained on anything else.

"Do you think there will be a second date?" Luke questions. If he notices my indifference to our conversation, he doesn't mention it. I suppose that's for the best.

My eyes wander his room while I try to come up with a believable response, because it's not like I can tell Luke that Liam and I have already gone on a second and third date. I notice that his walls are navy blue, which makes the area feel slightly smaller than it really is. The comforter on his bed matches the walls, and off to the side sits a bookshelf packed with books and trophies. His desk faces the window, and notebooks and paper are haphazardly strewn across the wooden surface.

"Uh, yeah . . . I'd say so." My voice still sounds strained, unlike my own. "I think it went pretty, um . . . well."

For a moment, Luke doesn't say anything. I notice his arms crossing over his chest as he leans against the side of his desk from the corner of my eye. I still can't seem to make myself look at him, and I nervously bite my lip in anticipation of whatever it is he'll say next.

"You think the plan is working?"

At the mention of Luke's Godforsaken "plan", I cringe. A fiery rage fills my chest, unable to stand being reminded that I am supposed to be using Liam to help Luke get what he wants. Not only do I feel immensely guilty, but I feel . . . dirty. Like I need to hop in the shower and rinse the cruelty of what I'm doing to an innocent boy that I really like off of my skin.

"Are you sure that you have to do this, Luke?" I finally snap, glaring into his cold blue eyes. "I mean, how can you even know that you would lose becoming captain to Liam, anyway? Doesn't your lack of confidence seem even a little pathetic to you?"

A flash passes through Luke's icy irises. His features twist into a hard expression, one I can't quite red. His gaze pins me down for an uncomfortably long time as Luke inhales a sharp breath.

Rising from his desk, the coldness Luke used to regard me with suddenly returns. "You've fallen for him, haven't you?"

It seems to be less of a question coming from Luke than a statement. For some reason, this fills me with embarrassment. I had one job: to get Liam to fall for me. Instead, the opposite seems to be happening.

"I think it's much too soon to be saying anything like that," I defend myself, arms crossed over my chest. "But either way, how could I not? I mean, Liam is nothing but good to me. We're more similar than I formerly thought. When I speak, he really listens to what I have to say. He's unlike any other boy I've ever met." Thinking about the time I've spent with Liam and getting to know the genuine person he is snaps me out of my shame, and some of my old fire returns. "You know, Luke, if you weren't so caught up in your own opinions, maybe you could see that Liam isn't so bad after all."

I expect Luke to put up a fight. To try and convince me that Liam is the bad guy here, to try and twist my feelings into what Luke wants me to think.

Instead, he only winces, as if he's in some sort of pain. His arms fall from across his chest and linger awkwardly at his sides, like he's unsure of what to do with them. Furthermore, he won't look at me, and I don't know what to make of this.

Luke's voice is gravelly as he asks, "Did you kiss him, Jade?"

I'm unsure of how to answer the question, mostly because I'm unsure of why Luke would even ask me such a thing. I don't see how the aspect of Liam and I kissing is at all important in this moment.

After a moment, I find my voice and manage to respond. "Yes. I did."

Once again, Luke's expression morphs. I know the look he's wearing all too well. Anger. I don't know if me admitting to kissing Liam is what's getting him so worked up, or if it's the fact that I started to develop feelings for Liam in general is what's messing with him. All I'm sure of is that I have upset him.

"So, that's it then?" Luke questions a little too loudly, his glare a little too aggressively. "You're just . . . done? Because you have feelings for Liam? I should have known . . ." Luke appears bitter, as if kicking himself for not thinking something like this might happen.

"I never said that." I don't know why I feel the need to defend myself. It's not like I did anything wrong. "I'm not sure why, but I do want to help you, Luke. You don't deserve my help, and we both know that. And you know no one else who would even consider doing what I've done for you. So maybe you should realize that, before you lose my help entirely."

Glancing up at me, I'm unable to decipher all of the emotions running through Luke's icy eyes. "Are you saying that you're still willing to go through with this?" Luke sounds as if he can't believe what I'm suggesting. Hell, even I can hardly believe it. Yet I feel the need to prove Luke wrong about me, and that I stay true to my word. No matter what.

"Not like you deserve it," I hiss, "but yes. I'm willing to help you. I think I can mange to get you the spot as lacrosse captain. But you owe me, Bradford. And don't you forget that."

I don't wait for a response. I don't pause to see Luke's reaction to my words. I merely turn around and storm out of his room, as being near Luke is the last thing I want right now.

Making my way out of the Bradford's house and toward my own, I can't stop myself from feeling as if I've just made the biggest mistake of my life. And that includes stealing those damn diamonds.

»»----- -----««

a/n: whoa it's 2020. i have a headache.

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