《Until I Met You》6 | "nice seeing you again, Luke."


As if my day hasn't already seen enough of Luke, he appears when I least want to see him.

As I'm entering my English classroom with Emma next to me, my gaze immediately drifts to a blond boy in the corner I instantly recognize as the spawn of Satan himself, sitting at a desk with his head down and face in a book. My first thought is that Luke is looking over some sort of class-assigned text, but a closer look leads me to the realization that it's an actual book. As in, Luke is seemingly reading for fun.

The two of us really couldn't be any more different if we tried.

"Don't worry about him," Emma whispers by my side, as if she can sense my apprehension. "Luke's really harmless. Once you get to know him, he's a good guy at heart. His bark is much worse than his bite, I swear."

I nod in response, though Emma's words only seem to make me feel worse about Luke. Because it's no secret that he doesn't like me. I'll never get the chance to know that "good guy at heart", as he'll only push me away if I try to come close. I'm unsure as to why this makes my heart feel heavy.

Emma leads me across the classroom to her desk, gesturing for me to take the seat next to her. Unfortunately, this happens to be the desk right in front of Luke's. I purse my lips as I lower into the chair, noticing that Luke has glanced up from his book, his glare searing into my skin. It hits me that I'm now stuck sitting in front of Luke for the rest of the semester, and I know that there's one thing he and I can agree on: this blows.

Emma looks over her shoulder at Luke, expression somewhat nervous. "Hi," she murmurs faintly, as if testing the waters with him, no doubt thinking back to what happened during lunch.

Luke slips his index finger into his book as he temporarily closes the cover, so as not to lose his page. "Hi," he says to Emma, and I notice that his tone is soft rather than angered, which is the only emotion he ever regards me with.

Emma offers him a relieved smile, and risking a glance at Luke out of the corner of my eye reveals that he doesn't hesitate to return the gesture. His blue eyes shimmer with warmth, when all they've only ever done is glare at me coolly. I'm unable to put my finger on exactly why, but in this moment I am undeniably envious of Emma.

The attention of my classmates shifts to the front of the room as the English teacher, Ms. Edwards, walks through the door. Turning her back to us students, Ms. Edwards writes a few notes on the whiteboard before discussing the answers to the homework assigned the previous night. Afterward, she clears her throat, her dark blue eyes surveying the class in silence.


"I'm pleased to announce," Ms. Edwards starts to say, the hint of a smile tugging at the corners of her lips, "that we are soon to be starting Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet."

With her announcement, my classmates simultaneously release pent-up groans. Even I'm hardly able to stifle my disappointment. I'm not much of a reader, nor do I consider myself a romantic. Therefore Romeo and Juliet will be nothing but a bore to me.

"Stop with the deranged goat noises," Ms. Edwards snips, addressing the class's groaning. "I know you're all so excited to read this play, but you don't have to show me. We'll begin reading next week, but I wanted to make the course more exciting, so I decided to add an assignment to the unit. Instead of writing essays or taking a test once we've completed the play, I've decided to grade all of you not only on your understanding of this particular play, but as well on how plays work. With that being said, your final on this section of the course will be a reenactment of scenes from the play in pairs.

This news gets the class talking. Excited chatter strikes up and spreads around the room like a wildfire. Even I start to feel interested, as I've always liked performing. The idea of getting to pretend to be someone else, getting lost in another person's story . . . it's always something that has appealed to me.

"Now, don't get too thrilled," Ms. Edwards teases, eyes shining as a grin lights up her attractive features. "I'm still going to be picking your partners, because I know you'll only goof off with your friends otherwise."

This statement dims the buzzing around me, though only slightly. I guess my classmates aren't as bummed about not picking their performance partner as they are excited about not having to take any tests or write an essay.

"For today"—Ms. Edwards turns to her desk and reaches for a stack of papers, offering the class a wicked grin—"pop quiz!"

»»----- -----««

When the school day finally comes to an end, I'm more than ready to go home and watch an entire season of Gossip Girl whilst laying in bed. However, I unfortunately remember all of the homework I've been assigned, which immediately dampers my mood.

I spot Kendall in front of the school by the courtyard, talking amongst a handful of pretty girls. I roll my eyes in annoyance, feigning off the jealousy rising in my chest. Of course Kendall would end up with a million friends after only one day at our new school, while I only somehow make acquaintances with three people, all of whom are friends with Luke Bradford, the Devil on earth.

I don't bother approaching Kendall, as I know she'll only bitch about me ruining her life later. Instead, I wait patiently for the group of girls she's talking with to walk off before trudging her way, wishing for the millionth time today that my sister and I could just get along while knowing that it simply isn't possible.


Reaching Kendall, she merely sniffs to acknowledge my presence. I can tell she's in somewhat of a good mood however, as her blue eyes glimmer and her cheeks are rosy with content. The faintest of a smile tugs at the corner of her lips as my sister glances down at her phone, no doubt just to have a reason to ignore me.

Knowing that she isn't in a terrible mood gives me the courage to ask, "How was your day?"

I don't expect an answer or for Kendall to even act as if she notices me, which is why I'm so shocked when she actually glances up at me without a glare or sneer of some sort. Offering the hint of a grin, Kendall casually says, "It was pretty good, actually." I expect my sister to leave the conversation at that, so she shocks me once again by asking, "How was yours?"

I'm unsure of how to answer Kendall's question. For starters, I'm speechless in surprise that she'd bothered to ask me about my day. Beyond that, my day was actually pretty awful, between having to deal with Luke, Luke, and more Luke.

I don't want to lie and say everything was fine when it wasn't, so instead I settle on: "My day was . . . long."

Before Kendall or I can say another word, I hear a female voice cry, "Jade!" The next thing I know, a body is slamming into mine, the impact enough to send me staggering backwards. A pair of arms wrap around me, squeezing tightly in a warm hug.

I recognize the girl with her arms around me instantly, placing the long blonde hair and familiar blue eyes in my mind. Alissa.

"Hey!" I exclaim brightly, grinning in surprise. I hadn't realized how much I've been missing Alissa until now, I suppose. She's in the same grade as Kendall, which means I haven't seen her much today. Though it's safe to say that we've become pretty close ever since the day we met.

"Hey yourself!" Alissa responds, her smile wide and luminous. "I've been looking for you all day! I hope your first day at Crestwood went well?"

"It was okay," I answer, not exactly lying whilst not really telling the full truth. As I'm talking to Alissa, I begin to notice Kendall off to the side, pretending not to watch us as she looks uncomfortable and slightly miffed.

I suddenly feel bad for excluding her—though, knowing Kendall, it isn't like she wants to be included. Regardless, I open my mouth in attempt to add her to the conversation, though I don't end up getting the chance. Before I'm able to speak, a silhouette approaches us.

"Alissa!" a familiar voice gripes. "You have got to stop running off like that! The limo's here, and—" Luke stops his fussing short when he notices it's me Alissa is talking to, annoyance seeping into his sharp features.

"Of course," he grumbles under his breath with a glare in my direction. "It's you."

"And it's you," I mutter, rolling my eyes, unable to contain my disgust. "Nice seeing you again, Luke. I wish this was the last time I'd have to say that."

"Ditto," Luke snaps before turning his back on me to face his sister. "Alissa, we have to—"

"Hi, Luke!" Kendall cries, barging into the conversation. Glancing at her, I take note of the way she's grinning like a lunatic, batting her eyelashes as if there's dust in her eyes. It's in this moment I realize that my sister must have a crush on Luke, which is a disturbing thought. I can't deny that the two would make a good couple, however, as both have qualities that remind me of everything I hate about humanity.

"Hey?" Luke sounds as if he doesn't know whether or not he should admit aloud that he doesn't know who he's talking to as he replies to my sister. "It's Katie, right?"

I can't stifle my laughter. Next to me, Alissa seems to be holding off a fit of giggles. Kendall's face flushes red in embarrassment, and I can't help thinking that maybe Luke hates me, but at least he's never forgotten my name.

"Um, close enough," Kendall mumbles almost incoherently. "It's Kendall."

"Right." Luke nods and snaps his fingers. "Ken Doll. I totally forgot. Sorry." Without another glance in my sister's direction, Luke returns his attention to Alissa.

"Alissa, the car is here. We have to go."

"Fine," Alissa snaps, still fighting back laughter from the Ken Doll incident. "I'm coming, all right? Just let me tell Jade bye."

"Whatever," Luke snaps, offering me another glare. "It wasn't nice seeing you again, Jade."

"Right back at you, Pretty Boy," I mutter in delight, grinning at Luke's reaction to the new nickname I've thought up for him.

"Funny, Clumsy."

"That's the best you've got?" I tease Luke, which causes him to roll his eyes in clear aggravation.

"I'm not doing this again," he mumbles. "Hurry up with your goodbyes, Alissa, and come on." With that, Luke turns his back to us, walking off toward his awaiting limo.

"We'll work on your comebacks sometime later, Pretty Boy!" I call after him, which makes Alissa crack up all over again. "I can't wait!"

As I watch Luke's figure recede until he disappears from sight, I can't stop myself from wondering just what the future seems to have in store for the two of us.

»»----- -----««

a/n: tmrw is thanksgiving, and i just wanted to say i'm thankful for all of my readers. :)

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