《His Only Weakness 2 ✔️》Chapter 13
It's been just one night that Bela left for the medical camp but Mahir started feeling as if it's been ages that Bela left him.
Not that he meet and talk to her everyday, but the feeling that she's right there next to him made him feel nice and now he's missing some peace within him.
Pushing his thoughts away he got ready for his office and coming down he found Sumi sitting silently.
"What happened Maa?", Mahir asked
"It's just been few hours and I'm already missing Bela, feels like she's a family and I don't know how would it be when Raghav ji comes back", Sumi said
"True Maa, I though want Bela di with us only always", Kuhu spoke
"Do you also feel the same Bhai?", Yuvi asked
"Huh, what?", Mahir asked confused
"I mean, do you also want Bela with us always?", Yuvi smirked
"I have to leave", Mahir said walking forward
"He surely misses", Yuvi shrugged his shoulders as Mahir leaves
Mahir reaches his office and falls back on his chair lazily. He picks his phone looking at Bela's photo which he secretary clicked when Bela was talking to Sumi the other day.
How much ever he think Bela is talkative, her talks and her exciting smiles in between her gossips is something Mahir adores the most of all.
"Sir", came a voice
"Yes", Mahir answered looking at his PA Nisha
"Sir, we have a meeting now.. shall we leave?", Nisha asked
Mahir looked at her shocked, he was supposed to prepare the presentation for the meeting today and it totally slipped his mind the moment he saw Bela going away as if taking a piece of him with her along.
"Did they arrive?", Mahir asked
"Mr. Dhanunjay's PA is here sir, he said sir is almost there.. he might be in around ten minutes", Nisha informed
"You go, I'll be there in the meeting room", Mahir said and Nisha left the room nodding
"What are you doing to me Bela? This is the first time I ever forgot about a meeting ever since I took up this position.. not even when I..", Mahir stopped in his thoughts not wanting to think of all those again
He quickly opened his laptop going through all the required documents for the deal and with no time for the presentation he got ready with the nessassary details.
"Bhai", Yuvi opened the cabin door coming inside
"What are you doing here? Come we have a meeting now", Mahir said picking his laptop
"It's you who forgot about it having someone or something else in your mind and heart.. but look, I have a backup.. here is your presentation, shall we rock the meeting now?", Yuvi winked at Mahir
Mahir looked at Yuvi thinking how he guessed it so right of what's going in his mind and heart at the moment.
"Don't overthink Bhai, I'm your brother.. I can study your mind a little well you see", Yuvi said dramatically
"Come", Mahir said ignoring his words
Yuvi smirked and both went to the meeting room and few hours later Yuvi hugged Mahir after a successful meeting.
"Congrats Bhai.. and chill, it's just four days" Yuvi said
"Yuvi", Mahir glared
"Okay, sorry Bhai.. but please, it's high time you realise what's going on within you", Yuvi said going away from the place
Mahir stood back still analysing Yuvi's words. He knew Yuvi wasn't wrong coz after so many days he understood this feeling for Bela isn't any small.
It's been almost a month and half that he met Bela for the first time.. despite all the clash of opinion and behaviour initially he knew his relation with her changed over the time.
Something that pulls him towards her again and again over all the situations and circumstances and now he felt like had even given up of staying away from her coz at the end it's with her where his heard found peace out of nowhere.
He wrapped his work quickly going back home, Sumi was surprised seeing Mahir come home this early unlike any other day but choose not to ask and let it be.
Mahir locked his room door falling on his bed and went back to the memory lane feeling all those bitter incidents infront of his eyes again and a sudden flash of Bela made his nerves calm down instantly and he opened his eyes in a go.
"You are my peace Bela, what should I even name what I'm feeling for you?", Mahir thought staring at the ceiling
He took his phone going through his contacts and that's when he realised he doesn't have Bela's number.
"Why don't I even have her number?", Mahir throwed his phone in irritation
"Should I ask Yuvi or kuhu? Ofcourse not Yuvi, he's annoying.. Kuhu? But what should I even talk to Bela? Should I even talk to her?", Mahir was thinking
While in his thoughts Mahir hears a knock at the door, he opens and finds Kuhu standing leaning to the wall.
"You need something Kuhu?", Mahir asked
"You need it Bhaiyya", Kuhu smirked
"Huh?", Mahir looked confused
"953817557", Kuhu said
"What is it?", Mahir asked
"Something which you probably are looking for", Kuhu smiled
"Anyways Bhai, I'm a very good sister unlike Yuvi Bhai.. I don't tease and all, I only help.. so thank me later okay?", Kuhu smirked going away
Mahir closed the door and picked his phone quickly dailing the number Kuhu just said.
"Is this Bela's number? Why did Kuhu tell me this?", Mahir wondered
Mahir called to the number hesitatingly and waited for someone to answer but felt disappointed when no one did.
He wondered if this was really Bela's number or thought if Kuhu was trying to prank him.
He sighed throwing his phone and went to have a relaxing bath. Once he's back he got busy in his work trying to forget his constant thoughts about Bela since morning.
He looked at the time and realised he was working for long. He din't have the appetite to have dinner so simply decided to sleep for the day and picked his phone only to find missed call from the same number he dailed a few hours ago.
"Should I call back? Is it actually Bela?", Mahir wonderful dailing the number again
"Hello", Came a voice from the other end
Mahir felt things freeze around him listening to her voice after a good twenty four hours which he was probably was awaiting for.
"Bela?", Mahir whispered unable to form proper words
"Mahir? Is this you?", Bela asked and a small smile crept at the corner of his lips
He din't know how but just listening to her voice did so much within and he felt an instant energy radiating inside him.
He now knew, this isn't something he can deny any longer.. as much as he don't want this, he doesn't want to accept this.. he knew his feelings and emotions went too far that now he has to abide to his heart but his fears pulled him back yet again from taking any further step.
But one thing is clear for him, He Likes her.. Likes her way more than he can imagine. Love might be a big word too early but whatever it is, he knew it's pure and strong for her which he don't want to let go ever.
"Mahir?", Bela called again
Bela went busy with the medical camp being conducted, Vyom and Vish where equally busy throughout the day and somehow Bela started missing everyone at home.
All her life being just her dad, she din't know what a family means. Her dad was her only family so far and today she felt as if even she have a big family.
"Wassup Madam", Vish sat next to Bela
"Nothing, just missing all of them", Bela said
"You seem to be quite close to them right?", Vish asked
"Yeah, they all are so good to me", Bela smiled
"I know, Yuvi speaks a lot about you.. I mean wow, we go on a date and he starts ranting about you", Vish glared at her
"I know right? That guy loves me so much, he's such a fun", Bela smiled wide
"Yes yes, how about Mahir though?", Vish asked
"What about him?", Bela asked
"That is what I'm asking", Vish said
"What should I tell? He speaks very less, half the time I only think what's going on in his mind", Bela said
"You like him right?", Vish asked
"I do", Bela said packing her bag
"You do?", Vish stood up excited
"Don't over react Vish, you know I like him", Bela rolled her eyes
"But you never told me", Vish complained
"But you still know right?", Bela shrugged
"Details", Vish glared
"I like him, that's it.. end of topic", Bela said
"Hey that's not fair, you love him na?", Vish asked
"Woah calm down, you are going too far Vish.. I just like him, you please stop there", Bela said
"Fine", Vish rolled her eyes
"Hey Ladies", Vyom chirped
"My dinner", Bela asked
"Wow, after a tiring day I'm greeting you and you just ask for dinner?", Vyom glared
"Exactly, it's a tiring day so I'm hungry now", Bela said taking the plate from his hand
"How convenient", Vyom rolled his eyes
"So what's it in between you and Yuvi?", Bela asked
"Something something.. I mean, I like him.. I know even he does, but you know my fears right?", Vish asked
"I understand, but knowing Yuvi so far I can guarantee he's a good person", Bela said
"Mom and dad are also good as a person Bela, but if you ask what made them divorce then I don't have an answer", Vish smiled
"I think you must talk to him, I have seen you taking someone seriously first time and I can say Yuvi isn't just another guy for you", Bela said
"He isn't, I know he's special and I want him in my life.. it's just that I'm not able to be sure of it", Vish confessed
"Take you time, don't have to rush okay? But don't let him go for your fears" Bela said to which Vish smiled
"And what about us?", Vyom asked
Bela went silent listening to Vyom, she herself don't know if this is gonna work and she felt blank when she was asked such question.
"I mean, we are trying to date and you say you like Mahir", Vyom smirked
"Hey don't take me wrong", Bela was quick
"Chill, I was kidding.. but nice choice huh", Vyom winked
"Vyom", Bela glared
"Honestly I'm not able to see you beyond a friend Bela.. may be you can stick to your Mahir only", Vyom smiled
"Ayy there's nothing of that sort, you both should stop thinking too much about it", Bela said
"If you say so", Vyom laughed
Bela continued eating while she received a call from an unknown number, by the time she picked it to answer the call it went off.
"It's okay, call back after your dinner" Vish said and Bela nodded
Bela completed having her dinner and called back to the same number but no one picked.
Hours later when Bela already has slept being tired she received a call from the same number and annoyed of getting her sleep disturbed, she got up and answered the call.
"Hello", Bela spoke
"Bela?", Came a voice after a pause
"Mahir? Is this you?", Bela asked softly
"Mahir?", Bela called again when she din't get any response
"Ahh yeah, Bela", Mahir said
"Hey, I was missing you", Bela smiled sitting straight
"You too?", Mahir whispered
"Someone else is also missing?", Bela asked
Mahir closed his eyes at how he's not having a hold on his words these days.
"Umm no, how are you?", Mahir asked
"Tired", Bela yawned
"Did I disturb? I mean, where you sleeping?", Mahir asked
"Yeah, who calls at this time Mahir? But anyways I'm happy you did.. I wanted to speak to you", Bela said
"Speak what?", Mahir asked
"Just like that, casually", Bela said
Mahir remained silent, he wondered if Bela also felt the same that he's going through ever since she left.
"What are you thinking?", Bela asked
"Nothing", Mahir answered
"You go silent like this whenever something is running in your mind", Bela said
"Oh so you observe so much?", Mahir asked
"I'm trying to", Bela laughed
"You should sleep", Mahir said
"But, I wanna talk to you", Bela said
"You are tired Bela", Mahir said
"You don't wanna talk to me?", Bela asked
"Good Night", Mahir said
"Hey stop idiot, what's this huh? You can't talk to me like this", Bela frowned
"How should I talk to you then?", Mahir asked
"Um.. I don't know, but not like this", Bela pouted
"Don't pout Bela", Mahir said
"How do you know that I pouted?", Bela asked surprised
"Just felt", Mahir said
"Oh I see even you are observing me well", Bela smiled
"Whatever", Mahir muttered
"Fine, you are right.. I should sleep, good night", Bela yawned
"Good night Bela", Mahir cut the call
Mahir looked at himself in the mirror to find himself smiling and knowing that's because of Bela, his smile grew wide and he ruffled his hair thinking of her.
A couple of days passed in the same way, both Mahir and Bela where missing eachother too much that Mahir ended up coming home early only to wait for Bela to call him.
Immediately after Bela was free she used to call Mahir and tell all her day's activities, somehow Mahir also found it interesting and enjoyed just listening to her continuous talks which seem to never bore him.
He knew where this is going, but didn't want to give a thought to all that and chose to go with the flow.
Whereas Bela was feeling a whole new sensation in her stomach whenever she speaks to Mahir.. all these days felt different, and these three days felt different in some way.
Although they weren't together, she felt close to him as if he was with her all the while and she din't know how to take this feeling.
Bela's dad, Raghav had also informed Bela that he's gonna come back next week for her.. and somewhere not wanting to stay from Mahir, Bela convinced Raghav to stay a few more weeks there just making sure he's done with all the work and that she's fine here.
Listening to her words, Raghav also accepted to stay back another couple of weeks and then come to Mumbai.
It's the last day of Bela's medical camp and hence was too busy while on the other hand Mahir couldn't hold back without seeing Bela.
Although he knew it's the last day, and within next twenty four hours she would be infront of him but unable to hold back he picked his car keys going outside.
"Hey Bhai, you going somewhere?", Yuvi asked
"Yes, have some work.. you take care of all this today", Mahir said moving ahead
Yuvi wondered what could it be but let it go and got back to his work.
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