《He's My BadBoy》Epilogue


"Are you sure you don't mind me doing this?" I ask Ryder as I sit up in the bed, pulling the white sheets with me

He shrugs, and walks towards the bathroom and I try my best to keep my eyes on his face, but obviously fail "babe, either you post it or they do"

"True" I look back down at my phone and press the post button

Exposing my relationship, so you don't have to!

It's the same night as the beach party, but right now it's closer to the morning. People will obviously have seen us at the party and RWH will definitely be on it but Ryder and I decided to get in their before them... you know maybe take the edge off a bit.

Ryder comes out of the bathroom a few minutes later "get some sleep" he whispers after getting back into bed beside me and wrapping his arms around my waist to pull my closer. He peppers light kisses on my neck

I laugh "Ryder I swear to god if you want to get some sleep, you need to stop doing that"

"Who needs sleep anyway" he smirks before connecting our lips


"Look who it is" Shay grins as I walk into the cafeteria on Monday "the girl who exposes her own secrets before the idiots of this place does it for her"

I do a bow gesture before I sit down beside Ryder who's on the opposite side of the table as her "what can I say, maybe I should expose my nudes next is very freeing"

Ryder laughs "that's never gonna happen babe, from now on it's just me who sees those"

Just then Sean sits down beside Ryder "please don't tell me these two are gonna start being cringe" he mutters with a smirk on his face


I roll my eyes playfully "okay Molly, I don't think we're going to take advice from you"

Sean scoffs "Don't hate it, cause you ain't it"

"What are we talking about?" Loren asks as she sits beside Shay

"Which couple is more cringe, Molly and Sean or Ryder and Talia?"

"Oh Molly and Sean one hundred percent" Loren blurts

"Seriously?" Sean huffs

"That's not a bad thing, you guys just like posting together a lot"

Sean shakes his head "Talia posted a picture of her making out with Ryder literally a couple of days ago"

Loren grins "yeah, I know. It was iconic"

Everyone at the table laughs at Sean's reaction

"Ryder what's your opinion on this?" Sean turns towards him

Ryder shakes his head "bad idea making me choose between you and my girl, I'm staying out of it"

"I can't wait to tell Molly this" Sean exclaims

"She'll laugh" I tell him "you and I both know that"

He shakes his head "whatever, I'm happy with her and she's happy with me. We don't care what you think"

I grin "I'm proud of you right now"

Sean laughs realising we were purposely trying to drive him crazy "I hate you guys"

The rest of the day goes pretty quickly. I'm sitting in last class when the speaker from the office buzzes

"Hey guys it's me, your one and only bad boy" Ryders voice echoes through the classroom "anyway as you all know my most recent experience with a certain two people who think they rule the school didn't end well and I knew my words weren't going to do much" there's a brief pause. I glance over at Cammy and Helen, I'm lucky enough to be in the same class as them, but right now neither of the look worried "so I thought I'd make it a little more serious. I never agreed with the things these two said but unfortunately for the students of this school we couldn't do anything about their words."


Cue the smug faces. Meanwhile my stomach is doing flip-flops. Ryder mentioned nothing about this to me "But, you see right in front of me I have the evidence to prove that Helen and Camila have been hacking people's phones to steal photos and publicly shame them" the gasps that fill them room block his voice for a minute and I glance over at Cammy and Helen to see they suddenly look worried "which is a criminal offence here by the way. Not to mention the private photos they have stored away which definitely won't go down well in court"

Cammy and Helen stand up in sync and storm towards the door. Our teacher looks distraught as if she can't comprehend what's happening. Suddenly the classroom door opens and Ryder walks in with two police officers in tow.

"Ryder, I swear to god if you don't retract your statement!" Helen shrieks. The rooms completely silent

"Or you'll what?" Ryder crosses his arms "you see I don't think you realise that money won't buy you out of this one"

"What are you doing this for? Because Talia dropped her pants? You're wrapped around her little finger"

Ryder shakes his head "for years you've made her life hell" he directs that statement at Helen, then turns to Cammy "you claimed to be her best friend, but you were just as bad"

Camila takes the mention of our 'friendship' as an opportunity to look at me with pleading eyes "come on Tal, you know I wouldn't hurt you"

I scoff and stand up before walking towards them. I stop beside Ryder and interlock our fingers "you wouldn't hurt me? Can you hear yourself right now?" I glance between the two of them "If either of you ever say my name again, so help me god. You put me through hell with the RWH bullshit, treated me like I was some bug you could walk all over"

Ryder turns towards the officers "thanks for letting us do that"

One of them nods "Seems pretty well deserved to me"

We walk out with them to the parking lot and when they're gone I turn to Ryder "thank you"

"For what? I wish I'd done it sooner"

I shake my head "you're amazing"

He shrugs "what can I say. Best boyfriend of the year award goes to...."

I laugh "wanna get out of here?"


"You really took them down" Molly grins later on that evening. We're having a barbecue on the beach.

"I mean I wasn't there for the end but even the speaker part was amazing" Loren takes a gulp of her drink "finally they got what they deserved"

"They had it coming" Shay adds "I mean they put Talia through hell, not to mention constantly scrutinised every aspect of Ryder and Talia's relationship"

"I bet Ryder for thanked for that one the right way" Molly smirks and I glance over at Ryder and Sean who are turning the meat on the barbecue

"Of course" I grin "I don't think he even realises how much what he did means to me"

"He done it for that exact reason hun" Shay smiles

"I'm so gonna marry that idiot" I say as I watch him laugh at something Sean said

"Don't we know it"

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