《Until I Met You》5 | "takes one to know one."


Luke passes by me without so much as a second glance, so I find it safe to assume he doesn't notice me. Which I'm grateful for, because I don't think I've ever hated someone so much from only one encounter as I do Luke Bradford. He's nothing but a douche in expensive clothing, and I'd rather not have to deal with him at the moment. Or any moment, if I can help it.

However, before Luke has managed to walk a comfortable distance away from me, something totally unexpected happens. Emma looks up just as Luke passes us, a wide grin overtaking her features. Before Luke walks off any further, Emma takes a step away from me and Piper and cries, "Seriously, Luke? We don't even get a hi?"

I watch the scene playing out before me in confusion, unsure of what's going on. Luke turns around at the sound of Emma's voice, facing me and the girls. Thankfully, Piper's stance blocks me from view for the most part, and I doubt Luke has had time to spot me.

I'm in shock when I notice Luke offering Emma a genuine smile, as all I've previously seen Luke sport is a scowl or smirk. He walks a few steps toward her, mumbling, "Sorry. I guess I didn't see you guys. Hey, Pipes."

"Hey, Luke," Piper greets casually with a smile of her own directed toward Luke. That's when it hits me. I have seemingly just made friends with two girls that are also apparently friends of Luke's. As in, I'm now part of Luke's friend group. As if being next-door-neighbors and having our father's as business partners wasn't enough . . .

"Oh, I almost forgot!" Emma exclaims, sounding excited. I squeeze my eyes close and try my best to remain hidden by Piper, certain as to what will come next. "You have to meet our new friend, Ja—"

Before Emma even gets my name out, Piper steps aside so as to stop concealing me from sight. Luke's easygoing expression instantly morphs into one of disgust the second his eyes meet mine, and I'm sure the look on my face is a mirror image.

"You?" Luke and I somehow manage to hiss in unison as we glare at one another. I can't seem to get over the fact that out of the hundreds of students I could have befriended, I just had to meet two girls that are also friends with Luke. And I actually like them.

"You two have already met?" Emma questions, glancing between Luke and I with a brow raised in curiosity. She seems unsure of whether she should acknowledge the death stares Luke and I are exchanging or if she's supposed to pretend everything is just dandy.

"Sure," Luke admits with mock nonchalance, shrugging with a shoulder as he continues to glare at me in hatred. "If 'met' means being nearly trampled as Clumsy over here runs into me after falling down her own stairs."

I can feel my stare deepening as annoyance seeps into my chest. I've never been the kind of girl to hold her tongue, or to let anyone mistreat her. I was born with a kind of fire that never really goes out, just sort of fades when it isn't in use. But that fire of anger flames brightly in my chest now, and I don't bother trying to tame it.

"I didn't trample you," I snap with an eye roll. "I tripped. Besides, it's not like I meant for it to happen."

"Wait." Piper holds her hands up in a time-out gesture, evidently puzzled. "Luke, you've been to Jade's house?" The look Piper shoots Luke makes the meaning behind her words clear as day, and I find myself blushing despite my anger. Luke merely waves Piper's comment to the side with a huff and mild roll of his icy eyes.


So Luke must be the type to get around, I note as Luke turns to face Piper, lips parted to respond to her inquiry.

"It was nothing like that," Luke clarifies, his irritated gaze shifting back to me. "I was just . . . there."

"We're neighbors—" I start to explain, though I'm cut off by Luke muttering "unfortunately" under his breath. I glare at him as a warning to shut up before continuing, "Our dad's are business partners, and Luke's family came over to my house along with his father for a meeting. That's how we met."

"I take it you two don't really like each other," Emma thinks aloud as she glances between Luke and I once more, as if she's afraid the two of us will start fighting and she'll have to break us up. I must admit, the thought of punching Luke in the face is maybe the only thing keeping me sane right now.

"More like can't stand," Luke grumbles to himself, which only further aggravates me. I mean, I understand that he and I didn't get off on the right foot. And I can get that my running into him after tripping the first time we met probably wasn't pleasant. But is any of that so bad that he now has to go out of his way just to be rude to me? Ten seconds ago Luke seemed like a completely different guy, smiling and acknowledging Piper and Emma with ease.

"Oh, like you're a ray of sunshine," I deadpan with disinterest, crossing my arms over my chest as I hold Luke's frosty stare.

"I am." Luke offers me a smug grin that has my hand twitching with the urge to slap the arrogance out of his expression. "Thanks for noticing."

Shaking my head, I can't refrain from snapping, "I wasn't sure there could be anything bigger than the amount of hatred I feel toward you, but then I met your ego."

I notice Piper biting back a grin and stifling a laugh with her hand out of the corner of my eye, which sends a rush of satisfaction flowing through my veins. Luke hardly reacts to my insult, however, merely smirking to himself as if he finds me amusing.

"Yeah?" By the way Luke's blue eyes are glimmering, I can tell that I won't like whatever it is he has to say next. "Well, I didn't think it was possible for anyone to be any more annoying or uptight than my father, until I met you."

I narrow my eyes at Luke, my lips pressed into a tight line. There are many insults I think I can take in stride, but being called uptight isn't one of them. "Uptight" is the word I use to describe my sister and mother, my father even; all of whom I try my hardest to be nothing like.

Luke must sense my irritation, as his smirk widens until it's a full-blown grin. Staring him down, I find myself thinking I'll kill him. Verbally, of course. I can't afford another arrest. The first was hard enough.

"Uptight?" I question, taking a step toward the blond boy before me. Tilting my head upward so that I'm able to clearly look at Luke's awfully attractive face, I add, "You mean like that stick up your ass?"

In response, Luke only chuckles. It seems that nothing I say is getting to him at all, which isn't fair considering it's blatantly obvious that his words have an affect on me, as my cheeks are flushed and I can't stop myself from scowling.


"No." Peering down at me with a taunting expression, it appears Luke is trying to perfect his aim before lodging his arrow into my chest. "I meant like the giant tree log shoved up yours."

My nails dig into my palms, a habit of mine that I'm unable to control when angered. Staring up at Luke, I wonder to myself how it's possible for someone to be so attractive yet nothing but the opposite within.

"God, Luke!" I snap in rage, "Would you get over yourself?"

"I need to get over myself?" Luke questions, sounding genuinely annoyed as his blue eyes meet mine and freeze over, finally showing some emotion besides cockiness or amusement. "Right, Jade. And the ground is made of gold, and I'm a donkey."

"Well, at least even you know you're a literal ass."

"Well if I'm an ass, you're a bitch. Sorry honey."

"What did you just call me?" My voice has dropped an octave, just barely above a whisper. Nobody calls me a bitch and gets away with it—except for Kendall, that is.

Standing off to the side, Piper and Emma share looks as they watch Luke and I fire shots back and forth as if they're watching a heated tennis round going down between Serena and Venus Williams.

Tilting his head to the side as he looks down at me, Luke's lip curls. "Do I really need to repeat myself? Because I think you heard me."

"Listen, Pretty Boy," I hiss, rising to my tiptoes as I level my face with Luke's. Standing this close to him, I notice a few golden flecks scattered around his cold blue irises, his smirk much too sickening for comfort. Still, I refuse to back down. "You do not want to go there with me."

"Trust me." His cocky grin only widens as he studies me, which somehow riles me up even more. "I don't want to go anywhere with you."

I can't help releasing a pent-up huff of irritation, shoving Luke's chest as I exclaim, "You're a piece of shit!"

Luke doesn't even stagger with the effort of my push, nor does he flinch. In fact, he looks as if he'd been expecting me to pull something of the sort.

Smoothing down his dark blue blazer—which annoyingly complements his eyes—Luke's gaze returns to mine. He doesn't step back from me or ask for me to get out of his face. He remains standing firmly before me, smirking at me in that cocky and contained way of his.

"Takes one to know one," he whispers, tone steady.

I lose it.

"That's it!" I cry, lunging for Luke. Unfortunately, before I'm able to claw his beady little eyes out, Piper steps between the two of us, shoving Luke in the chest to push him away from me and holding her free hand out as if to block me from coming toward him.

"Damn," Piper mumbles under her breath, gaze shifting from a heavily-breathing me to a still-glaring-at-me Luke. "Remind me never to let you two near each other again."

"Seriously," Emma agrees, eyebrows raised as if she's in shock over what she just witnessed. "You guys clearly feel very . . . strongly about each other."

"If strongly means negatively," Luke mutters, running a hand through his blond hair as if to make sure not one strand came loose.

"Just stay the hell away from me, Bradford," I snap in response, unable to release the anger still burning within my veins.

"Count on it," Luke murmurs in response, hefting his book-bag over his shoulder. With that, he turns away from me, as if I'm not standing here at all. The way he's able to so easily disregard me makes me think of my sister and the cold shoulder she always has reserved just for me, and I feel a twinge of pain flow through my chest for a moment. Remembering that I don't like Luke and don't need his attention anyway, I begin to feel better.

"I've gotta get to class," Luke tells Emma and Piper. "Catch you guys later?"

"Sure," Emma agrees halfheartedly, offering Luke a small wave before he turns his back on the girls and walks off down the hallway. Once Luke is a safe distance away and out of hearing range, Piper and Emma both face me with raised eyebrows and expressions that scream spill.

I'm suddenly embarrassed by the whole ordeal that just took place. Thinking back, I know I should have been the bigger person and not allow Luke to get to me the way he had, yet instead I'd let my anger take control. And just when I'd thought I'd actually made friends, I realize I've more than likely already scared the girls off.

Lowering my gaze to the ground, I shift uncomfortably. "Sorry about that," I mumble. "He just really . . . bothers me, to say the least."

Piper and Emma share a look before Piper bursts into laughter, and Emma cracks a smile of her own.

"Luke can be hard to get along with sometimes," Emma reassures me, rolling her blue eyes. "He's very . . . well, he's Luke."

"The only person that hates Luke as much as you seem to is Liam Wellington," Piper says, eyes sparkling with mischief as they meet mine. "The two are, like, arch-rivals. They argue over everything. They've been competing with each other practically since kindergarten."

"Over what?" I question, slightly interested by this information. Now that I know Luke has an enemy besides myself, I find my suspicions to be confirmed. He evidently has trouble getting along with people.

"Anything," Emma admits with a shrug. "You name it, they've fought over it. They both ran for student council—Luke won president. One time they even had a push-up competition, which Liam beat Luke at. Right now they're preparing to go to battle over who will be this year's lacrosse team captain. Luke really wants to win. He says it's the perfect title needed to complete his already impressive resumé."

"I think I'd like to meet this Liam guy," I joke, which makes both girls chuckle.

"Befriending Liam would only make Luke hate you more," Piper states, "and you might think you want that, but trust me when I say you don't. Luke is like the prince of Crestwood. Stick around here long enough and you'll see that firsthand."

Opening my mouth, I'm prepared to point out that if Luke is considered to be a prince around here then the entire student body must be delusional. Before I'm able to get a word out, however, the bell for first period rings.

Saved by the bell, I think to myself. Unfortunately, there are four more of those to go.

»»----- -----««

By the time lunch finally rolls around, I'm more than ready for the break.

Although it's only my first day of school, I'm already drowning in homework and due dates. Crestwood's claim to fame is that they take education very seriously, and I'm disappointed to find out that the statement is true.

Walking out of my classroom, I'm pleasantly surprised to find Emma and Piper waiting for me by my locker. I approach the girls with a smile and conversation instantly strikes up as we head to the cafeteria, Emma looping her arm through mine and Piper following suit.

I find that the cafeteria looks more like a restaurant than a school lunch area, though I keep the thought to myself. Piper and Emma lead me to a wide round table off to the corner of the large room, and soon begin to pull out their chairs. I fall into the seat next to Emma, noticing the opposite two chairs that are left unattended.

As if having some sort of unspoken conversation, Piper and Emma share a long look. I don't think too much of this fact, as I'm a little preoccupied by the boy who strolls up to our table, claiming to be the "waiter". I'm positive it's some dude trying to be funny until Emma and Piper begin to place their orders, and then I'm left to wonder what the hell kind of school I'm attending.

"Hey guys," a voice says out of nowhere. Glancing up, a little startled, I find a dark-haired gray-eyed boy pulling out the chair next to Piper. Taking his seat, he seems to notice me for the first time. Shooting me a warm smile, the boy says, "Hi, New Girl."

"Hello, Strange Boy," I remark, returning his name-calling favor. Emma smiles to herself whilst Piper stifles a laugh. The boy, however, chuckles aloud, wide grin overtaking his features and revealing a dimple in his left cheek.

"Touché," he murmurs, and that is when I realize I'm smiling. "I'm Peter. What about you, New Girl? Got a name?"

"Doesn't everyone?" I counter, raising an eyebrow.

Peter's gray eyes twinkle with mirth as he notes, "You're kind of forward, aren't you, New Girl?"

As I tilt my head to the side, my dark hair cascades over my shoulder. "Only if that's a good thing," I decide, which causes the three around me to laugh once again. Once the laughter has faded, I offer Peter a small smile. "I'm Jade. And I'm also kind of glad you didn't already know that."

Raising an eyebrow at my statement, Peter asks, "Should I have?"

I'm unsure as to why this question makes me blush.

"Maybe," I respond evasively with a coy shrug.

Before either of us mutter another word, another silhouette begins to head our way. I immediately take notice of the blond hair, cold blue eyes, and broad frame. That's all I need to see to know who the person approaching is, and dread starts to fill me to the brim.

Once Luke reaches the table and notices where I'm sitting, he stops in his tracks. Giving his friends blank stares, Luke seems to be silently asking them if this is real. I notice that Emma suddenly seems very interested in the table cloth before her. Piper merely returns Luke's glare, as if simply telling him to get over the fact that I'm here. And Peter sits there humming to himself, completely oblivious to the negative tension drifting in the air between Luke and I.

"What are you doing here?" Luke finally snaps, scowling at me as he falls into the only free seat left, which is between Emma and Peter.

"Wait." Peter's expression is conflicted as he glances over at Luke, dark eyebrows drawn. "You've met New Girl?"

"It's a long story," Emma and Piper deadpan in unison, the focus returning to me and Luke.

"I'm eating lunch with my friends," I tell Luke, offering him a wide and fake grin as I bat my eyelashes. "Isn't that obvious?"

"Hold up." Luke stares at me as if I've just revealed I'm pregnant. With his baby. "Your friends? These are my friends."

"Oh, I'm sorry." I hold a hand to my heart as if I'm shocked. "Your friends? I didn't know you owned them. I swear I wasn't trying to steal your friends from you."

Luke's gaze turns steely, his jaw clenched so tightly it appears as if it would break by the simple action of him grinding his teeth. For the first time ever, I can tell that I have finally worked my way under his skin.

"Well, that's amusing, considering how much you know about stealing."

I don't mean to, though I can't contain my gasp at Luke's remark. Setting my palms face-down on the table, I offer Luke my coldest glare.

"We like Jade, Luke," Piper declares suddenly, defending me. I'm unsure as to whether she says this because she means the words or somehow sees the faint hurt passing through my gaze, but I'm grateful for her back up all the same.

"Yeah," Emma agrees softly, though defiance glows brightly in her blue eyes as she glances up at Luke. "And if you don't like that, you can leave."

"Are you kidding?" Luke scoffs, gaze bouncing between Piper and Emma before finally resting on Peter. Peter only shrugs, reaching into the bag of chips sitting before him. He clearly has no idea as to what is going on here, though seems to be enjoying the show.

"I should leave," Luke repeats, "even though I'm the one whose been friends with you guys since elementary school. I've sat with all of you during lunch every single day since we were six! Why should I be the one to leave?"

A twinge of guilt flows through my veins. I hate to admit it, but Luke is right in this situation. I mean, he's known the three around me for years. I've known them a day. It's as if I'm trying to take over, to corrupt his life. And that isn't how I want to come across at all, to Luke or anyone else.

Just as I'm about to offer to leave the table, Piper speaks up.

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